Saturday, September 9, 2023






Quiet cremation ground induces,

Utter silence penetrative reduce,

A surprising gust of wind touches,

Mystery, a coldness approaches,(1)


This is the ground, an era terminate,

Mere thought of desires intimate,

Human, no more vanished breath,

Silent was the last breath, wealth, (2)


To escape from infinite burdens,

Paradise a dream only cauldrons,

Pyre hell burning flame a tongue,

Swallows tension, fear, swansong, (3)


Peace, infinite peace, eons to stay,

Still living being loves life dismay,

Births, accompanied cries, shrilling,

Spreads happiness, tearful feeling, (4)


Innocence is born simultaneously,

Peace is visible, smile mysteriously,

The world, the planet's unique state,

Blue planet in the universe relate, (5)


Humans fight for territory history,

Invasion aggression deathly story,

Mother Earth's bountiful grain crop,

Mountain forest river jealous drop, (6)


Drop magnificence, tranquility, sad,

Devastation and greed play downward,

Human history extinction glaring,

Civilizations sank lo wrongdoing, (7)


Today, world leaders gather hope,

Freeze holocaust happening roped,

Peace, infinite peace at earth or air,

Peace for the ocean at the bottom to share, (viii)


Peace in space water rivers survive,

Revive nature, unite earth to thrive,

This was millennia ago, is the place,

For the land, a needle tip area lace, (9)


The war, eighteen days horror inks,

The victor and defeated died links,

Greed inhibits peace, and if eliminated,

Today, the city, the place, excited, (10)


Sadly emphasize, the human race is soft,

Achieve brotherhood amity, effort,

Peace only to be the outcome sign,

End conflicts utterly failed, resign, (11)


Peace guarantees prosperity allure,

Promises for security growth sure,

United human hearts, dismantle,

Discrimination exploitation tackle, (12)


Writing the September is historic,

World leaders converged, ecstatic,

World attention, aspire total peace,

An understanding, critical, suffice, (13)


Two days, the deliberation, to discuss,

Written memorandum conscientious,

Leaders sign, state unequivocally,

Achieves peace, pleads irrevocably. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Peace

Themes: Rare world peace hope achieved

Written: 9th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Friday, September 8, 2023






Perplexed, fascinates the mind,

Quiet, silent, or jubilant rewind,

Astonished, steamy eyes, stream,

Mimic trickles from rock dream, (1)


Alas, dark clouds cover the sky,

Aghast sadness enveloping defy,

Resembles morning dews teary,

Laughter, capture life flee worry, (2)


Alarmed, at times, fear stalks evil,

Conspire heart unwanted thrill,

Thrills ring throb, mischievous,

Young curious life harmonious, (3)


Cloud burst of emotion lucidity,

Clamorous desires ooze fluidity,

Strikes incidents visiting death,

Stupefied time unmoved breath,(4)


Such moments etch deeply stay,

Demise, defy age, gender, dismay,

Alibis thousands, event shatter,

Contemplate mysterious flatter,(5)


Forgets past, horrible scar, clear,

Life essentially love, to live pure,

Memory, happiness, or sorrow,

Shield tightly, look tomorrow,(6)


Forget, forgive, survive, flow well,

Silence envelops the mind dwell,

The stuff of soul, permeate love,

Heart churns, turbulence trove,(7)


Activate conflicting mind fights,

Confluence of thoughts, sights,

Imparted hues infinite coloring,

Discover water from rocks sing, (viii)


Rivulet clean water flows image,

Flowing over the pebbles amaze,

How similar human thought, act,

Behave like a stream duly react, (9)


Block the tiny stream hell refuse,

Alarmed, the stream turns into a deluge,

Burst the dam, life in suppression,

Thought, act like a potent weapon, (10)


Noticeable flurry of rapid churn,

Breaks rock into the sand, sojourn,

Excited heart explicit to provoke,

Conflict, the human mind, run amock, (11)


Rewind the tread of sequence lit,

Quietly flows the stream delight,

Calmly notice transparent rock,

Stream finds a path, good luck, (12)


Murmuring musical light plays,

Dazzles tiny wave sparkle haze,

Haze replicated in pacified life,

Calmness quietude block strife, (13)


Stream flows match thought,

The rainbow colors mind effort,

Lack turbulence depression a lot,

Emotion to devotion passion rot, (14)


Rare sight serenity stream defuse,

Thoughts flow quietly and lack deluge.

The stream is a magical cooling act,

Slow motion the thoughts attract. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Deluge

Themes: A stream matches the flow of thoughts

Written: 8th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 



Thursday, September 7, 2023





When to cry, the humans choose,

Impatience, anger, time lives loose,

Enough bloodshed, death, sadly,

Forced out of the homeland, madly,(1)


Aghast tearful sock generation,

Wandering among ruins lesson,

Burning beastly anger avenges,

Revenge mind blinded changes, (2)


Claims territory torture cruelly,

Disrespects morality, critically,

Mile-long migration, native cry,

Newborn babies, females sigh, (3)


The desert heat, European cold,

Neighboring country cost hold,

They feed, provide home alters,

Demand peace, invader falters, (4)


Wall ethnicity, religion, political,

Attacker cleanser, cruelty fatal,

Mass graves human heart sock,

Countries in group unite mock, (5)


Neutralize attempts, the amity,

The generation usher calamity,

Vanishing verdure forest faded,

Dry bed of rivers, water traded, (6)


Human race at juncture stark,

Dying people, for water, air, hark,

Poisoned water, polluted air hit,

Science, technology, greed defeat, (7)


Manmade-catastrophe, invisible,

Human greed, jealousy, cripple,

Rise ocean level sinking island,

Overnight solution magic wand, (viii)


Summit countries united firmly,

Promise to change lives calmly,

United, solemn promises, accord,

Implemented iron fists to record, (9)


Taken oath one world the future,

Brotherhood to save a race here,

Finish terror militancy violence,

A peaceful world prospers, secure, (10)


Alarmed forest fires deluge sight,

Climate prime subject rule tight,

Delhi, the capital, bridal, dressed,

Colored fountains murals laced, (11)


Security unseen might cordons,

Tall leaders converge, burdens,

The security networks, routines,

Summit human hopes, destines, (12)


Dismantle mistrust suspicions,

Remove doubts, save minions,

Neither in the past nor the future,

Sealed the memorandum secure, (13)


Shield, ill-fated migrants climate,

Save-earth revive nature, dictate,

They have come, engaged to address,

Sign world trade, invest, business, (14)


Decorated hotel, boulevard bright,

Arrive royal reception leaves flight,

Summit host country to remember,

Success humanity at test reminder. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Summit

Themes: Sign, seal, and shield the future

Written: 7th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite









Wednesday, September 6, 2023






Impressive skies, helluva beatitude,

Attractive company allure solitude,

Phenomenal youth, expansive love,

Romantic life experiences involve, (1)


Far away from the mundane world to live,

Far away from sufferings, beehive,

Far away from family burdens trail,

Far away from responsibilities fail, (2)


Conceptualized free birds pigeons,

Love white doves, enamored eons,

Meadows awash with dew scents,

Aromatic intoxicate dream invents, (3)


Lonely pedestrians, hand in hand,

Warmth transmutes a magic wand,

Melting distances guarded soften,

Visualize share rosy future notion, (4)


Far behind school days friendship,

Far behind study a time courtship,

The flowery season adds color spectral,

Exchanged rings promise magical, (5)


Stopped time moving further wait,

Two precious lives united in duet,

Promises infinite, melt into either,

Sanctimonious, sacrosanct better, (6)


Love percolates into a labyrinth silly,

Boundless trust in between, fully,

The meeting discussion promises,

Back home concretized surprises, (7)


Love in between two souls worry,

Proposals revelation sequel marry,

A house assets furniture assessed,

Working individual pair addressed, (viii)


Their parent desired children softly,

The story socked all, the sequel abruptly,

Couple firm, decided, astonish hell,

Preferred to be childless life prevail, (9)


Sad were the parents angry, fluent,

Based on their promise consequent,

Stubborn, silent, well couple prefer,

Less discussion on topics of demeanor, (10)


Frequently quit discussions notice,

Happy to lead a life childless suffice,

The ultimate result of friction is a debacle,

The couple blamed their parents, tackle, (11)


Showed them their crimes fulcrum 

Left octogenarians at the shelter home,

Bluntly told them to face the situation,

Their time will come, duly reaction, (12)


The sequela continues morality lost,

Their twilight years, past sins cost,

Better to stay childless, die lonely,

Condone parents custom live only, (13)


Disappeared the bitter fight clearly,

Separated from parents, reject the family,

Attending shelter home, meeting often,

Grandkids, decisions, heart molten, (14)


Missed their children and grandkids here,

Buoyant human life humanity fear. 

Old age shelter hole destination lit,

Split family atomic modernity hit. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

 Title of Poem: Buoyant

Themes: Rejected old parents bless grandkids 

Written: 6th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite