Wednesday, July 28, 2021





 Creeps nostalgic thought intoxicate,

Yesteryears, milestones nit intimate,

Unforgettable memories bring tears,

Etched golden, heart preserve wears, (1)


Human life precious world trumpets,

Life waits desperately, event dictates,

Split-seconds soul overwhelm prayer,

Aspirations innumerable one inspire, (2)


Validate worth-living human life roll,

Self-satisfaction celebration enthrall,

Mysterious realm transient fades nit,

Great moment’s thirst waits, discreet, (3)


Speed first resemble bullet train well,

Rapturous pleasure pass lingers nail,

Innermost chamber heart stores love,

Reminiscence rest of life, mist absorb, (4)


Life faces struggle peril, suffer recall,

Inescapable-situation break hope, fall,

Spineless, weak life cries for help loud,

Morass once in front clueless a crowd, (5)


None come forward help disaster neat,

Dark-moment hunt forever fear intuit,

Convince soul sojourn, culminate fast,

Miracle happen invisible-hand attract, (6)


Save from quagmire disappear instant,

Rest of life, remember horrors constant,

Impending certain death recedes time,

Contemplate life fails explanation, fine, (7)


Offers journey all enormous adventure,

Escapade to nature recluse nit enamor,

Nature cast spell, magic wand perform,

Remorse tension sorrows fade n reform, (viii)


Reform thought wipe past scare instant,

Ecstatic moments obey life recalcitrant,

School first-day result quit teachers all,

Tearful teenage bade adieu colleges call, (9)


Day of graduation hilarious degree best,

Youth quit first salary currency wildest,

Submerges heart ocean of sorrow arrive,

Grant parents demise hurt today thrive, (10)


Day of reckoning, wedlock unite hands,

First night interactions lit magic wands,

The day adulthood grace baby born, cry,

Brimming tears disobeyed, fatherly sigh, (11)


Epitome state of overwhelm, heart savor,

The touch on palms heart stores forever,

Eventful decades of career service ends,

Retired for life farewell sob less pretend, (12)


Incident once threatened life accidental,

Collapse unconscious head injury fatal,

Months struggle survives memory miss,

Fear each dawn, fail notice nightmarish, (13)


Miraculous survival back from, hospital,

Moment reach home family hugs eternal,

Once for life milestone visits box treasure,

Hypnotic reminisce human life locks sure. (14)





Tuesday, July 27, 2021





Listens to soul song attentive, rapt,

Wait, unruly mind disgust, distract,

Assimilate enormous truth life gold,

Short period hypnotizes motel hold, (1)


Magnetic-images flood masquerade,

Belying curiosity, eloquence parade,

Cast spell sprit believe true relation,

Father mother son daughter, notion, (2)


Wife husband lifelong walk together,

Experience, human value encounter,

Love, care, sympathy, empathy, sizzle,

Unearthly-jewelries ornate life fizzle, (3)


Posses perceives,  human experience,

Mysterious, world enact benevolence,

Wind teaches, metaphoric shapeless,

Beginning destination deny, impress (4)


Color, odor little exhibit eternity etch,

Whisper human lesson n soul sketch,

Water teaches human life purity flow,

Light Resemble knowledge n rainbow, (5)


Mesmerize, water find path automatic,

Move downward meets ocean, ecstatic,

Mountain rock blocks perforate clean,

Turn rock to sand carries distant win, (6)


Life short, river join ocean destination,

Query mind face quicksand n caution,

Human nature looks downward thorn,

Select secure path choice, deny mourn, (7)


Earth pollutes water muddy flow slow,

Deposit at-bottom get clear, water glow,

Elements combine form-body lit spirit,

River of life flows precipitates discreet, (viii)


Return five elements air, water, earth,

Fire void all merge again watch worth,

Nature displays love, endurance learn,

Occasion display anger thunderstorm, (9)


Mind imitate eloquence seasons entice

Emotions of life flow, seasonal n justice,

Serene human life notices wildflowers,

Fragrant, colorful life short love showers, (10)


