Thursday, January 19, 2023





Wake up a new day in this life welcome,

Freshness visible physical thrill entice,

Cold winds, absent, shivering the spine,

Still, enjoyable, profusely sunrays spray,

On the balcony, a rose plant today is bright,

A red rose big smile, attractive influences,

Look for a few seconds, pensive a life glows,

How fragrant, beautiful hypnosis with act,

Live up to the moment capable, transform,

Gloomy eyes fascinated entangled captive,

Happy today my first sight, the bright rose,

The entire day was singing, friends gossiping,

What happened to this guy smiling a lot,

Concentrated on my work, was attentive,

Forgot the morning, energetic, lovely time,

Conferences, meeting with people define,

Work is the source of income, staying happy,

Money, if far better than rose, hopes swell,

How many thoughts flow, continuous,

To build a beautiful house, a garden, big,

Collects selected furniture assets many,

Gadgets flooding the market tempting,

Plan to travel to scenic places, meet nature,

Lose for some time, relaxing, rejuvenated,

Reengaged to work, work, and work only,

Tours diary crowded reports to type,

Part of the business, modern age, run and run,

Respite, less desired career, big promotion,

Kept my pen in my pocket, watched the time,

Quite late at night still, caution catch a train,

That day I penned my diary being emotional,

How much difficulty did I face to get this job,

The study for a few percentage crumples life,

The body, like a rock statue, looked results,

Thank god, passed, looked behind,

A few were sobbing, biting their lips,

Streaming tear and shattered dream emotions,

Visible that day, sneaked out of the group,

Envy crept into me to capture a good job,

Never looked back at my friends, parents,

Less shared life with brothers, sisters,

My life posed a magnificent vision join,

Join dear selected to the stream unique,

That your fate, luck, and fortune waits,

Just dedicate your life to gold piling,

Enjoy your life, all pleasures waiting,

Slept that day perfectly, with tired limbs,

Next dawn, it was electric ran to the balcony,

The rose got pale, cold frosted bite all,

A few petals have fallen to the ground floor,

The fragrance pink aura, missing, I collect,

Surprised I was crying the death of a flower,

Sentimental the beautiful life ended,

Compared to my life, I was speechless,

What? what I did, performed, successful,

Then, a simple rose captured my heart,

Whom did I did served, my parents, we siblings?

Gave comparable pleasure joy of a rose,

Was my life that fragrant I live my day,

Fallen as this flower, people will cherish,

The sentiment that never touched chained,

Emotions past lesion messages are hidden,

Sentimental a soul, a rose petal in hand,

Found my life moving amid dreary sand!



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sentimental

Themes: Significance of a rose

Date: 13th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Socking the gruesome sight crowded,

Billowing dark fumes, tongues of fire,

Burning the high-rise building houses,

Loud cries of people at height waving,

The specter pleading for help saving a life,

Who are you uniformed men daring,

Fighting sparing own life rises on a ladder,

Pour water jet through windows, balconies,

Enters into smoking windows daredevil,

High apartment lives choked unconscious,

No way to come down life closed,

Staircases engulfed by fire confined,

Clueless trying to jump to death,

The wrong choice to save life fail decision,

Just this moments enter these men,

Lifts limbs drained out of energy,

Through rope ladder platform rescue,

Hours of these horrible scene fight,

Continues till the deathly inferno off,

Extinguished the fire, charred lives,

Devastated families, horrible death occur,

A life that matters a few seconds save,

The blackened faces burning eyes search,

Recover senseless, dying children, babies,

Spine chilling actions wordless achieve,

The saga of firefighters amid ruins,

Crawl among amber, intense heat,

The action final, end operations, back,

A big megapolis explosions miles away,

Fire and black smoke touches the sky,

Destroyed adjacent buildings, traffic,

Cordon off the entire crowd, danger zone,

Bystander observes people agitated,

Burning people within the fuel station,

Shouting excited pushing the rope,

Blocked by these death-defying men,

Cool, and calm, highly trained,

Managing irate crowd make way,

Let the vehicles firefighter move in,

Fire extinguishers spray chemicals,

A more dangerous place may explode,

Trembles me they walk through smolder,

Fight the operation nerve-wracking,

The toxic fume, heat, live working,

A few days the hell fire put-off now,

Leaves devastation, destruction,

A few lives were lost, wounded rescued,

Savior of human life unlisted,

News, how many survived, property saved,

These brave men disappear like a ghost,

Look at them have worried families,

Purposefully children kept out of father,

It happens such savior succumbs,

Wait, family desperate heard the news,

Sacrificed the life, not at war field,

But saving own people in dire threat,

No way means the job, skill, and courage,

Tearful inks saluting immortal spirits,

Walking on a road footpath traffic jam,

Listen to blaring sirens speeding cars,

Divided the road to the side, opens fast,

Blocked green signals to halt let fire-men,

The men in helmet stand ringing the bell,

The eyes of people viewing them,

Standstill on a footpath, drivers notice,

I found these faces animate unique,

Rarely I saw these hopeful eyes sparkle,

Praying for their spirit salute bravery,

Animate the air fast and quick happen,

Lingers deep gratitude a fire has shaken


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Animate

Themes: Firefighters an enigma

Date: 19th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite reserved



Thursday, January 12, 2023





Sober this heart, quiet thinking,

Watches floating thoughts in mind,

Where is its source, where is it moving,

Endless surprises soul thirsty often,

Wants innumerable goods to please,

Pleasure evaporates, vaporizes instantly,

Search again mind fantasy thought to create,

Sit still, unmoved, looking vacantly, a lot,

Forgets where am I? why is sitting here,

Dream castles already build, I travel.

Visible to me beautiful house in front,

Colored glasses, windows closed,

Knocks the front door rings loudly,

Push a bit, found the door open sliding,

Astonished at the carpet sofa furniture,

No one is seen in the room empty, decorated,

Wooden frames wall mounted paintings,

As if images living, looking at me,

Enters long corridors with hundreds of rooms,

Windows with frosted glass in front,

Speechless found someone behind standing,

A person of my height faintly seen,

Disappearing, then the visible body,

Sometimes obscure face or palms, fingers,

Misty eyes, translucent nose touching glass,

Disappear suddenly curious my heart,

Who is living in this room enters quickly,

No one is there, the room vacant,

Look through the frosted glass image same,

Inside myself but the image from the balcony,

Run out of the room alarmed in a sock,

Empty is the long corridor hunting a time,

The big house, no one could be found, returned,

Melted the daydream, lingered the sight,

Who was he behind the frosted glass,

It was making fun of me, hide and seek,

Opened my heart walked and walked,

Tired limbs thoughtless rest under a tree,

Suddenly found life unsure of myself,

Unconvinced in every aspect of duty,

Hunting fear lurks behind obscurity,

Terrorizing all the while mind inkling ideas,

Failure sure to fail after effort, hard work,

I questioned, directed to me, bluntly scornful,

How come? deduced the outcome, just started,

Predicting the result as failure idiocy,

Where has gone my courage and conviction,

Love my dear girlfriend, fear losing caution?

Before approaching her feeling unreal,

She is lost for me, rejected my hand,

Trembles my nerves losing the adorn,

She is very much mine uniting with me,

So assuring her voice, she talks of  the future,

We are to build a sweet home but less luster,

Our study, career, job, notoriety mind,

Playing with me, treacherous tactics,

Confirmed by now this one was playing,

Blurred image of mine, mind projected,

Found convenient a frosted glass,

Easy to vanish and appear weird,

The solitude under a tree amidst nature,

Aroused conscience hinted at self-doubt,

Exposed fled that day I could recognize,

From miles away approaching my red eyes,

No more your slave run from my heart,

Confide friends from that day become smart.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Self Doubt

Themes: The mind lacks focus, unsure

Date: 12th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Wednesday, January 11, 2023





The most ancient civilization persists,

Withstood the vagaries of time routed,

Stands till modern times look at twenty-first,

The century eagerly awaited stays supreme,

The triangle base of the Himalayas widest,

From the Hindukush to Rangoon expanse,

Touched the Indian ocean at Kanyakumari,

The peninsula of billion plus people plural,

Hosts countless cultures, tribes, ethnics,

Color the hundreds of languages, cultures,

The people believe in God's path numerous,

Citadel of interfaith tolerance coexistence,

Thousands of Masjids, Churches, temples,

Equal the monasteries education hubs,

All are growing majestic democracy help,

Freedom, fundamental right liberty won,

True equality for the vast population stark real,

Exercises franchise election mindboggling,

From destitute, laborer, and peasants to corporate,

From female, male, young or old alike,

Their index finger decides the ruler, mighty,

The opposite happens, massive landslides,

A tea seller child on a train gets victorious,

A newspaper boy minority is the president,

A tribal woman replaces his position,

Democracy, significant exercise, marvel,

The smooth transition of power  progress,

Freedom to women, free education focus,

Senior citizens get support health onus,

Youth educated skilled migrate worldwide,

Ages ago traveled across the ocean as laborers,

Cane fields, granaries, industry demand,

Generations settled accepted nationalities,

The language, culture, food, dress styles,

Little eroded, still visible, the rituals,

Practices the same faith builds temples, Gurdwara,

Follows customs of forefathers practices,

Thousand miles away from ancestor's land,

Still, love treats the motherland feel nostalgic,

Remind centuries ago, traveled on ship,

Established built homeland children grew,

Flowing back home of forefathers, experience,

An ocean of life complex yet splendor pull,

Intoxicate festivals celebrate ancient land,

Smeared with colors spray color powder,

The dance song musical, drum rhythm,

Folk dancers dress in costumes, colorful,

The stepping ecstatic entices the heart to sing,

To dance in synch smiling soul is lost,

Tearful feels forefathers were like this,

Happy, prosperous, wise, knowledgeable,

Indomitable spirit, benevolent, kind, loving,

Hospitable, never been aggressor, gentle,

Knew, still recognize peace, care, compassion,

Love earth, nature, and the people of the world,

Brotherhood saves internal strife to amity,

Hundreds of islands in the ocean, countries,

Migration continues unabated, skilled,

Skilled people, now the spine of adopted land,

Engineers, doctors, scientists, builders,

Hardworking unscrupulous people,

Hiring respect, honor, rewards through work,

A few writers perform in art, culture,

World-class Diaspora linked to the past,

Travels very often visit length and breadth,

Experience millennia-old rich civilizations,

That extends a Diaspora over the globe.

Just one returned homeland freed from slavery,

In the third quarter of a century, indebted billions.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Diaspora

Themes: Overseas Indians Day

Date: 10th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, January 10, 2023




Who calls every night wakes up alerted,

Listens to the flue playing a tune, unique,

Entangles heart overwhelm but invisible,

Floating in the air pervading nature sweet,

Looked outside through the windows cold night,

Freezing night full moon dark clouds floating,

The surreal panorama instrumental dreamy,

House near the river bends near tranquil,

Silence night is fragrant melodious distinct,

Incessant the rhythm flute intoxicates me,

Inviting in doubt reaching me seducing,

Every fiber tissue blood vibrates attuned,

Why am I crying, flowing freezing tears,

Glistening with moonlight, silvery, mystic,

The invitation, a mystery, a place known,

Ignorant me, who plays the flute is extraordinary,

Attenuate the silence of night unparallel,

Stood for hours in the dead of night,

Listens to the melody magnetic flowing,

The cold winds of January are mind-blowing,

Hurting every bone through the window,

Closed it, slept under a thick blanket, shivers,

Gradual the warmth crept dreams,

Saw a handsome youth playing the flute,

Encompassing the green forests floral scene,

Creating a specter of heavenly peace,

The cows crowd around the young man,

Visible the hypnotic melody quieting all,

The birds throng the branches still,

The river in waves gentles as if playing,

A gentle breeze, grassy fields, river bank,

Minutely witnessing the flute touching all,

The tranquility of unearthly mingle rhythm,

The youth is like a pied piper controlling all,

Bewitched, bewildered, baffled, the surround,

Everything immobile attuned enjoying,

Captive to the tune flute plays slowly,

Unmoved neither day nor night in a haze,

The witness is my soul to the spectral haze,

Slept that night at dawn and jerked awake,

Distinctly remember the dream unforgettable,

Clear to me the music of flute speechless,

It continues playing when alert or in dreams,

Who plays this note overwhelms wordless,

Crossed the river near the village search,

Weeks and months passed I roamed every village,

Nobody could answer me on such a youth,

Sits among cow herd on a rock plats flute,

Failed in my attempt left the efforts,

It struck all of a sudden that I encountered,

Met this youth when a child decades ago,

Playing his flute, herding a hundred cows,

The bells of cows ringing beautifully,

All of the cows follow the youth to the field,

Stood electric moments first heard a melody,

Forgotten the scenes, dustbowl golden,

The setting sun orange red hued sky,

Failed as a child, and where I am,

Is it me dreaming smiled so real,

Behind the dusty haze, disappeared by now,

Forgotten the tune, its infectious melody,

Grew up years saw seasons distracted,

Youthful female fantasy stole my heart,

Settled had a family life, fatherly experience,

Clouded childhood serenity, innocence,

An age arrived past twilight years sensed,

It is time to connect life in a cycle of secrecy mist,

Someone playing the flute revived memory,

Dawn to dusk, midnight, if my life the flute,

Playing my tune that I can listen to,

Pervading the ether  beyond the window,

Soul only felt it was that magnetic.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Magnetic

Themes: If life was not the flute

Date: 8th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite.



Sunday, January 8, 2023






Write when life sinks uplifted quietly,

Unforgettable unbelievable is realistic,

Human life, mysterious, entwines events,

When socked to see life shattered yet not,

Sprouts green leaves couple, a stem roots,

Decayed the dead trunk soils absorbed,

The stem shapes into giant tree foliage,

Unspoken words just indicated eternity,

How many houses, reduced to dust, forgotten,

Eyes watch everything, sighs build a new one,

It crops up at different times, places, destiny,

The last page of the story, speechless, ends,

The girl loved by her neighbor, uncle,

Grew before him, her parents acknowledge,

Uncle's house, her home aunty adores,

The pretty girl grew to beautiful young,

Completed post-graduate degree good,

The family celebrated her marriage in a pump,

The bridegroom, neighbor's son, friends,

Uncle could know her husband, decent was rich,

Happy life continued for a few years, sweet,

In a childless couple, sadness was invisible,

Uncle's son visits the girl occasionally,

Relations after her marriage kept cordial,

Dawn wrecks life and plays havoc sadly,

Unseen master plays climax to tragedies,

Uncle from the newspaper came to know,

The husband of the girl met an accident,

Expired that night at the hospital,

Talked to his son being uncle wanted to meet,

Father and son both visited her,

Heartbroken, a skeletal shape sunken,

Disarrayed long black hairs knee length,

Ornaments, gold jewelry taken out,

Her life as if standstill, ghostly future,

She was still young, wearing a vacant look,

Hugged uncle cried intolerable a sight,

Uncle's son equally in tears, death of a friend,

They were close friends from childhood,

Uncle knows the man, simple, qualified,

Untimely death accidents are frequent,

But picture unseen are ruined lives, homes,

Who note these incidents remember, sad,

For a moment, see humans stunned, forgotten,

Uncle didn't forget to tell her, are you coming home,

She confirmed to return to her parent's place,

There I chose to write this tragic poem,

How come; it changed so suddenly, overwhelmed,

Her uncle decided to conduct a remarriage,

Accepted the girl to be the bride for his son,

Before that is confirmed by him,

Arranging the marriage ceremony for his son,

Just the neighbor, the girl's parents disbelieved,

First wordless, then speechless, in a nod,

The show of love beyond answers sealed,

The girl heard the news awestruck,

Ran to her uncle's house  and met him,

Why, how come, uncle, you proposed,

Her white sari, cut-off long hair, no jewelry,

Bare feet, without bangles, less vermilion,

A marble statue I beholding white life,

erased the color of life, fragrance, rosy,

No tears, sorrows, resentment stinking,

Life just turned like stone white,

Felt wet tears in my eyes and thanked Lord,

What a master to make break then make,

Mountain to pebble, pebble to palace,

The white life white cotton sari grace!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: White Life

Theme: Remarriage of widowed life

Date: 7th January 2023

@ Copywrite