Thursday, January 21, 2021





Puzzles mind a character benefit,

Laugh humanity parsimony neat,

Admire affluence extravaganza lot,

Wealthy spend, splendid comfort,

Applause louder lottery or gamble,

Infinite holes drilled locker tumble,

Horse race, a race of car, bike games,

Boxing wrestling betting inflames,

Wild affluent mind, never awake,

Roll on, road bankrupt bet’s shake,

Bet house assets land in business,

Overnight losses mean in distress,

Riches n rag cyclic melodramatic,

Rises climax zenith tragedy tragic,

Incredible human society madden,

Parsimonious nature look, sadden,

Lament vagaries of the reckless mind,

Leaking hole pours money unkind, (1)


Remember childhood gift tips a lot,

Earthen pot slot coin save most,

Learned from grandmother, well,

Year saving, college, money swell,

Stamps nice for conservation kiss,

Spending hook saving nature wish,

Wins heart enamor jackpot saving,

Sibling compete most save enticing,

Decade rolls quick look back n love,

Home car asset future plan resolve,

Saving influence simple need nature,

Taunt friend skip dress new a miser,

The life assured save wealth hard labor,

Once slips out of hand never occur,

Kid education health well in mind,

Insurance, savings are many kinds,

Money, money sweeter than honey,

Wiser save well peerless parsimony, (2)


Money address heart know me well,

Coin by coin parsimony progress bell,

Rainwater parsimony reservoir saves,

Rain failure harvesters water waves,

Parsimony outlook cold storage store,

Vegetable grain vital lean period cure,

Nature exhibit a tree at bank of a pond,

Root never sucks all moderately fond,

Cactus shows parsimony moister take,

Arid desert cactus blossom nicely make,

Little saving call peerless parsimony,

Conserves tiny bee from flower honey, (3)


Everything extreme nature let fatal,

Rain turbulent flood cyclone lethal,

Water wind sustain lives moderate,

Hungry mind parsimony complicate,

Pollutes mind greedy selfish nature,

Parsimony let drama tragic theater,

Symbol of parasite, n exploits people,

Never a benefit for others, suck simple,

Parsimony reflects cocoanut tree tall,

Out of reach fruit no shade pride call,

Mango tree invite sweet fruit shade,

Sweet fruit easy reach sleep invade,

Moderate ambition desire family man,

Love peerless parsimony well you can. (4)



Wednesday, January 20, 2021





Thirsty a heart roams a spirit,

Bright sunshine wind discreet,

Green mango tree turn, coloured,

Ample mango buds eye savoured,

Cool shade gentle breeze peace,

An outfield bushes drowsy bliss,

Winter bade farewell fall vanish,

Green foliage young heart wishes,

Thrill lonely moment soft touch,

Mind disobey dream fairy lurch,

Sensuous limb wink temptation,

Summer means growth revelation,

Flowers waiting for pollination bee wild,

Aroma spread far-flung smell mild,

Ripe fruit steals mind alerts flavour,

Cake sauce fresh fruit taste savour, (1)


Summer apex to heat burns skin,

Parched outfields lonely go green,

Pond river bed well dries up soon,

Life struggle close home hot noon,

Cold drink cool floor a mat n fan,

Sleepy mind wait for rain, skins tan,

Summer brings festival celebrates,

Sowing season await field tolerate, (2)


Summer begins to disappear hot wind,

Peasant look sky hope rain remind,

Rain yet season commencing at far,

Dust storm uneasy mind night star,

Young mind rebel night time a walk,

A gust of cold wind spine shiver sulk,

Rain, rain welcome thunder n light,

Surprise roar, heart tremble delight,

Soaked in icy cold rain run for home,

Hot tea thick in gossip life overwhelm,

Heavy rain thunderstorms enthral,

Poor peasant smile summons squall,

Let morning break dawn welcome all,

Peasant bullock plough ready let regal,

Grass weed-free field wait now rain,

Monsoon near squalling hope regain, (3)


Bountiful earth feed humanity n lives,

Rain intermittent squall field beehives,

Gift of nature sustain crop grain more,

Grace nectar pours green crop mature,

Season travel in line rain no more rain,

Greenfield turns gold rapturous grain,

Remember heart grateful to an evening,

Summons squall cold hope is dreaming,

Blessing to mankind squall rain welcome,

Severe lash destroy crop havoc, awesome,

Absence in year dry spell cornfield burn,

Famine failure stable life hungry mourn. (4)


Tuesday, January 19, 2021





Exist a shelter eternity life roams,

Existence means least fear owns,

Eon life discovered a world secure,

Parallel realm human grew mature,

The life on earth climate devastate,

Carnivorous predator element test,

Air-water field fire perils life open,

Hungry meet poisonous die often,

Cavernous space big birth of tribe,

Family safe human groups thrive, (1)


Modern life human wonder search,

Cavern offers splendid aspect much,

Curious cavern lost world discover,

Human ages after rest well differ,

Curious a cavern whisper fresh air,

Reflects light luminescence inspire,

Bird creature insect marvels realm,

Parallel cavernous world a dungeon,

Dark world silent aloof rock tunnel,

Granite crevasse water pools dwell,

Mesmerize mind human speechless,

A world within world duality express, (2)


Open field rain soak sunshine kiss,

Green valley grass field divine wish,

Beautiful peaks hill river flow slow,

Dense forest brook waterfalls glow,

Myriad colour spread bird animal fly,

Nature ornamental bride cloud shy,

Human a race golden exist spring,

Blossom youth fruit children ring,

Seasons, rain lightning, thunder,

Hot summer ripe fruit yet sweeter,

Spring fragrant flowery steal heart,

Winter icy cold wind blow fall start,

Blue ocean enchanting, blue sky,

Emerald islands aquatic lives ply,

Bird feathery touch silhouette awe,

Sun daylight moon shines a show,

Gray white black cloud in motion,

Starry night stardust let emotion,

Children play couple stroll gentle,

World amazing open divine mantle, (3)


Human narrates explicit a splendour,

Curious caver listen to voice n wonder,

Exists, O’ Lord timeless dark world,

Cavernous rock world beacons glad,

Existence lose meaning lost kingdom,

Why curs me cruel fear dark dungeon,

Bird insect moss reptile creature lot,

Cauldron cold deathly silence most,

Tears drip sad lost glorious light sky,

Rocky roof moist, desolations cry, (4)


Divine whispers through crack open,

Curios cavern amused ecstatic listen,

Look the cavern shed curious heart,

Soul meditates time death dies smart,

Divine abode storm flood thunder fear,

Lightening elements raise havoc never,

Noise light torments peace n quiet rest,

Lives ascetic spirit live supreme best,

Shiva Sakti dwells creation realization,

Awakens human, with your reflection, (5)


Bestowed with a curious cavern power,

Cranium cave images universe cower,

Mind thought intelligence memory live,

Tunnel for salvation path soul perceive,

Sun star moon dream world articulate,

Defeats earth beauty loves immaculate,

Open world birth-death traps illusion,

Curious the cavern, open jaws to listen (6)






Monday, January 18, 2021





A sojourn of immortal soul love,

Surrender passion lust dissolve,

Selfless supreme compassion,

Healing touch tender emotion,

Serves heart care lift sufferer,

Divine is life divine love pure,

Lord lives within healing touch,

Tear glints smile heart, much, (1)


Often disturbs wounded heart,

Often wonder love pain thwarts,

Tormented by fate state of mind,

Felt emotion compassion be kind,

Tried best to reach other’s soul,

Soothes heart touch heals goal, (2)


Bewilders mind spirit soar high,

Mimics a kite free fly in the sky,

Wells up warm tear in a corner,

Eyes n heart ignite the slow burner,

Spark fulfills purpose existence,

This world to quit feels intense,

Gratitude, in love as baggage,

Heavy hand departure envisage,

Empty hand farewell, a fantasy,

Remember hearts love ecstasy, (3)


Moved, dirty face sparkle eyes,

Moved, silent looks aloof shies,

Moved, pain throb shiver cold,

Moved, tiny baby adult or old,

Moved, destiny cruel to female,

Moved, hunger fever too unwell,

Moved, lost hope destitute life,

Moved, fate butter less a knife,

Moved heart of Lord, Thy touch,

The healing touch cures as such … (4)


Human life inspire divine quest,

Serves humanity love heals best,

Dedicate life luxury family friend,

Simple life pray surrenders to bend,

Selfless soothing words, empathy,

Presence amongst ill, in sympathy,

Travel world equal tender touch,

Remember mankind recall much,

Lord waits in the smile, wider heaven,

Welcomes healing soul touch even… (5)



Lead kindly me to light O’ merciful,

Live for others serve quit meaningful,

Let my heart empathy suffering soul,

Sympathy soothing, help wonderful,

No comfort luxury friend relation,

Human unknown need, devotion,

Touch erases tear I rest in peace,

Tears enough people look me amiss, (6)








Sunday, January 17, 2021





Human pride eternal it evolves,

Heroic courage rise, fall revolves,

Aggressor aggravate average will,

Annexation adverse animosity ill,

Empire enslave endurance endless,

Enmity endanger infinite distress,

Ignite mind rise irreversible hope,

Infinite pride chauvinist develop,

Dig past citadel charisma cherish,

Destroy slavery defend fear perish,

Chains checkmated freedom fare,

Clarion call, chauvinist conspire,

Fiery speech fuel mind rampages,

Feverish effort felony flame rages,

The mind plays victim ruler monster,

A meltdown of trust dare occupier,

Neutralizes nation befitting reply,

Native cherish chauvinist, comply,

Overthrow outsider master dusted,

Patriotic chauvinist let rule busted, (1)


Chauvinist order ruler plunders loot,

Chauvinist attitude local under the boot,

Chauvinist control people awe watch,

Chauvinist race faith, cruelty match,

Chauvinist language attire n culture,

Chauvinist enforce enigma n vulture,

Chauvinist laws education owns salt,

Chauvinist witness famine locks vault,

Chauvinist strip people army power,

Chauvinist chose slaves serve n cower,

Cherish chauvinist palace fort colony,

Cancer to humanity curse rich felony,

Occupy all devil mind reign supreme,

Exploit decent human hurt extreme, (2)


Chauvinist belief in freedom birthright,

Offer own life save soil show neck tight,

Adopt violence violate rules, occupation,

Leave or let die ill fate aloof oppression,

Chauvinist envisage best land people,

Best among valor courage war simple,

Best landscape icy peak desert mingle,

Best earth beauty nature, sparkle flare,

Best rivers pure sacred billion-plus care,

Best ancient past wisdom culture dress,

Best language literature science, impress,

Believe peace progress cooperation love,

Believe friendship trade trip fear to dissolve,

Believe bonhomie freedom secure border,

Believe equality chauvinist cherish order,

Chauvinist occupier oppressor n perish

Chauvinists celebrate republic n cherish… (3)