Monday, October 11, 2021





Appeals earnest mankind unaware,

Conscience lost savage feel declare,

Plunder earth resources greed rule,

Forest cover, disappear thinks fool, (1)


Science predicts consequence dare,

Destruction intensify, people share,

Famine water scarcity illness prowl,

Appeal crisis moments, service goal, (2)


Help, help loud cries humanity feel,

Grueling period realize survival seal,

Unite world now or never fight clear,

Save blue planet green forest nature, (3)


Balance fades recovery remote warn,

Conservation enormous efforts arm,

Plant a tree massive drive influence,

Fund efforts support feels immense, (4)


Stares desert barren field dry rivers,

Future forecasts dark period severe,

Climate erratic ruin harvest predict,

Dry spell unseasonal rain floods hit, (5)


Common, feature earth notice sheer,

Complicate earthquake cyclone tear,

Plantation foremost objective notice,

Conserve water precious to practice, (6)



Major projects highlight, in program,

Village participation important arm,

Youth program strives, focus-water,

Plantation of tree pastime to, assure, (7)


Resources of nation channelize feel,

Foremost job priority selects n drill,

Ends story here, sad write warning,

Nation at war divides less yearning,(viii)


Bitter quarrels n plunder, resource,

Blindly commit, error less-remorse,

Science predicts threat future neat,

Mass starvation sickness lives meet, (9)


Science technology search solution,

Invention pleads humanity caution,

Intelligent animal unique universe,

Joint effort only escape root source, (10)


Watch forest fires, hurricane floods,

Sinks heartfelt hurt n spills blood,

Humanity scant concentrates lives,

Savage mind search cruelty strives, (11)


Listen to cry, yell help loud enough,

Life sinks dying moments yet laugh,

Hunt dogmas vice prejudices infect,

Society when reform realize dissect,  (12)


Discover blunder correct, capitalize,

Crisis of confidence melt crystallize,

Lost hope gather cloud pour defeat,

Meets crisis of confidence n explicit, (13)


Survive humans depend, green earth,

State alter oasis of confidence mirth,

Ahead, few decades, critical, to thrive,

Unite mankind Faces disaster strive (14)





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