Saturday, July 8, 2023





Life appears to be river curvy,

Fantasies and aspirations entwine,

Hope and frustrations mimic tidal waves,

Dream illusion of oasis mysterious,

Listened attentively to heart whispers,

The thud angrier, throb romantic,

Dispassionate for study left late,

Dejected life, scornful parents,

Silent, aloof, preferred, separated,

Not physically but an emotional chord,

Never, Father enquired me any reasons,

Looked down upon me, a spoilt kid,

Left my plates with food on the table,

Scarcely invite for lunch or dinner,

They laugh, gossip, discuss a lot,

My presence both moves away,

Countless questions to mother,

Her answer disheartening hurt,

Illiteracy is a curse that must suffer,

Your rejection of college life suspense,

Want to be a parasite feed willingly,

Sustain others earning hard work,

Mother conveyed clearly a burden,

Earn yourself or vacate help parents,

Left that day our home to the street,

Few money savings baggage with me,

A friend, his father allowed his garage,

Life renewed as a painter, the beginning,

Helped a friend's dad, and uncle, with funds,

I started selling paintings with frames,

 I knew my father was intelligent, educated,

Studied night long, passionate about books,

Great memory can remember mostly,

Eloquent speaker on various subjects,

My life failed to match him same DNA,

He commented a caustic remark sadly,

He is not my son how the blood betrays,

I hate a stupid son left studying soon,

Think in my shop on him love much,

Feel proud of him for his talent skills,

But my life, my passion is the brush,

Mind projection scenarios scenic,

Scenes at times violent mind reality,

Capture eyes green greedy cruel too,

Nature paints greenery hills sunset,

Glowing peaks of snow-clad peaks,

Days pass to paint a sympathetic heart,

Love, caring, touching souls spectral,

Decades after got self-sufficient life, 

Married, then a child plus our roof,

The small city is now known famous painter,

Each exhibition and a great deal of money,

My son is growing completed school,

Stood as the best student highest marks,

Got Governor's prize for debate, a talk,

Winning several essay completions,

His selves are full of cup, gold medals,

Performing in college was extraordinary,

His gold medal as the best graduate I saw,

Socked remember my dad once said,

I did not have his blood in contempt,

Puzzled now how my son is different,

Uncle cleared my doubts disbelieve,

Blood speaks distinctly inherited, 

Grandson is the shadow of his Grandpa.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Shadow

Themes: Inheritance reflected

Written: 7th July 2923, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, July 7, 2023






Confess entwined aspirations,

Hidden in the chamber of heart,

Locked mind, stubborn patient,

Wait desperately every morn duet,

The passion is endless, found shore,

Desperately anxious children fly,

Not one, one by one, spread wings,

Roar in the sky joyous cross seas,

Far continent, dreams of father's heart,

Wonderful people, wealth decent,

Friendly accept the children timely,

Their education skill marvel others,

Married overseas lives satisfaction,

Disobeys tears, happy kids growing,

Materialize opportunity moments,

To watch birds flying from the nest,

Ah, smiling faces, bright eyes gleam,

The life of the father experience unreal seem,

They grow study well disciplined,

Obey parents strictly dream similarly,

Conviction influenced hard work,

Confidence outpour from performance,

Sitting in my car waiting for the children, home,

School time is over bell is ringing,

As if a flood homing school gate,

Laughed silently how much proud,

Three sons and a daughter studying well,

Passions of the human heart found shore,

The rest of the dreams faded automatically,

Surprised no hunger for wealth status,

Not a thirsty heart anymore crying,

Lord has fulfilled beyond what begged,

Oh, the shout, greetings, smiling,

Children inside my car demanding,

Take us home soon as we are hungry,

Why should I be disturbed or angry,

There their mom must be waiting,

Her long look at the far side street for the car,

Sighted electric impulse into the kitchen,

We notice their fight competition,

Enjoyed children finished lunch,

Maybe wish to take rest, or to sleep,

Disturbed someone calling at the window,

A female with two babies is looking,

Begging some food, hungry desperately,

I looked at two kids, skinny and speechless,

Socked to their life without food,

No dress and shelter mother begging,

Lord gives to people starkly strike me,

Sat for a second and looked at my children,

Fortunate? is an obscene word I felt,

Inhuman attitude humiliated me,

Brought kids and mother inside,

Served we couple wholeheartedly,

Admitted them to a shelter home,

Paid for them formality required,

Decided to utilize savings arranged,

The two kids can be admitted into the,

The kindergarten accepted the charge,

My expectation included now these kids.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Expectation

Themes: Expectation humanity converges

Written: 7th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Thursday, July 6, 2023





A loner, long years withered quietly,

Accommodated loneliness silently,

Knew it was my decision and firm,

Let not me have children, a family,

Preferred to be single passed years,

Occasionally hunted a past, tears,

Why do people marry? why not for life,

Life is meant to tolerate, cooperate,

Digesting rebuttal angry outburst,

Passing quiet night sobbing, moved,

Found with mother intense caring,

The heart was loving divine shine,

Infinite capacity to tolerate blame,

Humiliations from a family, poor,

Caustic on her upbringing rustic,

Disliked my mother, her silent nature,

Wished her husband with long life,

The only son of my mother and father rude,

Got a meritorious scholarship for study,

Lightning stroke on our life suddenly,

Mother passed out in her bed sadly,

I felt alone from that day Dad remarried,

My relationship with my father was cut off,

I studied on loan higher education,

Established in time, hate family life,

Feared my vein blood flow linked,

Linked to my father, tortured mother,

My childhood only witness faced agony,

Reminiscences tortured me and reminded me,

Missing my mother passing years,

Age at half-century birthday arrived,

Offered a tiny dog with fascinating colors,

Puffy whitish patch, bright dark eyes,

I favored and accepted the gift,

Found a new friend in life, engaged,

Her care food walking in the morning,

She grew fast, and a year is over now,

She has become part of my life,

Office work hard labor tired at home,

Relaxed by her friendly shout jumps,

Hugged and licking fondly obeyed,

Sit on my lap silently during the evening,

She walks with me in a nearby park,

Goes with me to malls for marketing,

She traveled to many places during the tour,

No problem, less I faced difficulty,

Understanding attached a bond unique,

Surprised my life is never alone,

I have dinner, she touches her food,

Wait till I sit on the table and dine at night,

I sleep, she sleeps near me comfortably,

She is my alarm clock in the morning,

Bark softly awake me up duly happy,

Use to walks in the morning, she relieves,

Her bath heal care life entangled,

It was my retirement day, and she died,

Her sickness unknown quick demise,

I buried her in the backyard open ground,

A cement pedestal I built for memory,

Her death, the day was unforgettable,

Covered the place with flowers and sat quietly,

A sad farewell to my only friend, kin.  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sad Farewell

Themes: Demise of a pet dog

Written: 6th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Wednesday, July 5, 2023





Exuberance once inflamed the mind,

Devout heart faithful to effort instill,

Born with nothing to boast, proclaim,

Deprivation is invisible, chained tightly,

Hunger, the pang of indescribable hurt,

Roamed through streets with alacrity,

Help O neighborhood help to survive,

Get a morsel of food, can take a breath,

Help me to study at a university, established,

Forget an anonymous birth, sad teenage,

Look, O human, the seed grows a growth,

Few years after hundred feet high luxuriant,

Pregnant with such dreams expectant,

To toil hard on rocky and barren land,

Convinced to harvest and cultivate struggle,

Reject impossibility devoted, really,

A miraculous story of a life through help,

Achieved success, name, and fame,

Rewarded people funded benevolently,

Cured devastated heart to stability,

Stood firmly with men and women in life,

Provided me, a shelter, food, cloth, money,

Selfless their assistance remembered,

At odd hours provided a helping hand,

Saw their children get married and settled,

Used my power position in return,

Felt capable able to pay back,

Debts of their sacrifice for me indebted,

Tearfully provided assets, goods, gadgets,

Savor their grateful eyes happily,

Story not here ended life changed,

Irk of fate turned luck and success,

Left my better half suddenly with kids,

She provided no reason out of the blue,

Missed my home and found a ghost house,

Hunted countless luxuries asset,

What for, for whom, inkling heart,

Not able to weep tears failed miserably,

Silence gripped long lonely hours,

Fear outside world, noise, busiest,

Preferred loneliness dark chamber,

Fail to analyze past, present, and future,

Why did it happen she blocked me,

Thousand earnest pleadings fell flat,

Children choose mother separated,

Angry to think of a past downtrodden,

An illegitimate child orphan once confided,

A Boomerang strike hit me grounded,

She accused me of hiding facts cheating,

Ask my conscience the womb invited,

Never knew a mother would reject a newborn,

Someone kind-hearted took to lap,

Grew up in a poor cottage, but divine heart,

Accepted as my parents, adorned, worshiped,

My family rejected my parents as outsiders,

Decided never to squander my property,

To live to find reclusion and accept lonely life,

A birth not cursed life was precious,

So many people showed kindness,

Never to defeat my fate that posed,

Twilight years longing for happiness, peace,

The setting sun sinking beyond,

Spreading long shadows loves twinkle,

Loved adopted parents loved hearts,

Funded me wholeheartedly, I studied well,

Thanked Lord, successful, rich, and famous,

Touched my skin, on scrutiny, wrinkled,

Rejected an orphan illegitimate crippled!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Crippled

Themes: People respected family rejected

Written: 4th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite