Tuesday, April 6, 2021





Afternoon sleep summer heat,

Disturbs lot awake soon neat,

Lonely orchard seek any soul,

None in sight in shadows roll, (1)


Shade cools heart lets drowsy,

Silent trees n whisper breezy,

Bird, animal rests in recluse,

Decent thought sweet infuse,

A child near asks fine diction, (2)


Requests for a nice story of earth,

Kingdom of kid fun plays mirth,

No ghost to terrorize cruet hurt,

None being harsh greet nice lot,

Teachers never angry, in a smile,

Lessons seem like fiction style, (3)


Alarms peaceful land in a sketch,

Green valley’s wildflowers etch,

Unseen ferocious animal snake,

Girls n boys, fine dresses shake,

Weed around crystal clear pond,

Tiny fish in color swim kid’s fond, (4)


Reply self happy explain a story,

Such kingdom in earth territory,

King, queen love rule wonderful,

Kid in midst of nature learn cool,

A story like a lesson of love care mix,

Serve, help, kind, peace, bliss fix,

Separate from parent society long,

Until healthy, fit, fine grows young, (5)


Youth in control of mind manifest,

Discipline human race one divest,

Color, creed, ethnic tribe equalize,

Dissolve border n walls pulverize,

Language, culture, lifestyle, habit,

Earth being of future mix discreet,

Homogeneous human survive nice,

New millennium post corona entice (6)


Kid listens alert no orphan roams,

War a myth equal people n homes,

City life a story world is a big village,

Secure in nature visions envisage,

Greed lust jealousy anger is cruel,

Savages of past extinct least dwell,

The world is single-family members all,

Brotherhood bonhomie lot enthrall,

Peace progress to health intelligent,

Kingdom of future kid reminiscent, (7)


Kid melts in thin air listens none,

Asleep wet in sweat hot tears run,

Return silent home an imagination,

A friend may be only a hallucination,

Yet mind travels lit contemplation,

The poesy of heart was frivolous fiction (8)


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