Wednesday, July 28, 2021





 Creeps nostalgic thought intoxicate,

Yesteryears, milestones nit intimate,

Unforgettable memories bring tears,

Etched golden, heart preserve wears, (1)


Human life precious world trumpets,

Life waits desperately, event dictates,

Split-seconds soul overwhelm prayer,

Aspirations innumerable one inspire, (2)


Validate worth-living human life roll,

Self-satisfaction celebration enthrall,

Mysterious realm transient fades nit,

Great moment’s thirst waits, discreet, (3)


Speed first resemble bullet train well,

Rapturous pleasure pass lingers nail,

Innermost chamber heart stores love,

Reminiscence rest of life, mist absorb, (4)


Life faces struggle peril, suffer recall,

Inescapable-situation break hope, fall,

Spineless, weak life cries for help loud,

Morass once in front clueless a crowd, (5)


None come forward help disaster neat,

Dark-moment hunt forever fear intuit,

Convince soul sojourn, culminate fast,

Miracle happen invisible-hand attract, (6)


Save from quagmire disappear instant,

Rest of life, remember horrors constant,

Impending certain death recedes time,

Contemplate life fails explanation, fine, (7)


Offers journey all enormous adventure,

Escapade to nature recluse nit enamor,

Nature cast spell, magic wand perform,

Remorse tension sorrows fade n reform, (viii)


Reform thought wipe past scare instant,

Ecstatic moments obey life recalcitrant,

School first-day result quit teachers all,

Tearful teenage bade adieu colleges call, (9)


Day of graduation hilarious degree best,

Youth quit first salary currency wildest,

Submerges heart ocean of sorrow arrive,

Grant parents demise hurt today thrive, (10)


Day of reckoning, wedlock unite hands,

First night interactions lit magic wands,

The day adulthood grace baby born, cry,

Brimming tears disobeyed, fatherly sigh, (11)


Epitome state of overwhelm, heart savor,

The touch on palms heart stores forever,

Eventful decades of career service ends,

Retired for life farewell sob less pretend, (12)


Incident once threatened life accidental,

Collapse unconscious head injury fatal,

Months struggle survives memory miss,

Fear each dawn, fail notice nightmarish, (13)


Miraculous survival back from, hospital,

Moment reach home family hugs eternal,

Once for life milestone visits box treasure,

Hypnotic reminisce human life locks sure. (14)





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