Showing posts with label UNDYING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNDYING. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023






Revamp remorse hurt remorseless,

Rescues life from dungeon fearless,

Remnant trouble missing dear one,

Reality death steals life, stay a man, (1)


Reminiscence mesmerizes memory,

Runs amok heart fulfilled territory,

Rattle, age, and sunset pale misses,

Recluse lonely life lo silence wishes, (2)


Revisit scenic visuals, look at sights,

Roaring laughter, tears, living frights,

Rebuff hope homecoming left loner,

Relation, blood, forgotten ah forever, (3)


Rational heart consoles view scenic,

Rapturous moment voyage ecstatic,

Roasted burning desires boat rides,

Reckons life friendship love resides, (4)


Relied with love, lifelong miss long,

Refer to periods golden, young, song,

Refer to we both, luminescent lake,

Rises sun at zenith romance wake, (5)


Relationship intimate wife her gift,

Resounding content children, swift,

Revolved our lives, family, boat sail,

Recollect luminous water time fail, (6)


Remote possibility, materialize, sad,

Romantic life left missed wife bad,

Rest her decision, went with child,

Recollect her overseas visit shield, (7)


Resolved to stay home alone write,

Reformed my life, dedicated spirit,

Recluse, my home, silent, lonely lit,

Relates to dream lake lighted writ, (viii)


Refer to life experience ink stories,

Relates to lives noticed or worries

Recounts desire melted to feather,

Revolves light and shadow either, (9)


Row countless boats, lake lighted,

Resounding victory shore sighted,

Rebellious, rest trying hard sailed,

Rest, shore missed, efforts failed, (10)


Recounts stories, mixed emotions,

Residual life in me sense options,

Right decision, live as a writer lit,

Realistic human life entwine feat, (11)


Revolve beautiful life, a boat, a lake,

Rotation man wife children shake,

Restitution loss or gain, summary,

Revival reduced to soil ends, story, (12)


Resists devastation sprout leaves,

Renowned the lake world thrives,

Reconnect to undying love stays,

Reconnect to human life dismays, (13)


Reconnects birth and death hail,

Reborn resonate recovers prevail,

Related to human stories undying,

Revisits divine glory, life glorifying. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Undying

Themes: Eternal life world the lake

Written: 10th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite