Showing posts with label RECKONING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RECKONING. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9, 2023





Abysmal contribution existence,

Abnormal behavior persistence,

Attenuates self-boasting, living,

Acclaim supremacy often stings, (1)


Act two-legged, hands two, stand,

Ascertain, overpowers demand,

Alive destroy, dies spread, story,

Ashamed, deed written history, (2)


Accumulate wealth, sad wither,

Affront plants, animals, fish, tear,

Allow extinction, action selfish,

Abominable greed ruined wish, (3)


Abandoned granaries, arid look,

Alternate fertile land sand book,

Alas, a lifeless, dead planet is visible, 

Aforementioned civilized single, (4)


Accepts, unique intelligent life,

Among species in the universe,

Attest to most dangerous lives,

Allude to Child of God believes, (5)


Accustomed to satanic practice,

Abstain from nature evil justice,

Abscond from saving one world,

Allows oblivion extinct emerald, (6)


And cattle short lives give milk,

Access milk butter cheese like,

Alarmed get killed meat suffice,

Action, life is short, service notice, (7)


Applaud, cow, goat, ship, useful,

Apply human cruelty, scornful,

Accord plant species medicinal,

Accolade fruits flowers magical, (viii)


Account crop bountiful feeds it,

Allocate human food sale profit,

Acumen lives short plants feed,

Acumen human notoriety deed, (9)


Around trees lake river ah bird,

Approximate breed nest wizard,

Admits human, fertilize soil, bird,

Awash shores, beautify reward, (10)


Amend human life, loves nature,

Admit plant animal lives better,

Admit mirror of creator serenity,

Above human misdeeds, pretty, (11)


Accentuate living being critical,

Admire Lord inhabit lives total,

Affirm human deed sinful state,

Affirm love nature rebuild wait, (12)


Accolade life human reckoning,

Annex animal, plant, living being,

Arrest climate land water build,

Alone, human action, heat shield, (13)


Add one world, one future, bright,

Assertive a new millennium sight,

And reckoning blue planet blue,

Awaken intelligence lives in hue. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reckoning

Themes: Estimate the preservation of the earth

Written: 9th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite