Monday, October 18, 2021





Dogmas dominate cripple literacy,

Brainwashes belief, hurt intimacy,

Inhibit rational thought blind nit,

Scrupulous life follows custom fit, (1)


Thwart reformation revisions well,

Modern society moves ahead trail,

World-population accepts literacy,

Check vices n eliminate, intricacy, (2)


Love humanity equal, lens clearer,

Segregate bios myopic view, sheer,

Global attempt, establish equality,

Ignore, color caste faith, fraternity, (3)


Vast universe blue planet solitary,

Small earth human familiar carry,

Fight continuous establish parity,

None, less inferior erase disparity, (4)


Revolution human history carries,

Huge cost human life yet satisfies,

Intension, dismantle class n caste,

Derecognize, blind practice chaste, (5)


Unfortunate violent world exist hit,

All discrimination solidarity defeat,

Fraternity fight war complex bitter,

Respects sovereignty fights assure, (6)


Help sufferer provides shelter well,

Rehabilitation, prime factors quell,

Nations accept feel, compassionate,

Unfortunate refugee helps equate, (7)


Intolerance predominant obstruct,

Concept one world n race distrust,

Insists blindly, superior n inferior,

Disheartens wall minority n major, (viii)


Threat torture hurts human-heart,

Born on soil segregated yet impact,

Dismantle cohesion coercion story,

Humans can get lower kill mystery, (9)


Savage than beast mindless action,

World read tragedy fact, not fiction,

Endless fraternity strive nation all,

Unity firm footed nations enthrall, (10)


Fail, reduces disparity deprivation,

News of horror shakes life caution,

Jesus on, cross forgave brutal life,

Sacrificed divine soul, exist, strife, (11)


Buddha taught peace, nonviolence,

Islam peace, brotherhood credence,

Acknowledges world a divine wish,

Soul supreme, treat equal cherish, (12)


Killing ultimate sin religion peach,

Blind rage, hatred betray n switch,

Fail conscience insane commit all,

Wrongly attribute, divine duty call, (13)


No, no, not at all, correct path tell,

Forgive, forget past sin error derail,

Fraternity address pleads earnest,

Save humanity dignity urgent best, (14)


Now or never, realize sufferer rebel,

Survival instinct turns beast detail,

Let, not witness war among nations,

Fraternity, unite nations n cautions. (15)






Saturday, October 16, 2021






Primeval-threat, not humans feel,

Eon hunger predates, travel seal,

Human equally animal bird tries,

Hunger torture than dying fries, (1)


Force living beings to migrations,

Spread continent crosses oceans,

Hunger forces natives migrant ill,

Poverty, sickness, illiteracy, heel, (2)


Clings to journey less quit reveal,

Weak frames search foods, seal,

Leaving native alluvial soil hurts,

Advent happening repeat escorts, (3)


Modern age witnesses extinction,

Million species quit earth, notion,

Continue hunger eliminates well,

Existinguises living beings trail, (4)


Mammoth elephant or great Auk,

Eurasian Aurochs vanished sock,

Passenger pigeons, dodo, dolphin,

Bottleneck vanishing rest unseen, (5)


Food hunt prime targets decline,

Whale migratory bird net in line,

Vanishing forests n dry river-bed,

Animal world fast declines dread, (6)


Lion, deer species n rhinos, tiger,

Lack food, enhance quit, quicker,

Harsh world less vagary, weather,

Destroyed green covers n nature, (7)


Hunger human understands link,

Pseudo feeling reasons food think,

Savage human ravages earth feel,

Ask, O’ human life, food ever kill, (viii)


Hunger for pleasure physical nit,

Pretends development self-defeat,

Simple paper finishing, all forest,

Industry, housing damage waste, (9)


Environment, today in ruins link,

Human hungers insatiable think,

Earth n nature at breaking point,

Horizons of oblivion distinct joint, (10)


Draught regular perennial storm,

Harvest failure stark reality form,

Heaviest burden, population rise,

Famine epidemic invade surprise, (11)


Water; water a drop scarcer wink,

Polluted water threat lifeline sink,

Dry river, dry lakes underground,

Depleting, very fast, level resound, (12)


Dust storm arid landscape shows,

Fail rainfall sinks level, eyebrows,

Survival right time pose question,

Hunger for physical-body to listen, (13)


Woods, let not last extinction halt,

Rebuild nature, stomach cries jolt,

Save fertile soils alerts dust storm,

Preserve earth deserts wait, n form, (14)


Sequel to hunger diseases corona,

Specter fearfully hunt flora fauna,

Great my nation preserve destiny,

Billion plus people all less-mutiny, (15)


Bumper harvests n peasant spine,

Sequel to hunger contributor fine.

World food day save life inspires,

Save earth save nature,  inquires. (16)






Friday, October 15, 2021




Promise lifelong harbor affection,

Behave quietly discards emotion,

Love, my religion servicing equal,

Help poor, needy compassion pal, (1)


Energy nature of life effulgent lit,

Burns candlelit darkness defeat,

Darkness symbolizes ignorance,

Discriminate hurt life substance, (2)


Blind, human color, caste, creed,

Path seeking divine respect heed,

Thousand-path converge to point,

Point realization only one anoint, (3)


Abode of Lord Heart creator stay,

Hate anger, greed, cruelty, prey,

Cloud of dark spirit covers light,

Ignorance spread reign life sight, (4)


Sight, selfish n motivation guide,

Exploit weak, sick spirits preside,

Torture execute desires rule will,

Luxury, comfort, gold-real reveal, (5)


Illusion intoxicate life dominates,

Survival-for-fittest exist, dictates,

Eliminate living form rarely heed,

Bring extinction ignorant indeed, (6)


Temptation destroy earth nature,

Wrath of black deeds wish future,

Disappear, future deathless end,

Lives every second death pretend, (7)


Earth nature turns hostile planet,

Consequence human-deed negate,

Arise n awake now mind or never,

Shed pretension burn lamp pure, (viii)


Radiate brilliance spreads inner,

Essence true lives truth glimmer,

Adheres love, compassion assure,

Immortality realize soul allure, (9)


Simple, honest life establish bliss,

Feel, nonviolence, tolerance, peace,

Sympathy to suffering life form,

Wish prosperity love all n norm, (10)


View one world condemn narrow,

Profess humanity one let borrow,

Let culture custom lifestyle unite,

Survival-of-human race, require it, (11)


Mingle thought, ideas, perception,

Reform dogma old practice notion,

Ideal life rare, achieve impossible,

Auspicious day moment n visible, (12)


Dussehra metaphoric evil perish,

Goodness take rebirth n cherish,

Victory-of-truth, trust purity live,

Abiding trust let humans believe, (13)


Preserve amity friendship dictate,

Nation trust each other intimate,

Let there not war raise ugly-head,

Unite world reject war path tread, (14)


The day of remembrance n victory,

Mother earth n nature saves, story.

Element weapon control demonic,

Nature mother’s gift, life hypnotic, (15)


From ignorance lead me to truth nit,

From darkness to light watch spirit,

From, death, lead me to immortality,

Pervades peace eternally assiduity. (16)





Monday, October 11, 2021






Infinite belief enrich life bewilder,

Less evaluate nature trust allure,

Generations travel customs neat,

Adore inherited cultures in spirit, (1)


Accent notions practice volunteer,

Celebrate rules procedures adore,

Pride soak rituals gaiety profuse,

Participates children youth muse, (2)


Sing glories, divine mother sweet,

Symbol of peace prosperity intuit,

October celebration immense feel,

Idol display ancient art, craft seal (3)


Incredible dress ornaments shine,

Reverberates alluvial soil n hymn,

Ancient myth tell worship mother,

Links, feminine creation empower, (4)


Human strength, courage root, will,

Dispassionate will bring power fill,

Source, mother bestows power, well,

Decimates evil, motherhood prevail, (5)


Impart true-knowledge wakes soul,

Behold nature earth soil exist goal,

Reflection of mother, subtle image,

Enchanting beauty enamors craze, (6)


Festival nine-day here spring net,

Blossom cipher mature, propagate,

Bountiful harvests nation witness,

Display gratitude to soils express, (7)


Idol soil take shape immersion nit,

Cycle Dussehra, Diwali light night,

Families unite at home once a year,

Sweet memory writ yet glisten tear, (viii)


Corona time night curfew, threaten,

Restrict decoration crowds darken,

Threat Covid spreads faster impact,

Festive atmosphere dilutes distract, (9)


Million home affected miss nearest,

Solace to security n health dearest,

Urge within dries up less travel far,

Confines at home family feel, scar, (10)


Somber occasion solemn prayer lit,

Lit inner heart her arrivals explicit,

Nature sings her glories green field,

Wildflowers smile spread joy yield, (11)


Animals bird playful look blue sky,

Gentle white cloud sail wings high,

Phenomenon October incite n recite,

Contours of conflict exhibits excite, (12)


Shadow of hope hopeless reality lit,

Overwhelm heart life disappoint nit,

Sorrows mirth sings duets perplex,

Desire limitless encompass reflexes, (13)


Mysterious golden earth loves living,

Scant Mother likes n children dying,

Golden her apparel silver jewelry nit,

Tearful surplus grains her love gift, (14)


Waits moistened eyes year October,

Let Corona disappear festive usher,

Hope disappointment tests entwine,

Contours of conflict life best define.    (15)






Appeals earnest mankind unaware,

Conscience lost savage feel declare,

Plunder earth resources greed rule,

Forest cover, disappear thinks fool, (1)


Science predicts consequence dare,

Destruction intensify, people share,

Famine water scarcity illness prowl,

Appeal crisis moments, service goal, (2)


Help, help loud cries humanity feel,

Grueling period realize survival seal,

Unite world now or never fight clear,

Save blue planet green forest nature, (3)


Balance fades recovery remote warn,

Conservation enormous efforts arm,

Plant a tree massive drive influence,

Fund efforts support feels immense, (4)


Stares desert barren field dry rivers,

Future forecasts dark period severe,

Climate erratic ruin harvest predict,

Dry spell unseasonal rain floods hit, (5)


Common, feature earth notice sheer,

Complicate earthquake cyclone tear,

Plantation foremost objective notice,

Conserve water precious to practice, (6)



Major projects highlight, in program,

Village participation important arm,

Youth program strives, focus-water,

Plantation of tree pastime to, assure, (7)


Resources of nation channelize feel,

Foremost job priority selects n drill,

Ends story here, sad write warning,

Nation at war divides less yearning,(viii)


Bitter quarrels n plunder, resource,

Blindly commit, error less-remorse,

Science predicts threat future neat,

Mass starvation sickness lives meet, (9)


Science technology search solution,

Invention pleads humanity caution,

Intelligent animal unique universe,

Joint effort only escape root source, (10)


Watch forest fires, hurricane floods,

Sinks heartfelt hurt n spills blood,

Humanity scant concentrates lives,

Savage mind search cruelty strives, (11)


Listen to cry, yell help loud enough,

Life sinks dying moments yet laugh,

Hunt dogmas vice prejudices infect,

Society when reform realize dissect,  (12)


Discover blunder correct, capitalize,

Crisis of confidence melt crystallize,

Lost hope gather cloud pour defeat,

Meets crisis of confidence n explicit, (13)


Survive humans depend, green earth,

State alter oasis of confidence mirth,

Ahead, few decades, critical, to thrive,

Unite mankind Faces disaster strive (14)