Friday, April 9, 2021





Impress pink queen descends,

Massive salty lagoon pretends,

Thousands of square-miles chest,

Hundred thousand birds nest,

Feast on rich aquatic live fish,

The largest lake in Asia n cherish,

October flamingo arrive, sight,

Lover lens savors poems write, (1)


Flamingo steals a lot of pink thrill,

Delicate ballerina dancer will,

The pink queen from distance,

Siberia, Caspian n abundance,

Himalaya plains Indian arrive,

Largest breeding site n thrive,

Orissa unique, nature’s bride,

Tropical forest-rich animal life,

Golden beach long, lake strike (2)


Massive marshy shores of a lake,

Canopy pink in a cover nice trek,

Flamingos form a cloud in the skies,

Writes pristine nature precise,

Live amid tough fights my fate,

Sickness accident wanton late,

Hardship duties batter family,

Common feel miss love simply,

Recluse valley of joy unknown,

Flamingo, I open wounds own, (3)


How much flamingo sees the fight,

Savage human nature, delight,

Rocky terrain lifeless n violent,

Shadow of Himalaya, indecent,

Lawless ruckus protest people,

Tell anarchy touch wing simple,

Gentle flamingo continent cross,

Notice below, life fades in a toss,

Billion people my land n a fever,

Corona revisits illness life batter, (4)


Immaculate my shape demeanor,

Flamingo, narrates destiny bitter,

Destiny of people uncertain trace,

Placid waters, blue Chilika grace,

Tears of humanity salty manifest,

Breed flamingo here loves to invest, (5)


Pink cloud encrypt mimics arrow,

Deer in sky speed house sparrow,

Human sans savage nature eagle,

Pick n ruin life n unkind wriggle,

O’ human our habitat one world,

Borderless one species, emerald, (6)


Continental migration night time,

Stars moon, shine leads nest fine,

Timeless vision memories in etch,

Ever fate, fortune, luck lots fetch,

Wasteful a hope human visualize,

Flamingos’ secure future, realize. (7)



Wednesday, April 7, 2021





Brilliance of sun and moon pretty,

Dispels darkness, thrills beauty,

A sunrise every day nourish light,

Life upon earth survives waits sight,

Moon raises tidal wave n regular,

Marine life extends, fade circular,

Climate, weather, wind, rain dance,

Mother earth green ocean trance, (1)


Mountain pours water river speed,

Animal, bird, fish, plant, nice indeed,

Never accidental happen n rotate,

Eon ruin, rebuild crisp promulgate,

Time wrought intricate query come,

Mysterious n checks phenomenon (2)


Manifestation automatic, invisible,

A phenomenon means little viable,

Conspicuous designs in darkness,

Divine glory not unusual impress,

Creation creator least understood,

Tags mind as a phenomenon stood, (3)


Jesus forgave human cruelty, love,

Buddha quit wife, kid crown above,

Mahatma Gandhi left food water lot,

Fasted few weeks brutal killings halt,

Peace non-violence defeat the queen,

A bare human without arms win clean, (4)


Checks apple ripe if drops to ground,

The human mind discovers gravity sound,

Relativity split-atom energy computer,

Mind explores within wins rest failure,

Truth is a treasure trove of knowledge,

Discard as phenomenon or privilege, (5)


Prayer n touch heals wound a puzzle,

Lives few spare save dying love drizzle,

Life gifted for peace amity n friendship,

Brutal wars dissipate lead leader whip,

Innovates scientist, medic cure disease,

Malaria, smallpox, flu, polio n plague,

Wealthiest donates everything in vogue

Humanity, courage, quest shines bright,

Checks phenomenon yet brilliance right, (6)


At the advent cosmos was the only fireball,

Air, water, fire n soil homogeneous roll,

No life in universe seen n comes to light,

Once the earth was a fireball, lifeless, in, sight,

The creation of life happen sudden gradual,

Life upon  earth, seed sprouts phenomenal,

The tiny seed contains every detail to reveal,

True phenomenon yet manifest His will, (7)







Tuesday, April 6, 2021





Afternoon sleep summer heat,

Disturbs lot awake soon neat,

Lonely orchard seek any soul,

None in sight in shadows roll, (1)


Shade cools heart lets drowsy,

Silent trees n whisper breezy,

Bird, animal rests in recluse,

Decent thought sweet infuse,

A child near asks fine diction, (2)


Requests for a nice story of earth,

Kingdom of kid fun plays mirth,

No ghost to terrorize cruet hurt,

None being harsh greet nice lot,

Teachers never angry, in a smile,

Lessons seem like fiction style, (3)


Alarms peaceful land in a sketch,

Green valley’s wildflowers etch,

Unseen ferocious animal snake,

Girls n boys, fine dresses shake,

Weed around crystal clear pond,

Tiny fish in color swim kid’s fond, (4)


Reply self happy explain a story,

Such kingdom in earth territory,

King, queen love rule wonderful,

Kid in midst of nature learn cool,

A story like a lesson of love care mix,

Serve, help, kind, peace, bliss fix,

Separate from parent society long,

Until healthy, fit, fine grows young, (5)


Youth in control of mind manifest,

Discipline human race one divest,

Color, creed, ethnic tribe equalize,

Dissolve border n walls pulverize,

Language, culture, lifestyle, habit,

Earth being of future mix discreet,

Homogeneous human survive nice,

New millennium post corona entice (6)


Kid listens alert no orphan roams,

War a myth equal people n homes,

City life a story world is a big village,

Secure in nature visions envisage,

Greed lust jealousy anger is cruel,

Savages of past extinct least dwell,

The world is single-family members all,

Brotherhood bonhomie lot enthrall,

Peace progress to health intelligent,

Kingdom of future kid reminiscent, (7)


Kid melts in thin air listens none,

Asleep wet in sweat hot tears run,

Return silent home an imagination,

A friend may be only a hallucination,

Yet mind travels lit contemplation,

The poesy of heart was frivolous fiction (8)






A nightmare revisits again,

Misses spring faith remain,

Dawn to break sunlit sight,

Jasmine call scents delight,

The world awakens to life busy,

Puzzle intimate feel uneasy, (1)


Earth seems hostile nature,

Spirit apprehends summer,

Dark cloud spread horizon,

Heart sadder yet no reason,

Horror lightning, thunder,

Midday sun hides dark sky,

In fright self fragile faith try,(2)


Spirit trusts faith dominate,

A nightmare does dissipate,

Mind alone depress thought

Confines again fear wrought,

Lockdown city, night curfew,

Revisit sickness demise few,

Dark road, shopping centers,

No school college office goers, (3)


Spring brought news decently,

Vaccination here safe intent,

Spreads virus summer squall,

Seems lightning strikes fatal,

The mirth of the festival of color vanish,

Life in health pales hopes miss,

Faith loses n fragile a breathe,

Hopes if cement a fragile faith (4)


Doubtful dark mind travel lot,

Stalks dark forest like thought,

Worry, fear, anxiety all thread,

People shudder on doubt raid,

Obstinacy arrogance, do blind,

People raise strong faith, find, (5)


Simple life clean n distancing,

Nature friendly fit demanding,

Simple mask washes practice,

Death fails to terrorize a race,

Least realize lessons disgrace,

Leave illusive temptation lust,

Greed ego accrue assets most, (6)


Truth is faith in transient life,

Differs between butter n knife,

The body perishes or butter melt,

Knife and time n a duet dealt,

If human sizzles in pure faith,

Trust earth nature real wealth,

Pure earth fresh air soil water,

True faith bountiful crop sure, (7)


Revisit illness messages learn,

Earn truth of life or fever burn,

One world one human race fit,

Race color fragile faiths intuit,

One creator one object realize,

A fragile faith is untrue precise. (8)














Sunday, April 4, 2021





Ecstatic bath in silver light,

Erases pain, sorrow, fright,

Full moon pledges n enamor,

Lovelorn heart hurts let cure,

Spirit in agony writes poesy,

Passion in moonlit a curtsy,

Mind tense in fears, n dark,

Moon cools n lightens heart,

Moon in eclipses sad in edge,

Real is an implausible pledge, (1)


Rain come n wet earth invite,

Aroma mold heart, wild bite,

Soaks limbs hot n soon cool,

Heartthrobs rain pledge full,

Parched lips moisten n drink,

Rain pours n heart-burn inks,

Raise emotions yet poesy test,

Rain arrives, thrills manifest,

Seasons late, a spirit in hedge,

Truth is an implausible pledge, (2)


Spring intimates n heart in love,

Souls unite n distances dissolve,

Nightingale, Cuckoo sings alert,

Flower blossoms, fragrance trot,

Wildflower mimics stars twinkle,

 On green grass limbs, dews tingle,

Lover’s paradise, spring in pledge,

 At dawn, dusk crimson in change,

Nectar of love mind is a drunk wish,

Eloquent in poesy greets, soul kiss,

Spring fails n rude summer stays,

Realize only an implausible pledge, (3)


Mother earth let bestows mirth,

The opulence of greenery is in worth,

Golden grain fields do mesmerize,

Hungry life, sorrows all surmise,

Fresh wind n clean water refresh,

Absorbs silently anger n distress,

Nourishes life secure lend shelter,

Earth in pledge, life grows n nature,

Earth-beings in love promulgate,

The earth in pledge, communicate,

Blue sea, river, lake, in cloudy skies,

Mountain peak, valleys poesy tries,

Storm, drought, flood misses craze,

Assimilates an implausible pledge, (4)



Human nature is pure love, care lot,

Humanity is adorable admire the effort,

Peace, brotherhood, amity do marvel,

Sympathy n cooperation fast travel,

Kind, benevolent offer needy shelter,

Gifts food, cloth lot destitute secure,

Ignorance fades n knowledge teach,

Reject quarrels, equal poesy preach,

Great civilization, culture does shine,

Humanity in pledge, one world fine,

Mankind prosper yet later do suffer,

Greed, power-hungry deeds, war alter,

Ruins people n county desperate gaze,

Witness mute, an implausible pledge. (5)