Wednesday, December 7, 2022





Saves life, red signal warns brightly,

Behind the wheel brakes the car,

Watch alert red light glows,

Chose risk your life moving ahead,

Loves soul separate for my activity,

Immune to my rabid attractions,

Impassionate toward acute desire,

Blind to the intense lust harbors,

The mind plays a game, lifelong naughty,

Such infinitesimal urge hidden exists,

Arouses mind trickster alluding, wicked,

Contemplated such moments love,

Life, if not, faces a square confused,

Proceed forward straight red to rest,

Glowing green light safe drive clear,

Bewilder often soul goads move forward,

Never says, silent for left or the right,

Clashed with heavy vehicles, rock,

Fell into gorge destroyed and burnt,

Rub my forehead lost in my thought,

Self deeds if not bring to the debacle,

Inver vision indicates red light warns,

Intrusive mind captures heart cruel,

Pushes to the brink, no opportunity,

Disaster happen suddenly invited,

Like numerous accidents happen,

Crossing signal red light warning,

Human life is similar path warns,

Confusion in the foreseeable future,

Bifurcate solution trifurcate mind,

The square perplexes state thinks,

Write my life these squares came,

Education career retirement faced,

Where to move left or right or ahead,

Not possible to back out were options,

Left was active life pleasure-seeking,

Leisure comfort luxury unlimited,

Mock the burnt mantle and proceed,

Red light is glazing silent aware of,

The gas mantle will fall off consequently,

Life path ends ultimately sorrowful,

Last moment realize duties, incomplete,

An accident takes life in a split second,

Never life get aware of the end coming,

Here dying moments pain tenfold,

Repentance gives no scope to return,

Forward green light shows equanimity,

End the in-proximity amber light,

Fears mind tries to flee, red light shows,

Go ahead O' wise twilight green light,

The soul is deathless, a butterfly in the noon,

By dawn, sight is fallen, another in wings,

The world is intoxicant, colorful is blossom,

Wild by now lost eluded savor life,

This path body quietly calms the mind,

Serenity, thoughts acquire sings master,

Green is safe, serene, divine pleasure,

Feel this motion rhythmic yet eternity,

A straight line expansive, beginning or end,

None can guess this line green signals,

Move right, amber light, pray, and pray,

Read about him, your experience sing,

Write his glories observed astonished,

Proceed slowly after the sinking sun, think,

Think of the master you accomplished,

Pray to be forgiven for wrongdoings,

Ask nothing as only his wish to play,

A toy in his hand falsely believed you,

I, me, mine all melts ether man fights,

Cry before him, realized master loves,

Infinite compassion his child forgives,

Shows the green light to the soul wings,

Gets freedom at liberty to merge,

With eternal luminescence in space!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Signal

Theme: signal indicates in the path of life

Date 6th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, December 6, 2022





The community feels fortunate to have him,

Extraordinary achievement is a doctor,

Meticulously moves surgical knife blade,

Smoothly breaths the doctor, still nerve,

Stands for hours, spine bending the same,

Moved not in positions attention focused,

Bright light electric bulb lamp direct,

Flooding light over open stomach ribs,

Blood covers plastic gloves he cleans,

A knife moves delicately ultra cautiously,

Unwanted flesh and tissue are taken out,

The thread with needle sutures promptly,

A senseless, still body lies on a table,

Oxygen mask, saline, medicine dripping,

Checks the gadget of a scanner in lines,

Deciphers watchful eyes, attentive,

Waits finally cleaned the body inert,

Stay motionless, unconscious long,

Till the anesthesia exist,

Sometimes after a pinch, it responds,

The room, with aprons blood splattered,

A nurse and medic present obey orders,

The doctor left in haste, the wee hours,

The whole night six hours, the table was busy,

The heart and fingers eyes worked,

His books of knowledge, skill added,

The operation that saves thousand,

Doctor visits everyday watch smiles,

Satisfied he defeats straight line,

The monitors stay wavy, beating links,

Synchronized, it is a symphony of life,

His divine hand provided a rebirth,

So many male females on the table,

Linked each to a separate world,

Dying patient tearful husband, wife,

Crying children, parents, neighbors,

Returns happiness to their lives,

The doctor sutured dissipating hopes,

Hopes to renew lives unspoken,

Emotive aspects speechless spellbound,

Few price doctor takes the cost of a life?

The aspect I have seen Him,

Banished him life comforts, fame, gold,

Less wished the applause decided,

There is another world in this world,

Tribal, rural hinterland cut off totally,

From the facility of hospital doctors,

There moans a pregnant woman,

Complicated state emergency dying,

Watching clueless family waits for death,

No oxygen, electricity, medicines,

A child fell from a tree and injured his head,

An octogenarian with fever and acute pain,

The serenity of life is pure, innocent, accepted,

Surprisingly never complain about lacking,

Socked wide-eyed, a doctor adopted,

The jungle mountain circled,

Pristine river flowing blue water shiny,

Verdure is unbelievably hypnotizing,

Voluntary opened a brick clinic,

Solar panels ample electricity equipment,

Sufficient medicine operation room,

Consulting annex room has few beds,

No one to assist, a staff nurse,

Living there for months saved hundreds,

Village after village thinks of him as God,

Worships the venerable one unique,

I read the news, the community knows,

Know the public disbelieves venerable!  



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Venerable

Theme: a doctor serves rustic life

Date: 5th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 



Sunday, December 4, 2022





Love my world enormously happy,

The infinite thrill overwhelmed me,

Curious once being a chick looking at,

Nest, I never built but safe and secure,

Found inviter godly to the abode of humans,

Learned profusely love and care pristine,

Abundant the fountain of love discovered,

Thanked life nourished well and grew,

The infinite concern for illness alerts,

A pair of hearts shared defeat sickness,

A small amount of happiness I exhibit,

Parents' awful warmth permeates intensely,

The small lane blind end opens to town,

Opportunities came flooded hopes,

Never aspired mansions sprawling gardens,

Aristocracy to acquire falls obscurity,

This was the inspiration of poor parents,

Taught to be honest, sympathetic, loving,

Remember, today stands alone here,

In the dead of night, the town fell asleep,

Torturous, piercing silent night ghostly,

Stands in front of our home once I grew up,

Vacant and locked for years hunting,

Remember forgot my parents,

Dreams of limitless wealth women,

Elegant attractive induced lusty heart,

Move far continent the divide faced,

Pay for every handshake, kiss, or wine,

Earn work diehard addict dream,

This is a dreamland where to achieve,

Success is to annihilate wished others,

Cruel yet smiles envy sprouting buds,

Tag charismatic enigma overpowering,

Surgical removal of opponents in joy,

I am he musk permeates to hypnotize,

Tomorrow is the big challenge stolen,

Know that people search for heroes only,

Forget abysmally heartless ignore,

To fight is right kill free will bedevil,

Devil not for human life but to exploit,

Thoughts of emotions swept past,

Like a cine motion incessant display,

Ah accomplished rich and famous,

I knew father was sick, moneyless,

Never he communicated, lack of money,

Lack of treatment Mom intimated,

I read her letters, felt sad, forgot,

Overwhelmed with luxury pleasure in life,

Never could imagine Mom was alone,

Suffering due to the same reason, poverty,

In the last letter knew she was ill, bedridden,

Job blocked totally business merciless,

Cannot leave million to lose in a day,

The greed waylaid mischievously felt right,

The Community sent a letter to sell the house,

Found this lane is same, lamp post exists,

Opened the lock, empty parents' album,

Wall frames dust-covered mushroomed,

My parent's bedroom was intact, empty,

The hollowness gave an acute-pain, in me,

Life passed, auburn hairs ripped white,

The pink aura bright skin is wrinkled,

Now realizes it is past midnight for life,

The dawn will break soul will spread wings,

Fly far off then away was my flight,

Never look back at the loved frame,

I stood in front of the home a ghost,

The silhouette was sill now less afraid! 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Afraid, Fiction

Theme: Not afraid the inevitable knew

Date: 3rd December 2022







Saturday, December 3, 2022






Impulsive human instinct acts,

An uncontrolled mind is rebellious,

Capitulates heart instantly willingly,

Life never grumbles, dares limits,

Limit is a myth, paranoid views,

Human life is precious, born to love,

Love, self-nature, innocent, decent,

Demands the community to accept,

Less prefers heart criticism  react,

Love only matters the heart imitates,

Tell frankly observed love undiluted,

The least polluted elixir is succulent,

The face to tidbits, eyes, nose, lips,

Females' hair long, to the knees, black,

Simple eye bows, accent, voice,

Word can melt heart seeks soul,

Minute the gait, gesture, demeanor,

Catches imagination, the mind trapped,

A volume of a novel to describe,

Insufficient how love is defined,

Instantly catch fire, unconscious,

Burn heart feels a missing presence,

Runs life impatiently to associate,

Fails to fathom custom prejudice,

Refuse to accept rules knows life,

Transient nature life falters loses,

This happened to my girlfriend,

High society, family if upper caste,

Fair-complexioned, intelligent, tall,

Matching my height in merit,

Rest, I missed her height in class,

Born poor caste differs between families,

A year after success  in recruitment,

The training period for administration,

We liked each other and grew intimacy,

Before joining the service separating,

Packing our luggage, catching a flight,

The direction of our destination home,

Opposite directions distinguished,

Language, state, custom, different,

Families unfamiliar, strange situations,

It dawned upon both similar feelings,

What parents will say when to listen,

How to treat the proposal sealed,

Thinking I knew backgrounds,

Widely differing, require strong effort,

The girlfriend's parent educated understood,

Evaluated positively on merit nature,

My family was illiterate, chained to caste,

Objected to when heard my decision,

Marrying in  the upper caste is not permitted,

Possibility of being outcaste foreseen,

A few days at home churned my heart,

Love never differentiates caste color,

Affect less class and status,

I left home, didn't inform my parents,

We got married in the court, joined services,

Fortunately, placed in one city,

The fact her parents got the information,

My family rejected to give consent,

They were silent, knew the caste system,

Underlined our senior officer status,

A few years later, our child grew,

Demanded to meet grandfather,

Loved meeting the grandmother,

We were in a fix, decided to visit,

Met parents later, at my home,

Stayed for a few days the matter settled,

Returned to our working place, both,

Received a letter, parents outcast,

Community banned reception meetings,

Denied water, fire, social custom,

Our love, a red rose treated tainted.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tainted

Theme: Inter-caste marriage

Date: 3rd December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, December 2, 2022





Come dear to the temple of  the Lord,

It is time to express our gratitude,

Season completing a circle is so kind,

Our lives could solve problems a lot,

Unacceptable situation messiah saw,

Evening hours quiet when frightens heart,

 I felt holy lines from the Bible vibrate,

Calming consequences are often noticed,

Who dear watched our trouble neatly,

Planned beforehand clears obstacles,

Let us walk, hands clasped together,

Let perfumed candlelit prayer deep,

Reverence let overflow shine tears,

Let's not wipe the running emotions,

Jesus, we love you, feel your presence,

Unearthly sense is marital complexity,

Like thick mist canopied or lives,

Witness luminescence pervade,

Melts the misty, mysterious hurdles,

Guides us to the subtle presence of love,

Express darling surrender serenely,

Feel His protection inviolable heals,

Sit here quietly, look at our Lord sweet,

Exists everlasting permeates scent,

Sensed when seriously ill waylaid,

Forgotten Him, thought, time to quit,

Saw your paleface tears dried marked,

The scale of the pain in your heart is more,

This life taunts but teaches nicely,

From the corner of my eye watched the light,

 The subconscious mind watched a tunnel,

At the far end, it was dazzling bright white,

Invitingly whispers  heard my soul,

Love you get up it is evening,

Sit both on the mat and read slowly,

No pleading is needed moves time,

Dusk proceeds to a night end too,

Sleep dear, happily feel I am near,

Your sleep will seem an eon, perhaps,

Morning glories of sun thrill you,

This is  an event we experienced unspoken,

The undertone of rebirth is unbelievable,

A cracked skull, a delirious state,

Lost memory failed to realize the time,

On a bed in ICU watched a wall clock,

The hour hand was circling and looked at,

Forgot dawn and dusk existed only,

Scarcely felt that life may fly afar,

Escapes for good gives freedom,

That came to me the cross silhouette,

Silent assuring dear hold me,

I shall collapse no more explain,

A few years after, I am walking fine,

His compassion is oceanic luminescent,

Cured fractured bones live recovered,

Let me offer my life if a candle burns,

Tell Jesus how your smiles returned,

The glow of radiance beauty found,

Mental states got a paradigm change,

Profusely you pray, surprised mostly,

As if our Lord smiles toward Your voice,

Transcends through the confines of sweet home,

Undertone, your husband offers a bosom,

Decimates the loneliness of couples fondly,

Jesus coveys the undertone we live. 



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Undertone

Theme: Benign belief

Date: 1st December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite








Thursday, December 1, 2022





Love you, darling how intense I felt,

Fortunate to have your company near,

Loved you before marriage magnetic,

Attracting your sweet face poetic essays,

How many silent moments it captured,

Incapacitate my reason I dreamed you,

An Inkling of ideas less could realize then,

Love is not infatuation but much more,

Breathless, the nearing time for marriage,

Boundless happiness unknown tomorrow,

How will you like me to feel the behaviors,

A myriad of thoughts you harbor for me,

When will you express hidden wishes,

Time will reveal conjugal love uniting,

Learns to accommodate is unacceptable,

Behest behind right path influences,

Acquire wayward mind disciplined a lot,

Nature harboring anger softening slowly,

Ill feelings hurt, humiliation hidden,

Erases your promising request defeats,

Forgets prejudices link practice  tried to,

An exceptional effort to provide pleasure,

Not the lust of mind mischief prone,

Getting sober near you, darling smiles,

The charm you hold the closest feel, in fact,

Not single, alone in a crowded world,

Far from noisy life disgusting to live,

Cherish your company in seclusion,

Gossip endless awake night ends only,

Breaks new dawn, you inspire me a lot,

How much invisible-strength spine gets,

Your palms on my shoulders body rest,

Feel trickles of tears, a joy unearthly,

The warmth of  the body aspire focused,

Achieve someday only to please you,

Watch your proud face only for me,

Credit unspoken words well understood,

Furthermore, tuff jobs today established,

Name only namesake owes to requests,

The fame that soaks your heart proud hidden,

The care canopies your love give energy,

A bright mind is very positive and inspired,

Beauty is hidden in deeds is fragrant,

This ensures your close observation,

Protects from bad-companion rumors,

Protects from addiction, the mind tries,

Moments after, life sinks into a nightmare,

The soft-manicured hand is strong as steel,

Save dear my life, numerous predators,

Happy today live n content you praise,

Look at you mischievously and chosen,

Like my shadow feel in your absence,

Protective prayers subtle induce, prohibit,

Never allows a wrong step  for a reason,

My love abiding that coagulated settled,

Like ground under my feet strong,

I can't break your heart, broken promise,

We stay together under the sun,

Love each other binding below a moon,

Sleep both closely in a meadow,

Watch the twinkling stars drunken,

Incapacitate unruly mind satiate dependence.


 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Incapacitate

Theme: Marital relation divine

Date: 30th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite