Saturday, October 16, 2021






Primeval-threat, not humans feel,

Eon hunger predates, travel seal,

Human equally animal bird tries,

Hunger torture than dying fries, (1)


Force living beings to migrations,

Spread continent crosses oceans,

Hunger forces natives migrant ill,

Poverty, sickness, illiteracy, heel, (2)


Clings to journey less quit reveal,

Weak frames search foods, seal,

Leaving native alluvial soil hurts,

Advent happening repeat escorts, (3)


Modern age witnesses extinction,

Million species quit earth, notion,

Continue hunger eliminates well,

Existinguises living beings trail, (4)


Mammoth elephant or great Auk,

Eurasian Aurochs vanished sock,

Passenger pigeons, dodo, dolphin,

Bottleneck vanishing rest unseen, (5)


Food hunt prime targets decline,

Whale migratory bird net in line,

Vanishing forests n dry river-bed,

Animal world fast declines dread, (6)


Lion, deer species n rhinos, tiger,

Lack food, enhance quit, quicker,

Harsh world less vagary, weather,

Destroyed green covers n nature, (7)


Hunger human understands link,

Pseudo feeling reasons food think,

Savage human ravages earth feel,

Ask, O’ human life, food ever kill, (viii)


Hunger for pleasure physical nit,

Pretends development self-defeat,

Simple paper finishing, all forest,

Industry, housing damage waste, (9)


Environment, today in ruins link,

Human hungers insatiable think,

Earth n nature at breaking point,

Horizons of oblivion distinct joint, (10)


Draught regular perennial storm,

Harvest failure stark reality form,

Heaviest burden, population rise,

Famine epidemic invade surprise, (11)


Water; water a drop scarcer wink,

Polluted water threat lifeline sink,

Dry river, dry lakes underground,

Depleting, very fast, level resound, (12)


Dust storm arid landscape shows,

Fail rainfall sinks level, eyebrows,

Survival right time pose question,

Hunger for physical-body to listen, (13)


Woods, let not last extinction halt,

Rebuild nature, stomach cries jolt,

Save fertile soils alerts dust storm,

Preserve earth deserts wait, n form, (14)


Sequel to hunger diseases corona,

Specter fearfully hunt flora fauna,

Great my nation preserve destiny,

Billion plus people all less-mutiny, (15)


Bumper harvests n peasant spine,

Sequel to hunger contributor fine.

World food day save life inspires,

Save earth save nature,  inquires. (16)






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