Friday, November 10, 2023






Revamp remorse hurt remorseless,

Rescues life from dungeon fearless,

Remnant trouble missing dear one,

Reality death steals life, stay a man, (1)


Reminiscence mesmerizes memory,

Runs amok heart fulfilled territory,

Rattle, age, and sunset pale misses,

Recluse lonely life lo silence wishes, (2)


Revisit scenic visuals, look at sights,

Roaring laughter, tears, living frights,

Rebuff hope homecoming left loner,

Relation, blood, forgotten ah forever, (3)


Rational heart consoles view scenic,

Rapturous moment voyage ecstatic,

Roasted burning desires boat rides,

Reckons life friendship love resides, (4)


Relied with love, lifelong miss long,

Refer to periods golden, young, song,

Refer to we both, luminescent lake,

Rises sun at zenith romance wake, (5)


Relationship intimate wife her gift,

Resounding content children, swift,

Revolved our lives, family, boat sail,

Recollect luminous water time fail, (6)


Remote possibility, materialize, sad,

Romantic life left missed wife bad,

Rest her decision, went with child,

Recollect her overseas visit shield, (7)


Resolved to stay home alone write,

Reformed my life, dedicated spirit,

Recluse, my home, silent, lonely lit,

Relates to dream lake lighted writ, (viii)


Refer to life experience ink stories,

Relates to lives noticed or worries

Recounts desire melted to feather,

Revolves light and shadow either, (9)


Row countless boats, lake lighted,

Resounding victory shore sighted,

Rebellious, rest trying hard sailed,

Rest, shore missed, efforts failed, (10)


Recounts stories, mixed emotions,

Residual life in me sense options,

Right decision, live as a writer lit,

Realistic human life entwine feat, (11)


Revolve beautiful life, a boat, a lake,

Rotation man wife children shake,

Restitution loss or gain, summary,

Revival reduced to soil ends, story, (12)


Resists devastation sprout leaves,

Renowned the lake world thrives,

Reconnect to undying love stays,

Reconnect to human life dismays, (13)


Reconnects birth and death hail,

Reborn resonate recovers prevail,

Related to human stories undying,

Revisits divine glory, life glorifying. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Undying

Themes: Eternal life world the lake

Written: 10th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Thursday, November 9, 2023





Abysmal contribution existence,

Abnormal behavior persistence,

Attenuates self-boasting, living,

Acclaim supremacy often stings, (1)


Act two-legged, hands two, stand,

Ascertain, overpowers demand,

Alive destroy, dies spread, story,

Ashamed, deed written history, (2)


Accumulate wealth, sad wither,

Affront plants, animals, fish, tear,

Allow extinction, action selfish,

Abominable greed ruined wish, (3)


Abandoned granaries, arid look,

Alternate fertile land sand book,

Alas, a lifeless, dead planet is visible, 

Aforementioned civilized single, (4)


Accepts, unique intelligent life,

Among species in the universe,

Attest to most dangerous lives,

Allude to Child of God believes, (5)


Accustomed to satanic practice,

Abstain from nature evil justice,

Abscond from saving one world,

Allows oblivion extinct emerald, (6)


And cattle short lives give milk,

Access milk butter cheese like,

Alarmed get killed meat suffice,

Action, life is short, service notice, (7)


Applaud, cow, goat, ship, useful,

Apply human cruelty, scornful,

Accord plant species medicinal,

Accolade fruits flowers magical, (viii)


Account crop bountiful feeds it,

Allocate human food sale profit,

Acumen lives short plants feed,

Acumen human notoriety deed, (9)


Around trees lake river ah bird,

Approximate breed nest wizard,

Admits human, fertilize soil, bird,

Awash shores, beautify reward, (10)


Amend human life, loves nature,

Admit plant animal lives better,

Admit mirror of creator serenity,

Above human misdeeds, pretty, (11)


Accentuate living being critical,

Admire Lord inhabit lives total,

Affirm human deed sinful state,

Affirm love nature rebuild wait, (12)


Accolade life human reckoning,

Annex animal, plant, living being,

Arrest climate land water build,

Alone, human action, heat shield, (13)


Add one world, one future, bright,

Assertive a new millennium sight,

And reckoning blue planet blue,

Awaken intelligence lives in hue. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reckoning

Themes: Estimate the preservation of the earth

Written: 9th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, November 7, 2023






Impending disaster frightens lives,

Shakes earth, alluvial land thrives,

Mid of the night, a shrill voice heard,

Pull people out of home, shepherd, (1)


Sleeping children, elderly persons,

Carry on shoulder runs, cautions,

Crumble building is a pack of cards,

Terror wrought on faces, forwards, (2)


The cries were frightening, fire skies lit,

Horrible horror, darkness explicit,

Open ground packed locals shout,

Inked that night earthquake route, (3)


Let men, women, courageous differ,

Silent alert, uncanny sense, secure,

Lifting bodies from under debris,

Rescues children and old people crisis, (4)


Melted into thin air at dawn train,

Carrying goods, clothes, food, insane,

Forgot their family home security,

Service they provided duty beauty, (5)


Nobody knows these spirits saved,

Little claim praises reward craved,

Changes scene, fire alarm ringing,

Thirtieth floor tower, fire ravaging, (6)


Fire and fumes pillowing, ghastly,

Unknown courageous spirit, lastly,

Not onlooker, move up on a ladder,

Behind the building spiral girder, (7)


Face black fumes flames proceed,

Rescuing children, roping indeed,

Sliding on ropes with ladies quick,

A hundred feet down smokes thick, (viii)


Brought down a few children men,

Saved some elderly female insane,

Insane fewer fear their life, dared,

Falling from heights never scared, (9)


No trace quickly operation began,

Provide food, clothing, ration, human,

Humanity is vibrant in its service,

Unknown preferred duties novice, (10)


The brave rock heart fights to rescue,

Deny pride boasted reject queue,

Change scenes to fiery flood fear,

Horizon to horizon water ah tear, (11)


No sign of villages lo submerged,

No sign of life disaster converged,

Unthinkable about cattle people,

Flood furry rural plights mingle, (12)


Sock looks at a few rubber boats,

Limited youth negotiate water floats,

Swim rescue ladies' babies a lot,

Boarding into the boat dares, effort, (13)


Supplying food ration medicines,

Marooned lives receiving inclines,

For them, such spirits treat God,

Voluntary dedicated duty accord, (14)


Flood diminishing state provides,

Help material money life decides,

Such men vanished from the news,

Anonymous obscure youth muse, (15)


Lead the society later, less insane,

Showed leadership, bold an acumen, 

Daring diabolical situation duty,

Duty for land and people, pretty. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Acumen

Themes: Challenging leadership invisible

Written: 7th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, November 6, 2023






Confession felt cowered silent,

The human mind betrays resilient,

The ambit of lure indefinite impede,

Always not possible to proceed, (1)


Impulsive thought flows, tense,

Irked mind's dirty play intense,

Physical attraction infinite irk,

Thirsty heart, seeks, dares risk, (2)


It has happened to me, sadly,

Hundred running claim madly,

What is not achievable for lives?

Fight it our bitter battle lives, (3)


They say openly or disguised,

Plays none attached realized,

Sadly, confess, my loophole lit,

One among a million grab tight, (4)


Cruelty exists hideous in implicit,

As long as looting hides deceit,

Play a gentle, polite, sober life,

Under the belt preserve knife, (5)


Wait, mean me, not murderer,

Knife helps to cut, purse fear,

How many educated learned,

Siphoned a million, cornered, (6)


Clarion public service donate,

Manipulated, stolen, yet resonate,

Modern lives sycophant edge,

Cleanly swindle asset praise, (7)


Why not me? leader, thinker,

Amass unholy assets trickier,

Con, not bracket money, land,

Coteries female friends stand, (viii)


Spend money after them holy,

Support to sinful life solemnly,

Blind support with lies sweet,

Powerful position status meet, (9)


Yet sing for their mentor, pray,

Get commands, wink, hell prey,

Night club parlor red-light sad,

Night time prowl, jackals mad, (10)


Dawn break, white dress, smile,

They have children, wife, style,

Respected personality, decent,

Society hails media quiescent, (11)


Money flows change hands lit,

Affluence suave exchange feat,

Ah, lead my life one of them fit,

Showed grit for a million explicit, (12)


Courage dear to loot, daylight,

Law bends suit moral upright,

I shouted clarion equality hail,

Equal distribution booty quell, (13)


Age cruel vulture steals spine,

Bending not for risks, I resign,

Probity for a fox unholy undue,

Recluse, opted, stay alone, queue, (14)


Not me, not them, generation hit,

Probity, upper-class status emit.

To the root rotten greenery link,

Sabotage honesty fruitful sink. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Probity

Themes: Corruption is paradoxically benign

Written: 6th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite