Sunday, October 2, 2022




 Born on this soil destined to die,

Till death to live happily, in peace,

There, our understanding differs,

Some say good food life gets happy,

Sleep comfortably at night,

Some find conjugal life blissful,

Many children visible happiness,

Man fears death in a dark corner,

Security, the ultimate factor, ensures,

Happiness;  from the cave to a mansion,

Secured life at home life happy,

Never laugh at me inks different,

Happiness;  a beast enjoys likewise,

Is it human equals with animals,

A child ever meant to be a cub,

Growing like an animal then dies,

Alas, humanity understands the same,

Food, clothe, shelter, parental care,

The civilized world offers the same,

But education is a must for all ages,

Communities natives lack these,

Children lack education illiterate,

At center theological read scriptures,

Mug up holy books grows soon,

Holy-book describes God's existence,

The divine rules were written, ancient,

A path is indicated to follow strictly,

Meet objectives of human life n quit,

Destination missed totally by a kid,

A seer's presence needed to explain,

Those travel on this path realize,

Can share ably explain a holy book,

Hijacking children's life duly happens,

Memorizing lines a child realizes least,

Wasted early childhood, time to learn,

Book, the school, college, are waiting,

Knowledge is the beach near the ocean,

Pearls are strewn left by the learned,

A life passed probing universal truth,

Written in his book, lying as a pearl,

The university stands tall, glorifies,

Art, literature, science, medicine,

A plethora of technology research open,

Panorama matches landscape nicely,

Endless shores beach near the  ocean,

The ocean's vastness portrays knowledge,

Depth unknown, human life probes,

Thus, a child is not a cub to eat n sleep,

Not a robot to obey blind orders,

Stinking with human prejudices,

Society calls these practices holy,

Root reading for a lifetime, if realized?

Illiterate without education, blind,

A robot army is bred by misguided,

Mother is the first teacher to help,

The child starts to speak, read, and write,

Language is the first step toward a destination,

Book is not holy book teaches child,

School teaches history, geography,

Mathematics, science, other branches,

A child starts walking on the beach,

Collects gravel like a pearl of wisdom,

Excels in merit honor duly accorded,

I mean to say human the destination.


@ Bijayananda Mishra






Saturday, October 1, 2022




Hug you child emblem of Lord,

Purity sparks in your smiles infect,

Melts an angry heart to sobriety,

Instantly brushes up a scornful look,

Astonishing human mind complex,

Embraces child reject enmity totally,

Approaches heart cruel invites child,

Demands to be hugged trusts lovingly,

Listens to lies trustingly memorizes,

Little questions statement or doubt,

Love parents closest to the heart,

Subconsciously detects missing them,

Looks around, hardly can tell others,

Searches with innocence crying,

Difficult to tell address, names, place,

How big the world little can guess,

Give food when hungry less doubt,

Only taste if hot with spices rejects,

Few hearts adulterate poison food,

Food intakes suffer instantly get sick,

School offers food rotten with insects,

Never felt guilty n crimes against kids,

School is the breeding place for wise,

Intellect prospers here child detects,

Differentiate nature, good or bad,

Learn divine qualities and evil actions,

Lamp of learning the candle burning,

Ideal teachers lit up candles within minds,

Human curiosity itself is a universe,

Childhood  assimilates till an adult,

Matures mind realize complexity vile,

Colored human observations to view,

What is taught to be right; think right,

Little inspect the validity of the point,

Blind for statement right miss facts,

Life passed innocence of a heart kidnapped,

Naked child forced to wear a dress,

Approves customs denies freedom,

Dress for modesty vulgarity remove,

Social customs community prevail,

Born in the womb stamp given,

Child avatar of God classified soon,

Splashed in religion flavor divided,

The human mind chained child is different,

Color, language, region, caste continue,

Lord in the heart cries silently object,

O' human, blindfolded, creates races,

I am indivisible, so the child is innocent,

Innocence is the purity like fresh air,

Search purity in water  satiates thirst,

Ever water discriminate humans, tell,

Ever imposes air selection rest dying,

Ever fire objects to cremate on caste,

Left touching your untouchables,

If soil gives bountiful grains selectively,

Selects religion, color black, white,

Selects language or four directions,

Selects class human creates on gold,

Innocence lives in five elements,

Lord builds a child take nine months,

Mother little differentiate her baby,

Tell humans what religion is,

You tag the baby in the womb living,

What is the language, caste, creed,

The child lives in heaven on earth,

A paradise where innocence rules,

Only beauty exists; there is love,

Love never fear poison, cruelty, evil,

Innocence defeats the world of human


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Friday, September 30, 2022





Speak dear soul open-hearted,

Elaborate on your owes and fear,

Express unspoken worries clearly,

Settled at the inner bottom died long hope,

Unbutton pouch of hope to sprout,

Have trust this world is miraculous,

Fallen hopes long enough to get alive,

Fulfill desires both aspirations met,

Fathomless depth of  sorrows deposited,

Writhing pain due to hurt or insult,

Once caused sorrows immeasurable,

Humiliated, digested life ungrudgingly,

Stitched lips promised to keep silent,

Honor scornful eyes smile docile,

Closed chamber of heart deposited,

Never allowed to unlock agonies,

Story drear soul will be long enough,

It can easily surpass lengths of life,

Speechless onlookers, cave widens,

Life event narrow caverns branching,

The dark tunnel of the past a spider net,

The mind will lose links to date and time,

Person met, place, those happened,

Stored in the  human heart, please search,

Less can be found out but certainly,

Time the culprit erases from memory,

Helps life to smile to gain courage,

The heart strength to live stronger, sing,

Flee and forget the past ghost fades,

Normal heart fights this way greets,

Greets fresh air, water, nature, hail,

Mingle soul, the heart merges in greens,

Cary dark chambers life weathered,

Never let out poisonous thoughts,

Chose to recluse heart opens up,

Exhaust bottomed up baggage free,

Animals n birds listen to a sad song,

Cry out sadly creepers dews on grass,

Sleep dear soul on meadows,

Look up the blue sky, white clouds,

Acting innocent white crane clusters,

Smiling once these clouds noisy,

Dark in anger, roaring but emptied,

Follow neatly, white clouds, thoughts,

Musings utter loudly resounded,

Resound hill distant reaching you,

Laugh heartily, your voice gets  light,

Heavy baggage narrated unload,

Light-hearted find the magic wand,

Upon the hilltop, looking down the valley,

Wrinkled face gets bright imagine,

Heart of eagle swoops down quickly,

Kills problems of human life prey,

Delete musings smelling lament,

Deletes your owes and fear detailed,

Discover spark of life cavern illuminated,

The heart is the cave, loot treasures,

Find happiness, peace, sleep well,

A heart rejuvenated,  invigorated mind,

Love, care enough in serving the sick,

Feed the  hungry, offer destitute shelter,

Passions colored with fragrance,

The heart becomes lighter, soaring high,

Boundless joys service for children,

Agile now the life active, positive,

Fully charged preach metamorphoses,

Transform musings unparalleled.


@ Bijayananda Mishra








Thursday, September 29, 2022





Deeply immersed in thought in love,

Son plays with a toy home nicely,

Three storied house furniture a lot,

Staircase rises to the rooftop high,

Ground floor office room for me,

Drawing room, kitchen, dining,

Arranged on the first floor neatly,

Second floor, study, and bedroom,

A small library at the corner n table,

On the roof a small room for washing,

Wire to keep wet clothes for drying,

Ground floor garage at one side,

Astonished, he was so meticulous,

Queried, where will be brothers,

Where is room for your sister?

A guest room is needed for visitors,

He impressed me, elaborated in detail,

A solar panel for the house is required,

I shall build everything for us,

Brothers will build houses for them,

Dad n mom is in a bedroom near mine,

An antenna will be fitted for television,

A computer mobile at my table,

Planning everything, serially listed,

In fifth grade, surprised  by his thoughts,

His mom was astonished n speechless,

Siblings listened to all explanations,

Broke the toy home dismantled,

A fight started, his sister was angry,

Did not talk to her brother, the story,

The drawing room, on carpets, evening,

A scene happened only children's game,

Surprisingly, true it happened, I knew,

In the village, a huge mansion was built,

Grandpa was the landlord, constructed this,

Palatial-mansion three storied,

Garage car at that old times big,

Central hall large one on ground-floor,

Kitchen room, dining hall near,

Two floors of bedrooms, a big balcony,

The tin shed quarters for servants,

 The backyard  and front ground till gate,

The field was big, and well, cowshed visible,

It was designed by a famous architect,

The demise of  my grandfather started tragedy,

My father, uncle, his sister  quarreled,

Staying in the city, all demanded money,

Father inherited as the eldest son,

Fight in the court lasted for decades,

The village home was empty, breaking,

Once visited, noticed fallen roofs,

Walls were cracking, sprouting trees,

Creepers covered the windows,

Wooden doors  and furniture stolen,

Cowshed, servant houses were empty,

Broken boundary wall cows grazing,

That evening I was watching my son,

My dad and uncles are no more, I realized,

Disbelieve innocent children, act the same,

 An evening with a tea cup stormed malaise,

Deeper was emotions, the blood breaks.


