Showing posts with label MUSINGS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MUSINGS. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2022





Speak dear soul open-hearted,

Elaborate on your owes and fear,

Express unspoken worries clearly,

Settled at the inner bottom died long hope,

Unbutton pouch of hope to sprout,

Have trust this world is miraculous,

Fallen hopes long enough to get alive,

Fulfill desires both aspirations met,

Fathomless depth of  sorrows deposited,

Writhing pain due to hurt or insult,

Once caused sorrows immeasurable,

Humiliated, digested life ungrudgingly,

Stitched lips promised to keep silent,

Honor scornful eyes smile docile,

Closed chamber of heart deposited,

Never allowed to unlock agonies,

Story drear soul will be long enough,

It can easily surpass lengths of life,

Speechless onlookers, cave widens,

Life event narrow caverns branching,

The dark tunnel of the past a spider net,

The mind will lose links to date and time,

Person met, place, those happened,

Stored in the  human heart, please search,

Less can be found out but certainly,

Time the culprit erases from memory,

Helps life to smile to gain courage,

The heart strength to live stronger, sing,

Flee and forget the past ghost fades,

Normal heart fights this way greets,

Greets fresh air, water, nature, hail,

Mingle soul, the heart merges in greens,

Cary dark chambers life weathered,

Never let out poisonous thoughts,

Chose to recluse heart opens up,

Exhaust bottomed up baggage free,

Animals n birds listen to a sad song,

Cry out sadly creepers dews on grass,

Sleep dear soul on meadows,

Look up the blue sky, white clouds,

Acting innocent white crane clusters,

Smiling once these clouds noisy,

Dark in anger, roaring but emptied,

Follow neatly, white clouds, thoughts,

Musings utter loudly resounded,

Resound hill distant reaching you,

Laugh heartily, your voice gets  light,

Heavy baggage narrated unload,

Light-hearted find the magic wand,

Upon the hilltop, looking down the valley,

Wrinkled face gets bright imagine,

Heart of eagle swoops down quickly,

Kills problems of human life prey,

Delete musings smelling lament,

Deletes your owes and fear detailed,

Discover spark of life cavern illuminated,

The heart is the cave, loot treasures,

Find happiness, peace, sleep well,

A heart rejuvenated,  invigorated mind,

Love, care enough in serving the sick,

Feed the  hungry, offer destitute shelter,

Passions colored with fragrance,

The heart becomes lighter, soaring high,

Boundless joys service for children,

Agile now the life active, positive,

Fully charged preach metamorphoses,

Transform musings unparalleled.


@ Bijayananda Mishra