Monday, July 26, 2021





Unearth mysterious eventful realm,

Scintillates domestic animal qualm,

Hypnotizes masculine limbs strong,

Six-feet tall scales Everest, tell long, (1)


Two-footers cross oceans continent,

Adventure, fuel blood bold resilient,

Magnetic charisma speech anchors,

Golden hand pen literature harbors, (2)


Mysterious mind unique n universe,

Inner cosmos, knowledge’s converse,

Pair of, sight sound collect message,

Interprets human mind, nit courage, (3)


Animal spirits refined food n shelter,

Procreate in privacy enemy, the fear,

Separate human from animal naked,

Covers body immaculate, act wicked, (4)


Shrewdest, living species rules, earth,

Perplex behavior tag caste clan birth,

Intelligence differs worst rest, animal,

Divide birth color nit gender unequal, (5)


Voracious eater, digest tree, mountain,

Quenches thirst, drinks rivers, ocean,

The earth appears small shelter quiet,

Search, cosmos planets settle despite, (6)


Loves naming self social animal craze,

Inner instinct selfish, cruel act savage,

Death fears savagery of human-mind,

Demonic nature exhibit massacre find, (7)


Brutality unthinkable alter, landscape,

Living beings face extinct n no escape,

Human race depiction, not all horrible,

Lotus in muddy water glows incredible, (viii)


Dark-world under bright sun ignorance,

Manifest savagery sacrilege lit elegance,

Silvery-light of moon flood bright-night,

Burns little lamp dark inner mind light, (9)


Illusive realm corrode character nature,

Attachments to desires sensation savor,

Awakens mind realize goals of  sojourn,

Short live opportunity huge less mourn, (10)


Inner lamp reveals universal truth neat,

Love compassion care summon, discreet,

Nonviolent, humble, friendly exhibit well,

Trust benevolence serves sympathy fuel, (11)


Human, gift of creator domestic animal,

Civilization eon witness miracle survival,

Depress seasons of bitter war n carnage,

Bloodthirsty human roams nit sacrilege, (12)


Brick of civilization nation, roots family,

Husband, wife, children welcome simply,

Happiness laughter bondages coagulate,

Paradise on earth sweet home a magnet, (13)


Attracts human, immense pull quit, war,

Be human, wild minds nature never far!

At day sun, at night moon in mud lotus,

Be human, family lives mean enormous. (14)












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