Essence, of mysterious-sojourn, acquire,

Lesion awaken knowledge spirit inspire,

Realization-happen, river-ocean merges,

Life only once transcends n converges, (11)


Precious life, mind betrays lovelorn con,

Condemn realm so illusive pays ransom,

Temptation desire-colludes deceive soul,

Agony pain sorrow quicksand deny goal, (12)


Anger, jealousy, greed instill ego illusion,

Ego surreal temporal fade evil collusion,

Steal precious life no return blind mind,

Quicksand nature warns, trap n unkind, (13)


Early-dawn wakes life acknowledge new,

New-day writes a page life only once due.

Craze wildflower wiser, awake, magnetic,

Life only once I learn, overwhelm ecstatic. (14)










Monday, July 26, 2021





Unearth mysterious eventful realm,

Scintillates domestic animal qualm,

Hypnotizes masculine limbs strong,

Six-feet tall scales Everest, tell long, (1)


Two-footers cross oceans continent,

Adventure, fuel blood bold resilient,

Magnetic charisma speech anchors,

Golden hand pen literature harbors, (2)


Mysterious mind unique n universe,

Inner cosmos, knowledge’s converse,

Pair of, sight sound collect message,

Interprets human mind, nit courage, (3)


Animal spirits refined food n shelter,

Procreate in privacy enemy, the fear,

Separate human from animal naked,

Covers body immaculate, act wicked, (4)


Shrewdest, living species rules, earth,

Perplex behavior tag caste clan birth,

Intelligence differs worst rest, animal,

Divide birth color nit gender unequal, (5)


Voracious eater, digest tree, mountain,

Quenches thirst, drinks rivers, ocean,

The earth appears small shelter quiet,

Search, cosmos planets settle despite, (6)


Loves naming self social animal craze,

Inner instinct selfish, cruel act savage,

Death fears savagery of human-mind,

Demonic nature exhibit massacre find, (7)


Brutality unthinkable alter, landscape,

Living beings face extinct n no escape,

Human race depiction, not all horrible,

Lotus in muddy water glows incredible, (viii)


Dark-world under bright sun ignorance,

Manifest savagery sacrilege lit elegance,

Silvery-light of moon flood bright-night,

Burns little lamp dark inner mind light, (9)


Illusive realm corrode character nature,

Attachments to desires sensation savor,

Awakens mind realize goals of  sojourn,

Short live opportunity huge less mourn, (10)


Inner lamp reveals universal truth neat,

Love compassion care summon, discreet,

Nonviolent, humble, friendly exhibit well,

Trust benevolence serves sympathy fuel, (11)


Human, gift of creator domestic animal,

Civilization eon witness miracle survival,

Depress seasons of bitter war n carnage,

Bloodthirsty human roams nit sacrilege, (12)


Brick of civilization nation, roots family,

Husband, wife, children welcome simply,

Happiness laughter bondages coagulate,

Paradise on earth sweet home a magnet, (13)


Attracts human, immense pull quit, war,

Be human, wild minds nature never far!

At day sun, at night moon in mud lotus,

Be human, family lives mean enormous. (14)












Sunday, July 25, 2021





Inscrutable expressions guise smile,

Obscure, inconspicuous nit lifestyle,

Behind veil eyes dazzle n unspoken,

Soul radiates love, river-of-emotion, (1)


Embodiment endurance less friction,

Humble immaculate neat expression,

Tender heart fragile often scintillate,

Eye messages million-word intimate, (2)


Passionately devoted serve sincerely,

Lifelong shoulder responsibility fully,

Little complain, grudge hurt obscure,

Walk, wholehearted share life allure, (3)


Trustful, absorbs agony, worry, fear,

Symbolize ocean-of-pain notion tear,

Her husband knows details n erase,

Separation tortures, presence craze, (4)


Conjugal lives nourish vital strength,

Meet challenges n troubles at length,

Unparallel understanding life believe,

Holds home family wife’s nit beehive, (5)


Melodious song couple sings unique,

Love blossoms end marriage ecstatic,

Adulthood, girlfriend seem-hypnotic,

Discover, share hopes mood pathetic, (6)


Dawn afternoon dusk meets enthrall,

Endless gossips mix emotion n trivial,

Acknowledge solace exhibit, girlfriend,

Indiscipline young heart tame amend, (7)


Induce focus guide her love hint tips,

Deception breaks her, nature weeps,

Discipline-automatic smiles precious,

Husband establishes in life n famous, (viii)


Romantic life fruitful marriage graces,

A husband becomes a father, impress.

Mesmerizes time n life, unforgettable,

Moments, watch child, joy detectable, (9)


Unable to search word overwhelm nit,

Wife, being woman graceful n exhibit,

Flood emotions grateful her husband,

Her gifts, beautiful baby magic-wand, (10)


The wife becomes mother, news good,

Unique n unparallel the motherhood,

Her loyalty, askance prefers, too little,

Expresses love admirations, her smile, (11)


Her watchful eyes help n walks baby,

Astonish first-teacher to kid n hobby,

Ripe age twilight years all mysterious,

Serve her love watch health cautious, (12)


Healthy physically, mentally n secure,

Her savings in secrecy, future, assure,

Home maker, decorum docile ovation,

Morning walk together excite occasion (13)


Listen to good news, grandchild visitor,

Being-woman maintain world superior,

Wife, being woman, her gift mesmerize,

Moments becoming, father hypnotize. (14)


Saturday, July 24, 2021




Darkness-of-mind, incapacitate spirit,

Ocean of life, nation manifest, dispirit,

Consequences automatic, erupt faith,

Polluted mind corrodes; erase wealth, (1)


Wealth-of-nation little mean gem gold,

Free of corruption, dogmas, vice mold,

Precious life bleeds n violent predator,

Inject poison of suspicion anger sheer, (2)


Surreptitious move, guise spread well,

Ruins foundation of unity, hatred fuel,

Stigma-of-class castes creed, politicize,

Hunger of power betray rule solemnize, (3)


Demolish democracy, anarchy hurt all,

Fractured national unity, factions troll,

Feverish-appeal fails, sanity perish nit,

Insane inhuman attitude mobiles neat, (4)


House-of-commons frame rules, moan,

Block motions for progress withdrawn,

Mute security, police, law clueless wit,

Demoralizes people sympathy fear grit,

Walls of distrust enable, mistrust rule, (5)


Despair discourage discipline overrule,

Factions of religion, language, lifestyle,

Disappear camaraderie land little smile,

Strike, protest, rallies spit venom neat,

Objective, to sabotage systems, explicit, (6)


Deny compromise look away from, end,

Consequence well-known pity pretend,

Challenges sovereign authority, savage,

Bonfire of people’s priority-lit, sacrilege, (7)


Lust for power blind craze compromise,

Solicit gift money bribe business devise,

Canvass, of national-life faces darkness,

Hope future of prosperity miss distress, (viii)


Root cause greed jealousy discriminate,

Support supporter factionalism indicate,

Media find box office exploit confusions,

Highlight ugly landscape sour relations, (9)


Conspire malaise, unchecked burns well,

Only-key ensure correction healers swell,

Mightiest democracy exercise strong will,

Decipher evil-intensions decline n reveal, (10)


Exposes vested business corrupt people,

Ballot the biggest-battle n shows mettle,

Save constitution, people’s right affront,

Election, might of common-people, blunt, (11)


Defeat corrupt with nexus, narrow mind,

Deathblow election result open door find,

Bite dust no bullet gun salvo dishonor all,

Single finder inked throws power enthrall, (12)


Establish fraternity trust endeavors right,

Equality freedom voice participate delight,

Cleans national life n love people enamor,

 Conspire malaise neutralize, index finger.  (13)


Casteless across faith region gender vote,

Rich-poor, destitute all ages equal denote,

 Equal right, franchise, opinions display,

Electoral battle decides malaises dismay. (14)