Tuesday, August 22, 2023






Immaculately polished attire,

The day caught sight bemused

Attractive yet dignified, decent,

Demeanor influenced captivated,

Measured scrutinized postures, (a)



Each part of the frame attired,

Saree unique design printed,

Eyeglasses, perfectly eyes hide,

Eyebrows arrow thin lines,

Earrings, bracelets, no bangles,

The vanity bag, vanity paired,

Long auburn hairs, if dyed guessed,

Even the sandals presumed costly,

Slimness creeper curvature pretty, (b)


The gait saw speechless forgot,

Standing before her, looking at her,

Forgot indecency impolite stared,

She felt visibly uncomfortable,

Followed her few moths stalked,

Watched, never to offend her,

She knew someone shadowing,

But pretended not to worry much, (c)


A day gathering courage blocked her,

All wanted to talk to her and introduced,

She evaded quietly moved away,

Not even complained, shown anger,

Met once again dressed tight-lipped,

Passed beside her, looked stealthily,

Caught her smiles turn into laughter,

Chosen to flee quickly, his shyness tilt, (d)


Their meetings by bus, local train,

Repeated at the mall city park library,

Failed to find a way to get introduced,

She met me in the library and greeted too,

She knew about him, everything,

A reputed software engineer,

Expressed her surprise saw his fear,

Enquired why his heart shrunk, (e)



Avoiding her yet stalked for weeks,

Blushed at her open inquiry fumbled,

Confessed he, attracted towards her,

A fact being a stranger feared a lot,

Couldn't muster the courage to talk,

Speechless was she, gasped too,

You could follow me, failed invite, (f)


Educated professional top post,

Fearing females cowed down, alas,

She revealed details about his family,

Replied on their reputed status,

Succumbed to searching questions,

Confessed, he gathered her education,

Her family status, study details,

Only fumbled but could say this,

Inclined to matrimonial request, 

The feared rebuttal will devastate him,

She laughed and caught his hand,

Confessed her willingness to marry, (g)


That was the beginning continued,

Plans sadly broken, she got married,

Her family was the force behind it,

Promises, paranoid nerve splitting,

Survived opted overseas job married,

Met her after decades once again, (h)


She had applied for a job entered,

Kept watching near table interview,

She was selected for the overseas job,

Waited for him for hours to greet him,

The meeting was abruptly acted senile,

Preferred to forget their lost youth,

Both are with families' beguile senility. (i)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Senile

Themes: Senility is an act that hides the pain

Written: 22nd August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Monday, August 21, 2023





Occasional thunder clouds sight,

White crane contrasts black cloud,

Moving like an arrow mesmerizes,

Symbolizes the soul, ignorant life,

Mind clouded with thoughts link,

Striking a light of hope starkly ink,

Look at stupefied a life entangled,

Lifelong worries, tension confine,

Lonely moments unsure of a future,

Time plays with fate duets suture, (a)


Good news incentives shower joy,

The flood of superfluous money enjoy,

Smiles of children better half tilt,

Rainy seasons, a few days, holidays,

Travel family glued to sight green,

Mountain road, at the top views,

Dense clouds cover valleys well,

Fog drenched limbs, cold breeze,

The asphalt road serpentine bend,

Hairpin bend rood downward hell, (b)


The dense forest wet leaves greet,

Thousand steams from rock hits,

Muddy water from rivulets flow,

Rapids stark fear hissing noises,

Worth watching children enjoys,

Parked my car hill station stand,

Relishing food children demand,

A variety of flowers colorful attract,

Wet earth aroma intoxicate intact,

Clouds gently move over hills,

Lost the thunders lightning thrills, (c)


The valley visible distinctly scenic,

White clouds block sight so quickly,

Freshness elegant streams flurry,

Circumvent villages, cornfields, carts,

Touched infinite happiness, peace,

Boys, my daughter is speechless,

Ah... utterance how beautiful, Papa,

Disbelieve nature is so attractive fine,

A gust of wind shivering we moved, (d)


Down the hill, steep slopes slippery,

Sharp turns several, the road flattens,

Tearing dense forest rain-soaked,

An audible chirping plethora of birds,

Passing villages that nascent scent,

Cow dung, seasonal creepers flower,

Rampaging toads, muddy soil, noisy,

The village pond to the brim calm,

A cluster of cranes mimics whiteness,

Divine touch to nature infinitesimal, 

Buffalos in slumber in water differ,

Peasants are busy in the field, hopeful,

Dream bountiful produce by October,

Bells of bullock ringing cultivate,

Noticed children laughing a lot, (e)


Entered into the city periphery,

Buildings lines up vanished trees,

Water pools, wet road rain receded,

Crowded city centers, noisy alerts,

Home nearer, my daughter clings,

Papa, once more to the hills, pleaded,

Braked my car at the shop to buy sweets,

Lifted my daughter and asked for school,

Class is tomorrow friends waiting,

Her happiness matched that of boys,

Back home enthusiast of schools,

Infused the visit mountain travel. (f)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Infused

Themes: Rejuvenated kids on a visit

Written: 21st August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite











A teen got aware of spirit vibrant,

Flows the river near the home deep forest,

Cornfields, golden a cave with bats,

Tiger prowls smelly shiver spine in rocks,

School a big field in the front forest behind,

The narrow road is straight with mango trees,

Big plot of boundary wall high our home,

Fear hunt in evening jackals howl,

A village of natives obscures teenage,

The canvas lives thrilled a running heart,

Wild in infinite joy in bush animals at bay, (a)


The canvas scrolled to the beach,

Blue sea, a golden beach waves crest in ego,

A moment crashes into sea surrender,

Wild heart ran amok in sand from school,

Escape classes get lost in golden beach,

Dilapidated houses a tiny river stream, fish,

Merges in the sea, casuarinas forest nearby,

Time sweeps, reminiscent picturesque boyhood,

A paradise at the seashore lonely roar of the sea,

The shrill wind in nearby forest dry wood creak, (b)


The school college features nascent,

Life matured through books, exams,

The famous temple festivals spread amity,

Stream pilgrims offer devotion,

Small the town left a day Sun rises in the east,

Life as asphalt road built in hope at river dam,

The confluence of energy PowerStation earth-dam,

College of Engineering life metamorphic differed,

An intricate, complex world followed in life,

Family life and career and clipped education, (c)


Decades of busiest life saw people countryside,

Traveled the length and breadth of the land,

Flight passionate the projects meeting people,

Work intensive work was over suddenly,

Packed personal content farewell memorable,

Left time, alone late at night, at the roadside,

The last bus that picked me remember,

 Failed to trace a tear, window side,

Cool air swept past O spirit time recoiled, (d)


Roll back, not possibly look to the future,

Decades over tagged to home in meditation,

Impact an accident injury at head took years,

Saw life slow natural pattern eventless,

Dreams pale, crimson years nostalgic past,

Walk in the morning gust of fresh air enlivens,

Riverfront Road sweet home, wonderful family,

Mother with me, father departed years ago,,

Son, his wife left, busy in life, down the floor,

Wife so caring with pills medicine in time, (e)


Grew in passion in quest of divine four decades,

Fund of the banks of river Ganga,

Himalayan trips etched deep and lasting,

Reminisces, overwhelm the years in motion,

Confluence to complete the final journey,

Touch a silver line of seven decades in the realm,

Look far off past as reel rolling regal forward,

Life will kiss tomorrow at dawn, crimson bright,

Walk on the riverfront with my wife in the morn,

The reminiscence will be a sight…. (f)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reminiscent

Themes: Life story self ink

Shared: 21st August 2023, Cuttack

Note: Senior Citizen Day

@ Copywrite


Sunday, August 20, 2023






Awaken the heart well influence,

Paradise on Earth allures intense,

The verdures and landscape song,

Drunken mind captive lifelong, (1)


The picturesque river, mountain,

Kissing horizons valleys fountain,

Rural farmlands, granaries swell,

Bountiful soil sacred patriot hail, (2)


Realized a billion soul hunger met,

Prosperity significant living great,

Affluent, poverty line uplifted best,

Growing population happy attest, (3)


Mud houses or paddy straw roofs,

Concrete towers, highways proofs,

Touching skyline glass tower tall,

Reflect brilliant sunlight enthrall, (4)


Once lived poor lives yet suffered,

A curse for human poverty offered,

Sickness, illiteracy, savage state,

Jobless, landless, homeless, waste, (5)


Cries vibrated silent night horror,

The untimely death of a child or mother,

Life sunken, shrunken eyes, blank,

Yester years voter promise prank, (6)


List food, house, cloth, employment,

Election date over lo temperament,

Forgotten promise exploiting country,

Democracy crippled sign no entry, (7)


Changed miraculously city, village,

Prosperous, joyous, peaceful craze,

Disbelieve, how possibly changed,

Rejected by people, plot, avenged, (viii)


Revenge in heart, spitting venom,

Toxic worm instilled time inform,

Fratricidal war engineered, angry,

Lost power, lost favor, vote, hungry, (9)


Burning streets looted shops, sadly,

Cruelty inhabits life, acting madly,

Dividing yet united as never before,

Cohesion, fraternity pricks torture, (10)


Mandates country has seen twice,

Strengthened hard work, sacrifice,

Rejected fraudsters replace honest,

Country progress, selfless behest, (11)


One nation, one rule, one boundary,

Dismantle bulldozed walls cursory,

Underworld trampled if gun silent,

Safety and security stable resilient, (12)


The growing strength, womanhood,

Astonishing growth life withstood,

Skilled battle-ready fighter pilots,

Female portrait educated ballots, (13)


President, misters, leader, female,

Harmonistic male chauvinism fail,

The golden period erased slavery,

Centuries of colonial rule savagery, (14)


Millennium invaders looted, burned,

Ancient past charred, liberty earned,

Still lurks in mind treason virulent,

Shadowy figures pen in guise, silent, (15)


The country still fears dark blind alleys,

Enemies wait to attack virulent parleys. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Virulent

Themes: Fifth columnist viral lurks

Written: 20th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite