Thursday, July 28, 2022




 The Closest friend of my life in school,

The only daughter of the uncle, our neighbor,

Use to a mile to school together,

Reading in the same class, share Tiffin box,

Excelled life both studious, joined college,

Shinning was my girlfriend with results,

Differed subjects of both, I knew her,

Smiling often was teasing she blushes,

Her gentle behavior words soft invite,

Popular in college, leading appeal,

Eloquence her speech on debates,

Chancellor’s prize she got on her talk,

Amazed me from far her analytic mind,

Thoughtful, beautiful mind, expressive,

Her writings in newspapers, magazines,

Appreciated by people, elders, tagged,

Tagged as a talented girl, I felt envy,

Uncle middle-class modest income,

Happy with daughter wished future,

Bright career, position, affluent life,

The happy family was praying for a rosy future,

Crestfallen years after, one day,

Heard news of her life, leading as a teacher,

In a remote village primary school,

She was working as a school teacher, unmarried,

Uncle, her families, were sad, failed,

Failed to convince her, changing her mind,

Stubborn was she, loving simple life,

Passing her life among illiterate kids,

Children in a remote village, poor parents,

Lacking light on modern society, growth,

Undernourished, shabby dress, dirty,

Playing on dusty roads, innocent smiles,

Visited her, my childhood friend, queried,

Protested her decisions, rejecting comfort life,

Her heist education, scholar in college,

Deserving to marry, handsome job, family,

Illogical to waste life here, rustic, poor,

Was listening to her reasons, her decision,

The heartbroken incident happened at home,

Their servant sold his daughter for money,

Inquiries, learned a thousand girls are sold,

So often, for the price, no punishment,

For child labor house servant, unpaid,

Supplying to flash market, ugly reality,

Immune to disasters in life, disregard the rich,

Respected, affluent know, laugh at plight,

Excuses out of the social evil horrible picture,

She decided after her university degree,

Gold medal, published in the news, praised,

She left weeks after to a remote village,

Government teacher, primary school,

Loving village folk immensely, happy in life,

My attire settled career behind past,

Famous established with a wealthy family,

Children reading well, daughter bright,

My friend, in tears, was telling on daughter,

Wished her educated life and established,

I realized she was thinking, never sold,

Realized then I cried, caught her hand,

Thanked, got convinced, returned home,

Knew my friend, enlightened heart,

It was her true education merit, depth,

Forsaken dream of a civilized human,

Accept adoringly her life so dispassionate.  


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Wednesday, July 27, 2022





Unaware of the time, I got aware,

Discovered a strange world, fascinating,

Fragrant blossoms, aromas, wet earth,

The immersive chirping of birds, vibrant sky,

Awaken heart, throbbing wished then,

To plunder gems of pearl, bridal nature,

Youth now discovered pulsating vibe,

A curious mind learned nature pure,

Pure air, water, beauty, sight,

Bare, beautiful, enchanting elixir,

Once drunk, addicted to the purity of heart,

Loving blue sky, sea, waves surging,

Proud crashing on the shore returns,

 The Human spirit amazing rises to height,

From the breast of the ocean of life, haughty,

Pompous, white foams crowning glory,

Human ingenuity, cunningness, wit,

Projects to aristocracy attract attention,

Bemused, bewitched, spectators owe,

Dissipate gigantic waves, crashing touches,

In my youth saw, water kissed feet, humble,

Nonexistent by now, merge with the sea,

Vanishing the height of name, fame, glory,

Forgets the sea, the wave raising its head,

Rises another, repeats the roll, heart bewilder,

Incessant noise, immersive essay of life,

Creature, animals, birds, insects born,

Destines to vanish from the ocean of life, in time,

A crescendo of noise world noisy everywhere,

Silence spread on the sea, quiet and calm,

Resembling cremation ground graveyard,

Ethereal feeling, the silence, impermanent,

Rising human civilizations, silent pyramids,

Silent Mayan monuments, castles, fort city,

Ghost habitation wall, road, pottery, houses,

Once giant waves surged, the pinnacle of intellect,

I silently understood waves merging with water,

The water of time eternity creation spontaneous,

Sudden were all vanishing human habitat,

Learning mind deceiving purity I was losing,

Intense desire, acute lust, demanding time,

Diverted my perception, polluted by now,

Lust, gender attraction strongest the pull,

Devastated purity, truth, deception gaining,

Achieve wealth, name, fame, power, exploit,

Force, steal happiness, seek physical pleasure,

No barer, discovered I was covered,

Covered with sin, not ashamed at all,

I shall live, enjoy, my ego foaming white,

Tall among humans, laughing at them,

Different, totally different from ordinary,

Tempts to swallow treasure troves offer the world,

My footsteps, imprinted on the sand beach of life,

Looking back, stretching behind me, timely,

Wave wildly moving to devastating shore,

Found twilight years, mortal frame searches,

Searches the soil, form which once raised,

I was smiling with a tear, a play of divine,

Faithfully erasing my footsteps for good,

Footprints little visible, wave retraced back…

It was evening returning back home,

I was shivering in a salty cold wind was time.


 @ Bijayananda Mishra









Tuesday, July 26, 2022



Leaving the airport; the airplane shuddered,
Lift sooner, vanishing ground very soon,
Watershed moment in my life departing,
Leaving my city, dearest land, to the future,
Happening now dreams of young heart,
Successful, for an alluring job on a foreign shore,
Winking thousands of questions, doubts,
Desire sprouts budding hope endless,
Insatiable, dreamland to quench thirsts,
Higher study, career, house, luxury links,
A curious mind, unknown people, culture,
Lifestyle immensity of megapolis traffic,
Waiting, busy, prosperous lifetime moving,
Time move over the clouds, smiling gently,
Miniature houses, hills, rivers, and greens,
Passing under indistinct vanish faster,
Vanishing my yesteryears, childhood,
Turbulent years of youth indiscipline,
Unmindful, thrilling at vibrant youth,
Loved school days, friends, hot gossip,
Rebuttal of teachers, fun behind, jokes,
Cycling, swimming, playing funny games,
The freshness of the forest, tracks on hills, rivers,
Lap of nature so alluring, intoxicated mind,
Picnic visits cities, mix with locals,
Clubs, stadiums, cinemas, restaurants,
Wildest pleasure, nights, lamps burning,
The study, apprehension of exams, fear,
Heart-stopping at the breaking of the result,
Forgetting existence, a world at feet,
Success in exams concluding college life,
How fast gone so quickly, dear time,
How far do friends, and parents, love people?
Relatives, teachers, elders, their love,
Brother and sister waving at the airport,
Parting look smiling, marked glistening tears,
A bond so thick in life, seeming unbreakable,
Found tears trickling, I hide, consoled,
Unknown fear, future was challenging,
Diverted mind again loved my country,
Born on the sacred soil, fertile, ancient,
Incredible culture, festivals, worship,
Temples, big crowd, burning oil lamps,
Incense sticks fragrant, mingling with air,
Devotion to unseen Lord, heart begging,
Seen life through hardship, cried talking to God,
Stone idol covered with flowers, gold,
Never could if listening to owes of crying humans,
Folding hands, protesting on a stone floor,
For a child, career, home, money, cure,
A million wanting Lord listens, I watched,
Fulfilled my land, nurture more than that,
I grownup handsome, young, educated,
Sheltered me in fear, hunger, sickness,
Pleasure never I could imagined got,
Feeling now, leaving my dear country,
Can’t promise to return to life so demanding,
Prove capability, meet challenges, win,
Extract the elixir of life, the nectar of success,
Luxurious life, comfort, prestige, fame,
Prosperous family, dreams built castles,
Castles in the air convinced me, shed emotions,
No more dear country is visible below,
Blue Ocean, its expanse, matching thought,
Endless, mysterious, life was speeding,
Atomic in the vast sky, like a glistening star,
Winks now vanish next moment,
Speechless to idol God, dumb, deaf,
As if whispering, why betray your land,
Going way, waiting anxiously only me,
A fleeting glance down, it fled for my life.

@ Bijayananda Mishra

Monday, July 25, 2022





Dawn breaks, spreading aura,

Sun shines on glistening greens forest,

Mountains rising head proudly,

Villages, native people ecstatic,

Drums beating in pulsating rhythm,

Dances, young females holding hands,

In line steps decently matching drums,

Intoxicated with pride, youth join,

Taking steps to dance overwhelmed,

Moon caught by their imaginations,

Ruling a billion people on earth from today,

Accepts with humility the mantle of reign,

Native’s today proudest people,

As never before, wishes in wildest dreams,

Democracy, magical wonders, electric,

Materializes unforeseen happening this dawn,

Stands nation playing the national anthem,

Standing lawmakers bow in respect,

First citizen promising nation by the constitution,

Serve as head of the country faithfully,

Deserves women, feminine power,

One among them takes the mantle of reign,

Respect a people accept her majestic show,

Fought the harshest battle of life, lost own,

Unfaltering fight spirit blazes in life,

Serving people for long years with honesty,

Soft feminine touch bettered children,

Care and love predominant an example,

President was a teacher, today accepts,

Humbly accept the job of chief commander,

To rule the country, become the pillar,

Pillar of the constitution, responsible, rule,

Festival occasion in native village n town,

Joyous people of the state, tribal community,

Pride evident overpowers heart in pleasure,

Happy tears of family, local people,

Thanks, Indian spirit faith democratic,

A milestone for tribal aspirations visible,

Sings national anthem flying tricolor,

Power n might of nation become feminine,

Transforming panorama in magnificence,

Transcends message to girls, youth, adults,

Awesome inspiration emanates,

Learn women folk.


@ BIjayananda Mishra



Sunday, July 24, 2022





Life itself, a big question, I admire,

Every breath a second finds changing,

Changing views in front, my thought,

Changes belief, habit, and faith altogether,

Limits knowledge, wisdom, if wise human,

Simple, rustic, matriculate, knew driving,

Chosen my life, driving bus far-flung,

Years are rolling like wheels in speed,

Surprised by how time passing life is busy,

The bus became my home, drive, then rest,

Sleep, the bed is bus sheet, dress in a cupboard,

Baths at the stand, food during travel,

Lunch, dinner, snacks, breakfast, call,

Roadside footstalls know recognize me, 

Food is free, providing customers plenty,

Friend, brother is helper and conductor,

Reaching destinations keeps the bus at the stand,

Play, we three closest in life with cards,

Dress brown shirt, pants, asset a comb,

Sleep in the day time drive during the night,

Lonely roads in city, villages, jungles,

The bus runs with alacrity watching cows,

Street dogs, beggars sleeping on the roadside,

Children running to the middle of roads,

Speeding overloaded trucks, car overtaking,

Bicycles and motorcycles, the worst offenders,

Accident, never happened life, has seen,

A life cut short by accident, a few dying,

Wounded passengers, heart-rending cries,

Silent onlookers gather, helpless, trying,

Trying to inform police, authority,

Roads with blood heart touching,

Who dies today, watches motorcycles,

Play with truck, car racing fast,

Mobile in hand driving car a fashion,

Untimely death happens, truck behind,

Witness sick people in the bus, aged,

Vomiting at places need care n rest,

Children glue to window glass curious,

Moving past sceneries, rivers, forests,

Unknown bazaar, village Hat, fun,

Students going to colleges or home,

Singing dancing shout co-passenger angry,

Complains, conductor warns often,

Ticket, ticket, sound whistles, I hear,

Night bus, passengers sleeping, silent,

Alert alone awake helper dosing,

Maneuvered steep slopes, hairpin bends,

Prayed idols in the ghat road vermilion red,

Believes Goddess will help driving safely,

Believes bus living-part of my life,

Checking parts cleaning the bus, sharing love,

Move to home in shift, few days left,

Enjoys homely food, watches child study,

Washes brown khaki dresses, market,

Find wife’s requirements pay house rent,

Talking to son reading in high school,

Lovingly play with my baby daughter,

Sighs, save money for daughter her marriage,

Conflicts mind, daughter to get educated,

Advises my son to study well to become an officer,

A bus driver’s life on trial, my child, gets never.


@ Bijayananda Mishra