Sunday, October 2, 2022




 Born on this soil destined to die,

Till death to live happily, in peace,

There, our understanding differs,

Some say good food life gets happy,

Sleep comfortably at night,

Some find conjugal life blissful,

Many children visible happiness,

Man fears death in a dark corner,

Security, the ultimate factor, ensures,

Happiness;  from the cave to a mansion,

Secured life at home life happy,

Never laugh at me inks different,

Happiness;  a beast enjoys likewise,

Is it human equals with animals,

A child ever meant to be a cub,

Growing like an animal then dies,

Alas, humanity understands the same,

Food, clothe, shelter, parental care,

The civilized world offers the same,

But education is a must for all ages,

Communities natives lack these,

Children lack education illiterate,

At center theological read scriptures,

Mug up holy books grows soon,

Holy-book describes God's existence,

The divine rules were written, ancient,

A path is indicated to follow strictly,

Meet objectives of human life n quit,

Destination missed totally by a kid,

A seer's presence needed to explain,

Those travel on this path realize,

Can share ably explain a holy book,

Hijacking children's life duly happens,

Memorizing lines a child realizes least,

Wasted early childhood, time to learn,

Book, the school, college, are waiting,

Knowledge is the beach near the ocean,

Pearls are strewn left by the learned,

A life passed probing universal truth,

Written in his book, lying as a pearl,

The university stands tall, glorifies,

Art, literature, science, medicine,

A plethora of technology research open,

Panorama matches landscape nicely,

Endless shores beach near the  ocean,

The ocean's vastness portrays knowledge,

Depth unknown, human life probes,

Thus, a child is not a cub to eat n sleep,

Not a robot to obey blind orders,

Stinking with human prejudices,

Society calls these practices holy,

Root reading for a lifetime, if realized?

Illiterate without education, blind,

A robot army is bred by misguided,

Mother is the first teacher to help,

The child starts to speak, read, and write,

Language is the first step toward a destination,

Book is not holy book teaches child,

School teaches history, geography,

Mathematics, science, other branches,

A child starts walking on the beach,

Collects gravel like a pearl of wisdom,

Excels in merit honor duly accorded,

I mean to say human the destination.


@ Bijayananda Mishra






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