Friday, July 14, 2023





Knew later time rested in the womb,

Survival, the critical issue, is forgotten,

Mesmerized by the split-second dazzle,

Blinded, incoherent cries shrilling,

Nine months imprison dark life aware,

Floating felt in a sea of infinite love,

The chord sole link survival episode,

Forgotten so soon light mystified,

Strange world bright eyes in view,

Focused looking at intensively,

Unknown place ejected from womb,

Uncomfortable as a newborn sleeping,

Slept for years today confess a fact,

The umbilical cord is still intact,

Subtle surreal feelings linked exist,

The creator shadows everywhere,

Constantly in communication soon,

Instantly thoughts flowed to the Lord,

The silent witness watching impassive,

Flowing inspiration energy overwhelm,

Sit whenever quiet silence surround,

Heard so often whispers and profound,

Guides me to live well, fight troubles,

Lord acts like a coach, gives trouble,

Leave my life little communication,

Throw me to surging waters swirling,

Pull me down to fathomless depth,

The dark bottom floor of sadness,

Block light of energy positivity numb,

Such moments arrived in life socked,

Unnoticed sudden father departed,

Looked at his frame still shattered me,

When consigned the pyre I torched,

He was God, even now, will remain so,

I could see flames engulfing mortal frame,

No tears beyond my belief shaken,

Heart the vibration whispering too,

Behold birth and death natural,

His soul left his mortal remains to exist,

Five elements that constituted a body,

Merging like the river into the sea,

Death blesses life, erases name to a face,

Forgets time, people, and country well,

Look at seasons change, new leaves sprout,

Soul discovers the womb again and again,

The cord connects with me for creation,

Served your father blessed feel son,

Mysterious, astonished, who says to me?

Left cremation ground hastily confused,

A decade after finding my mother suffering,

Paralyzed her thin limbs, inert, sleeping,

Motionless speaks feebly inaudible,

Touched my heart to feet, my Goddess,

What she has not tolerated in her life,

To watch me grow stubborn to live,

Blessed me long life to stand robust,

Her hand fed me, but I quarreled a lot,

My naughtiness mischief she noticed,

Changed my life, her tolerance struggle,

Sold her gold chain I could study,

She dreamed her son to be an engineer,

Age has crippled me, clueless to help,

To assist her when she needs wish healed,

The sob chokes my throat, and she yearns,

To recover and see our happy lives,

Broken-down in silence, sitting alone, angry,

O Lord, why so cruel torture my mother,

Feverently prayed she may recover,

Or your ill wish to take her back,

The umbilical cord reconnected,

Streaming His voice console sooth too,

Discovered then that the umbilical cord exists,

Called Him through the channel,

Sending courage and wisdom to withstand,

Permanent umbilical cord magic wand.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Umbilical Cord

Themes: Subtly exist after birth links creator

Written: 14th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, July 13, 2023





 Look at glass towers, skyscrapers,

Kissing sky eyes lost in clouds,

Touching seemingly the rooftops,

Towering the sock sat quietly,

Air-cooled the parlor and conserved myself,

Kept secret that belongs to the world,

Existing my life and world diametric,

Opposite villages surround greens,

Awestruck b now the glittering world,

Asphalt streets moving cars strike,

Looking through glass windows,

Jaws open, staring eyes the noise,

An obscure township has grown,

Phenomenal growth short time,

Countless crowds milling and busy,

Sat for an hour and checked the address,

Found the house meant to visit,

Hired a taxi shown address to him,

Near high rise building with a compound,

Reached the place to meet my friend,

Service holder in the city and settled,

Family with two sons and a daughter,

His wife was educated in service too,

The attires gait demeanor is suave,

Polished the crisp interactions politely,

Could know surprised I sense,

The best friend of my childhood,

Schoolmate completed till graduation,

Together our youth interlinked,

He grew up in a rural landscape with rustic,

Simple and hardworking belief in life,

But it was absent the eyes differ,

Sensed I was meeting strangers,

Time changed, and changed the town,

Changing livelihood lifestyle and many,

That strikes me suddenly get uneasy,

Polite, yet eyes were speaking unwelcome,

Sadness gripped me unexpectedly,

Never could know people are different,

Looked at a child offered tea,

Later clarified her as a domestic servant,

Bright eyes, shiny black hair,

The sweet round face of the girl rural,

Illiterate washing dishes sweeping the floor,

Sleeping on the floor with a pet dog,

I was informed that she was an orphan,

I requested my friend for the girl,

Agreed to adopt and give education,

Dissatisfied and vexed kept hiding his anger,

He informed and bought at a high price,

I could know he bought this child,

I gave the cheque with that money,

Returned home with the child,

Registered as my daughter,

How happy my children befriended,

She attends the school in uniform,

Her smiles, the dimple, shiny hair threaded,

My wife, I caught her tears she was hiding,

She reclined on my shoulder and thanked me,

Loved fervently, a compassionate heart. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Fervently

Themes: Fervently honor deprived

Written: 13th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Wednesday, July 12, 2023





Reminisce childhood hypnotizing,

Sat for a few moments in a trance,

Streaming past years of innocence,

Wild dreams unaware believe fiction,

School boundary wall break hideout,

A tall tamarind tree the shed attracts,

Remember gossiping with my girlfriend a lot,

Narrate stories Grandma told elaborately,

She used to listen awestruck fearful,

Believe demons kill traveler loot all,

Keeps a magical ring hidden cautiously,

The Demon will die if his Ring is missing,

Few days after she showed me her Ring,

Golden Ring with colored stone blue,

Taunted me hay steal my Ring I die,

Laughed at her, how foolish she is, try,

I sat near her in the shed, confiding,

It was fiction, but she was not a demon,

She replied to me about the gift from her papa,

He was pleased with her exam result,

I eyed the beautiful Ring and tried,

It fitted my middle finger exactly,

She knew well I loved her Ring suppressed,

Kept silent, she requested to back home,

Time passed, we completed school,

Both passed with flying colors closest,

Innocent failed to detect my intense liking,

She grew mature so soon looked at me,

The day we were returning from school,

She told me to be confused and should say,

Convey what my heart yearns to her,

I looked at her Ring, and she caught me,

Oh, you don't like me but my Ring,

But she confessed her love, gifted the Ring,

Angrily I protested a lot futile,

She was stubborn and forced me to wear,

Hugged me parted immediately,

Never could I see time separated us,

The Ring was on my finger for decades,

Felt nostalgic for her memory, and now understand,

We both were in love with each other,

She was disappointed I never confessed,

The untold love secret feeling emotions,

Forgotten in both hearts, shield chamber,

I proceed to America to study medicine,

Practicing surgeon for years successfully,

Dad requested to return home quickly,

He was sick and needed help to recover,

Got a job here in the city, settled family,

Father recovered happy with us,

It was a surgical operation in a hospital,

It was successful with a lady,

Difficult a case, fatality in question,

I was worried about early signs of recovery,

Attending her every day, she was feeble,

Drooping eyes, her face troubled me,

Failed to recognize concluded by now,

Two weeks after she was freshly greeted me,

I looked at her surprised and enquired,

She held my hand, called my name,

Forgot The Ring you wear I gave to you,

Stupefied, I stood, eyes matched,

I called her by her name, and she smiled,

 I held back, felt tears, and she thanked me,

You saved my life, confessed thank you,

The Ring she touched was rubbing. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ring

Themes: A ring linked two lives

Written: 12th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, July 11, 2023





How much astonished, stupefied,

The Barren land turns into a green field,

The pond-dried parched floor, lifeless,

To the brim, life manifested visibly,

The toads fish lotus bloom perennial,

Disappear summer heart surprising,

River flowing near our village serenely,

Skeletal serpentine sand bed blue stream,

Lo her swollen currents swirling water,

Gushing water foaming a hissing snake,

Lost her stamina, again placid water,

Full moonlight reflected stolen heart,

This is a river so exciting and beautiful,

Symbolize lovers den alluring embank,

Sails boatman his boat sings infect,

Local folksongs survive centuries,

Intoxicate night boating cool breeze,

The bride is leaving her parents wedded,

Crying the river, leaving a village girl she knew,

Moisten faces moisture-laden song,

Unknown home her to be abode,

She will be far from the river once bathed,

Returns father's home rive recognizes,

The waves greet her reflected glazing,

Sunlight above the river dazzles merrily,

Happy her daughter back reminisce,

Stood in my village, a tall banyan tree,

The square in narrow lanes attracts,

A platform around the tree memory,

Village people crowd at evening plays,

Gossip, their interaction, heated, socked,

Surprised mysterious rumors breed,

The decision of village head cases heard,

Looking at the tree deciduous leafless,

Lonely, a cement floor covered well,

Dry leaves have fallen tree intimate,

Wait, seasons rotate, green leaves blush,

Sway gently with gentle breeze whispers,

Announce other plants, foliage visible, 

The mirth influences people to celebrate,

Flowering trees blossom color spread,

Fruit gardens with bud scented,

The barren land, wet raindrops play,

White music earth scent aroma infects,

Emotions floating, difficult to believe,

Speechless human life passes deciduous,

Dry lips cracked pale is the face,

Vacant look hunting silent shiver spine,

A thousand agonies suppressed a heart,

Still, frame motionless limbs stand,

Like a statue standing for hours with fewer replies,

Less explain her owes miseries and cruel fate,

Knew her very close shattered go,

Her child did not survive sickness cruel,

Broken her heart lost child a banyan tree,

Leafless branches missing the shed under,

The wind blows throw branches in horror,

Broken twigs fallen lifeless is time,

Her life resembles the tree melancholic,

Back home from city to village years after,

She ran towards me, greeted smiled,

Uncle, I have a son again, visit please,

I was searchingly looking at her,

Her long hair was shiny, flowing, wavy,

Black hair sounding her bright face,

Like the moon among dark clouds shine,

Her eyes were sparking gleefully,

Her bangles colored ere rings necklace,

She seemed a blossoming tree fragrant.   


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Deciduous

Themes: When human life seems leafless

Written: 11th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Monday, July 10, 2023





Etched in the heart a moment,

Distinct that lasted a lifetime, vivid,

The birth of a daughter fulfilled a dream,

Wordless to coin a word, emotions,

Father's heart, those seconds unique,

The happiness a void eliminated soon,

Writes out of the world completeness,

She grew up upbringing, I devote honestly,

Rejoiced her success learning well,

Her laughter, demand, complaints, fun,

Relished life of father noticed well,

Induced family culture, customs too,

Humble by nature, silent she preferred,

Her merit, talents like milk and water,

Pride could not touch her heart or ego,

Cooperative spirit, hardworking life,

Simplicity, her shield won hearts,

Admired, got applause, her degrees,

Advanced in life age browning effect,

The daughter grabbed a career job,

Her affluent life single years rolled on,

She got married outside of religion,

Did not inform her parents of her wedding,

When we heard about her marriage,

Socked me, and my wife, speechless,

How could she decide her life,

Unilateral her decision bypassed us,

Established us, unimportant, clearly,

Heartbroken, her mother cried a lot,

Strengthened me, self-assured,

Failed to digest the event accepted,

Look at my son, never given attachment,

He knew this sister got everything,

But fortunate we couple, he respects us,

Felt guilty, never demanded attention,

Well, his care, devotion, concern for us,

Never criticized his sister, not taking,

 He got his job, respectable post, lucky,

We solemnized his marriage happily,

The day we received a daughter-in-law,

Beautiful, slim, voice soothing and kind,

Well qualified decides housewife life,

Stunned by her attentive care service,

The home changed soon to be a sweet abode,

Her behavior, culture, and graceful demeanor

Imprinted on our hearts her love and remark,

Watching her mother-in-law contented,

She prays for her daughter-in-law.

Once, I taunted her about our bride,

She looked at me, replied got a daughter,

My daughter-in-law is my daughter,

Till my last day, she is with me, my belief,

She is not that soul to betray us, my son,

Her divine stint in married life, beautiful,

She never expected loving parents-in-law,

The home amalgamated once devastated,

Inking my life, daughters are rivers, seemingly,

If a river breached embankment wrecked,

Other one flowing serenity matches paradise,

Daughters, if one denounced, other surprises. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of the Poem: Daughters

Themes: Inking my life, daughters are rivers only

Written: 10th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite