Saturday, September 9, 2023






Quiet cremation ground induces,

Utter silence penetrative reduce,

A surprising gust of wind touches,

Mystery, a coldness approaches,(1)


This is the ground, an era terminate,

Mere thought of desires intimate,

Human, no more vanished breath,

Silent was the last breath, wealth, (2)


To escape from infinite burdens,

Paradise a dream only cauldrons,

Pyre hell burning flame a tongue,

Swallows tension, fear, swansong, (3)


Peace, infinite peace, eons to stay,

Still living being loves life dismay,

Births, accompanied cries, shrilling,

Spreads happiness, tearful feeling, (4)


Innocence is born simultaneously,

Peace is visible, smile mysteriously,

The world, the planet's unique state,

Blue planet in the universe relate, (5)


Humans fight for territory history,

Invasion aggression deathly story,

Mother Earth's bountiful grain crop,

Mountain forest river jealous drop, (6)


Drop magnificence, tranquility, sad,

Devastation and greed play downward,

Human history extinction glaring,

Civilizations sank lo wrongdoing, (7)


Today, world leaders gather hope,

Freeze holocaust happening roped,

Peace, infinite peace at earth or air,

Peace for the ocean at the bottom to share, (viii)


Peace in space water rivers survive,

Revive nature, unite earth to thrive,

This was millennia ago, is the place,

For the land, a needle tip area lace, (9)


The war, eighteen days horror inks,

The victor and defeated died links,

Greed inhibits peace, and if eliminated,

Today, the city, the place, excited, (10)


Sadly emphasize, the human race is soft,

Achieve brotherhood amity, effort,

Peace only to be the outcome sign,

End conflicts utterly failed, resign, (11)


Peace guarantees prosperity allure,

Promises for security growth sure,

United human hearts, dismantle,

Discrimination exploitation tackle, (12)


Writing the September is historic,

World leaders converged, ecstatic,

World attention, aspire total peace,

An understanding, critical, suffice, (13)


Two days, the deliberation, to discuss,

Written memorandum conscientious,

Leaders sign, state unequivocally,

Achieves peace, pleads irrevocably. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Peace

Themes: Rare world peace hope achieved

Written: 9th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


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