@ Bijayananda Mishra






Wednesday, September 28, 2022





Spring festival evokes time visible,

Corona diminished a relief to the heart,

Flood played havoc, disappeared,

Unseasonal rains threaten, pouring,

Inundates, ripen grain fields a  worry,

Overall mirth present season thrilled,

Earth wears colorful blossoms canopy,

Valley, meadows showing happiness,

Wildflowers in profusions fragrant,

Fields gray, painted by now deep green,

Velvety carpet moist early morning,

Shining glory dews glisten in the sunlight,

Hints fragrant early morning auspicious,

Colored earthen idol decorated scented,

The last touch of brush with paint trying,

Giving life to Mother's eye looking intense,

Humanity believed her Goddess supreme,

Mother nature symbolizes her presence,

Mother earth produces bountiful food,

Corns, grain, millet season witness,

Food for humans for the year is essential,

People worship her, their gratitude deeply,

Pity mother, you offer in ten hands,

A human can receive with two hands, prays,

Wants health, happiness, prosperity,

Begs security, peace in all houses,

Festive occasion noisy at every home,

Burning oil lamps, scented sticks,

An offering of food, fruits many neatly,

Hymns with devotions, prayer, prostrate,

Children, females, youth, and old alike sit,

Creates aspiration infinite before mother,

Nine days of sacred worship earnestly,

Crowded Goddess temple lighted,

A thousand lamps are burning bright,

Mother killed a demon, beast cruel,

Symbol, her child turns into a beast,

Powerful with lust, Mother killed him,

Switched my thought to my nature,

Mother watches in the heart of human,

She is the soul, life born in her womb,

Compared to universal motherhood same,

She is the human character, kills lust,

Trident, the self-discipline, destroys evil,

Third eyes on her forehead, knowledge,

Bestowed to each human as her child,

Wisdom, within every soul, illumines,

Symbolizes as lightening  white,

Dispels darkness means ignorance,

Her grace humans become realized,

Conquers death,  the deathless soul exists,

Least fearful of death, of mortal frame,

No more attachment, importance to a face,

Name, status, address, relation little,

Discovers realized soul mother nature,

She is present in trees, animals, birds,

Present in wind, water, soil, fire, space,

Each sustains life in subtle nourishing,

Worshipping nature preserves essential,

Idolize hill, river, valley, forest, reality,

Preserve mother nature for existence,

Idolize own mother, motherland,

Pay respect to  the womb of  the mother,

Nine months stay, nine days of  worship,

Nine days is human life, graces land,

Her air, water, earth, fire, and energy provided

Mortal frames merge with soil, idolized.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Tuesday, September 27, 2022





Nostalgic feeling at the beach,

In front of  blue sea waves in foam,

White foams spreading wet sand,

Returns water back to sea again,

Childhood to twilight years a span,

Never could count waves approach,

Dry sand bed golden extends long,

Preferred the isolated place squatted,

Looked at the horizon, blue sky merging,

As if mortal limbs my mind matching,

Sand beach long never could measure,

Little can say, how much walked,

Life behind traveled on earth saw,

Lives matching oceanic creatures,

Innumerable spirits, different shapes,

Countless behaviors failed to observe,

Found fearful like shark hunting,

Killing weaker lives stalks gaily,

Whale gigantic size fearless moves,

Wealthy n powerful, people replicate,

Attached colony of fish to a whale,

Life of laborers attached to the rich,

Watched countries, size differ well,

Colonies of marine creatures vary,

Confects  underneath water surface,

Invisible dimensions world creates,

Shied life passed, was thinking  here,

Consciousness the beach aroused,

Phenomenon complex intricate in fact,

Entwined spider net life manifest,

Closed eyes felt a gentle breeze blowing,

Whispering if  the secrecy of life created,

Born on earth must die, certain,

Wiped-out civilizations reappeared,

Countless cycles of manifestations,

I was smiling at the waves rising,

At zenith, haughty,  fang of a snake,

Disappear ferocity of approaching,

Etched on the beach, I love my life,

Sea erased my writing on sands  soon,

Sat quietly thought again,

How many friends have departed,

Thank Lord, still am breathing well,

 A seed planted on soil grew bigger,

Foliaged long back had fruit nicely,

Fulfilled propagation so as me,

Laughed with wind salty soaking,

Wet limbs remembered youth,

Like shivering leaves murmuring,

Started singing, humming tuneless,

Life was how similar to my song,

Saturated with fragrance smelling,

Foul smell life had spread behavior,

Like thorns in rose-plant  hurt many,

Mere a word my tongue spelled havoc,

Ruined heart of honey bee unnoticed,

Mesmerized in  the setting sun orange,

Return home whole day passed alone,

The sun bright sank, darkness spread,

Cool shade my life provided to many,

Incessant roaring waves were indistinct,

Eventful busy was my life felt silent,

Who was following me, I did not know,

Saw Cane grass was singing for her,

Invisible mother has arrived in spring,

Earth invites her in a bridal dress,

Spring visited my life and greeted her,

Felt an emptiness in me, surprised,

Emptiness merged with her presence.


@ Bijayananda Mishra