Showing posts with label VIRULENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VIRULENT. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2023






Awaken the heart well influence,

Paradise on Earth allures intense,

The verdures and landscape song,

Drunken mind captive lifelong, (1)


The picturesque river, mountain,

Kissing horizons valleys fountain,

Rural farmlands, granaries swell,

Bountiful soil sacred patriot hail, (2)


Realized a billion soul hunger met,

Prosperity significant living great,

Affluent, poverty line uplifted best,

Growing population happy attest, (3)


Mud houses or paddy straw roofs,

Concrete towers, highways proofs,

Touching skyline glass tower tall,

Reflect brilliant sunlight enthrall, (4)


Once lived poor lives yet suffered,

A curse for human poverty offered,

Sickness, illiteracy, savage state,

Jobless, landless, homeless, waste, (5)


Cries vibrated silent night horror,

The untimely death of a child or mother,

Life sunken, shrunken eyes, blank,

Yester years voter promise prank, (6)


List food, house, cloth, employment,

Election date over lo temperament,

Forgotten promise exploiting country,

Democracy crippled sign no entry, (7)


Changed miraculously city, village,

Prosperous, joyous, peaceful craze,

Disbelieve, how possibly changed,

Rejected by people, plot, avenged, (viii)


Revenge in heart, spitting venom,

Toxic worm instilled time inform,

Fratricidal war engineered, angry,

Lost power, lost favor, vote, hungry, (9)


Burning streets looted shops, sadly,

Cruelty inhabits life, acting madly,

Dividing yet united as never before,

Cohesion, fraternity pricks torture, (10)


Mandates country has seen twice,

Strengthened hard work, sacrifice,

Rejected fraudsters replace honest,

Country progress, selfless behest, (11)


One nation, one rule, one boundary,

Dismantle bulldozed walls cursory,

Underworld trampled if gun silent,

Safety and security stable resilient, (12)


The growing strength, womanhood,

Astonishing growth life withstood,

Skilled battle-ready fighter pilots,

Female portrait educated ballots, (13)


President, misters, leader, female,

Harmonistic male chauvinism fail,

The golden period erased slavery,

Centuries of colonial rule savagery, (14)


Millennium invaders looted, burned,

Ancient past charred, liberty earned,

Still lurks in mind treason virulent,

Shadowy figures pen in guise, silent, (15)


The country still fears dark blind alleys,

Enemies wait to attack virulent parleys. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Virulent

Themes: Fifth columnist viral lurks

Written: 20th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite