Tuesday, January 16, 2024





An ancient land millennia old,

Culture, customs, civilization, gold,

Innumerable people languages,

Lifestyle, food, dress, faith crazes, (1)


Time tested survived grew to linger,

Hues festivity lunar solar longer,

Across the country, names differ,

Happiness melting fogs disappear, (2)


Warmth will be visible in winter frigid,

The arrival of summer farming rigid,

Farmer dreams annual output,

The spine of the country grain sprout, (3)


Emotional today, Bihu Pongal,

Makar links to the time eons,

Who looted the country's poor,

Dying without food cry sufferer, (4)


Killed natives, burned houses,

Looted gold silvers anger rouses,

Still, the land displays miracles,

Flood the milk-river, gold carnival, (5)


The bountiful earth, fertile rivers

Feed a billion lives, feed sufferers,

The harmony amity fraternity,

Intarsia in exhibition link serenity, (6)


Unite, you survive, divided perish,

Intarsia cultural hues life cherish,

The prosperity education skill,

Stronger in history invincible drill, (7)


The highways, railways, flight 

Hubs of transport intarsia right,

Enormous effort culmination,

Dreams billion front, realization, (viii)


painful hunger and poverty read history,

A thousand-year country in slavery,

No more, I cried, hues inviting,

How beautiful India, women singing, (9)



Electric their smile, inviting lips,

Intarsia strewn colored dresses,

Rhythmic, their dance song is ecstatic,

Enigmatic intarsia, republic romantic. (10)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Intarsia

Themes: Reminds Republic Day nearer

Written: 16th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, January 15, 2024





Infamous from teenage to twilight,

Hollowed education, fewer delight,

Examination horror result frights,

Sum and substance timely rights, (1)


Sequel to student life devastated,

Write today from ignominy rated,

Infamous, back-bencher to leader,

Human life entwines webs spider, (2)


Mysterious weave fate change fit,

Person, cowers, coward, get credit,

Considered to be clever and victorious,

Noticed situation book notorious, (3)


Education demands millions of fees,

Management fox laws rule freeze,

Asset gadget property bank link,

Seen, my own eyes, how to sink, (4)


Degrees gold silver certificate lit

Enormous departments life neat,

Let so-called wisdom experience,

Adhere to skill doctorate intense, (5)


Sad few I have seen humanity lit,

Compassion, kindness, candlelit,

Crying for humans pain sorrows,

Laughs at sufferer happy enjoys, (6)


Dedicate life detached servicing,

Selfless duty life passed offering,

Search me even today, books fail,

How to make money gold detail, (7)


Nowhere, a gold medal of service,

Guide love, care, delete prejudice,

Highlight human life, link nature,

No class wall caste creed suture, (viii)


Believe the Lord, bright sunshine,

Believe the Lord wind life pristine,

Believe the Lord, water pure, refine,

Believe The Lord the river ravine, (9)


Rebellious to fight, save the earth,

Worthless education, sight worth,

Realize, rebellious heart, change,

Save earth, rebuild nature, salvage. (10)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rebellious

Themes: Angry education misses critical issues

Written: 15th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Sunday, January 14, 2024





Confess, convey, contemptuous,

Life passed, lied and lied, focused,

Ever dignified my attempts sad,

Hidden locked inside soul mad, (1)


Saved, innumerable instances,

Lied to teachers, parents, fences,

Hidden blunders play innocent,

My life, sole witness not decent, (2)


I told the children, students, friends,

Not to tell lies, truthful trends,

Thousand words on honesty lit,

My past life attitude links defeat, (3)


Even today, tell lies boldly fit,

Ignoble character cherishes light,

You know how to escape right,

Belie my lies hidden to delight, (4)


Fooled throughout my life hell,

Convinced all they trusted tell,

Trusted teachers, my parents,

Trusted by children, torrents, (5)


Trusted senior officers, friends,

Lies were part of my life fends,

Fag end of my life visit the temple,

The stone idol my Lord simple, (6)


I pray before him, voice socked,

My prayers to the Lord, I joked,

Lies and lies I sought pleasure,

My desire salvation but leisure, (7)


Belie my practice prejudice wit,

Play devoted sing hymn delight,

Twilight Year acknowledge way,

Belies the longing lives long sway. ( viii)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Belie

Themes: human exhibit hypocrisy

Written: 14th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite








Friday, January 12, 2024





Tests trials tribulation obligation,

An insane mind annihilates devotion,

The longing is inseparable and attached,

Link wild desires, thirsty parched,

What not life seeks attenuate sad, (1)


The dream golden mist deer mad,

Appear to disappear, no trace record,

Luxury comfort gadget asset gold,

Sighed, running like a deer, tired,

Bought and sold goods life defied, (2)


Wakeful nights longings material,

Less materialized, inconsequential,

Look forward to a new dawn tearful,

Astonished, never expect handful, (3)


How come I got, secretly I wished,

Surprised opportunity unleashed,

A name and fame from the grass root,

Look back the memory lane moot, (4)


Memories translucent and golden,

Appears a deer, my soul felt awakened,

Lost the hues of life identity dwell,

Serenity to disappear divine quell, (5)


Love goals of human lives, mystic,

Mind waylaid human life ecstatic,

Regain soul intuit temporal time,

Turns to a mystic transform fine. (6)


Look at the skyscrapers highway,

Young life busy life builds dismay,

They construct countless ruins equally,

Mystic sad my heart cry naturally, (7)


The hatred, discrimination, colors,

Divided a spherical globe allures,

Survival critical aspect bonhomie,

Mystic Fraternity United Supreme. (viii)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mystic

Themes: Inherent nobility 

Written: 12th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite    





Wednesday, January 10, 2024





Freezing cold night, it was late,

Decided to walk the street desolate,

No one visible, not even dogs,

Doors closed, windows closed,

The surreal sense of lost identity,

Felt my existence like a spirit,

Enjoyed the name Fame Family,

Now evaporated from me exist,

Not abnormal ignoble evil spirit,

Not distinguished personality,

Not linked to people my generation,

Not respected by neighbors person,

A dense condensing cover,

Walked silently on the street,

The quietude unearthly touched,

Why do humans fight arguments,

Why the noise busy life bruised,

Mind plays a life acts like a slave,

Fulfill dream endless encounter,

Looked at the tall buildings tower,

Monuments of human desire,

Now silent and resilient to luxury,

Let the night darkness pass soon,

Tomorrow, opportunity lurks, boon,

Laughed, walked further, stood,

Siren an ambulance passing,

The night some on fighting for life,

Prayed Lord for the unknown,

A pet dog hungry thrown out,

Sitting on the pavement hungry,

Lacks human voice tell agonies,

Felt sad no way can change the fate,

Next lane, then to the left, I moved,

The first home I knocked on the bell,

My daughter was surprised to call,

Papa, at this odd hour? What happened?

Hugged me tightly, she observed,

You are cold, but...

Quietly, I replied to meet her,

A month passed not seeing her,

Wanted a cup of tea it was eleven,

She drove me back home silently,

The hour quietude was memorable,

A link to the past and my daughter.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Quietude

Themes: An event memorable

Written: 10th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Tuesday, January 9, 2024





That day, there was no sunshine,

Cloudy, moist, dampness sadness,

Failed to explain my heart rebelled,

Searched the gloominess visible, 


A person I loved and respected deeply,

She accepted her fate aloof and meekly,

Found the radiance her look bright,

The day as if matched her life pale,


Children left her husband no more,

The big house was discolored and cracked,

Long courtyard trees uprooted,

Wild grass, an earthen pave way,


The front door wooden cracked,

Visited her and felt concerned, knocked,

She opened the door, surprised,

Smiled, she loved me like her son,


The marked house was empty and lonely,

She is using a room out of many,

Only a bed cooking stove boxes,

The floor is mosaic, clean a mattress,


The roof plaster fallen spider web,

She gave me a cup of tea and asked,

Failed to gain the courage to reply,

Lied replied to know her condition,


Lines her face white saree rendition,

I cried before her quiet was she,

All children abroad debate,

Lost her husband observe life,


Widowhood non-attached sacred,

Constant chanting of divine name,

Consult a doctor when ill, time the same,

Seven colors of rainbows she lost,


In the twilight years, her serenity lit,

Aunty defeated human sorrows,

Discolored sky, her horizon pale,

Prostrated at her feet, not devastated.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Discolored Sky

Themes: Detached lost the colors

Written: 9th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite