Wednesday, November 1, 2023






Awash heart with sorrows, tears,

Heart wished unfulfilled swears,

Askance imprinted in mind lit,

Dawn breaks, yet want, greet, (1)


Intimate news sunlight golden,

Heart turned rock wait molten,

Impossible, says doubt, suspect,

Aura glow sight choice respect, (2)


The human heart aspires, hope irks,

Imbalances stability, grab risks,

He is laughing merrily and cherishes,

Dawn the first November wishes, (3)


He cries hoarsely, shrilling, sighs,

Low October, September, highs,

Spontaneous raised eagerness,

Dates she is pregnant distress, (4)


November, he will be father, hail,

Seven years of marriage, quell,

Listless, knocking doctors, bell,

Fruitless all attempts cry hell, (5)


Give me a baby, cry, she pleads,

Tearful her life awash yet leads,

Medical procedures all chances,

Positive negative hope balances, (6)


A date was given November right,

The first week, time, doctors fight,

Remorse pale her face on a bed,

Sister checks her counts dread, (7)


Play her tender body parameter,

Readings being discussed sheer,

November morning skies, orange,

Dews soak nature, time strange. (viii)


Graceful, spirit speechless, sight,

Unforgettable moments insight,

Impregnated with faith, believes,

Lord listens to prayer describes, (9)


Continue with prayer, the birth, smile,

His wife and her health stay worthwhile,

He reached the hospital in the morning,

Everything is good, less warning, (10)


Doctors decided on early delivery,

Medical necessity natural sorry,

He hasn't eaten food, anticipates,

Patiently sits on a bench and satiate, (11)


Console his weeping heart look,

Dumbfounded, ignorant of the hook,

It is seven O seven, evening stop,

Sister smiled at him his life hop, (12)


Say sister, hell, tell me the news,

You are the father of your son, muse,

You are allowed to visit the cabin bed,

He discovered his wife, emotions lead, (13)


Drowsy whispered to him to sleep,

He touched his son and then did weep,

Seven years, dream prayer link,

His wife before her sleep, wink, (14)


He conveyed electric sensation,

November evening night notion,

Knowing being a father ecstatic,

Moment sister told is mesmeric. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mesmeric

Themes: Awesome the moment he became a father

Written: 1st November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Tuesday, October 31, 2023





Why should one care life is short,

Enjoy things in front, say effort,

Paradise they on earth, search,

Happiness seek and find lurch, (1)


Nectar not in heaven, on earth,

Brook crystal clear dews worth,

Heaven not in the sky, acquire sky,

Be an eagle, not a human, so fly, (2)


Freedom is not a dream, in fact,

Let the soul be an eagle impact,

No boundary obstacle troubles,

The ocean mountain obstacles, (3)


Like continental bird migrates,

Mind soars high in the sky relates,

Eyes are eagle eyes, far-sighted,

Life can observe detail, is lighted, (4)


Be the fish in the water, swim free,

Live hundreds of years be a tree,

Physically visible human lives,

Swim in ocean crosses thrives, (5)


Travel to depth fathomless wit,

Reality is possible for humans, fit, 

Fit enough to believe, capable,

Soil, water, air, space, habitable, (6)


Penetrate root rock, find path,

Humans build tunnels, worth,

Why not imitate, like plant life,

Water, air, sunlight, faces strife, (7)


Humans can move advantage,

Water air light nature, to craze,

Live like a tree, dear human lit,

A candle burns for century wit, (viii)


Find under the tree, shed cool,

Peace, tranquility, comfort visible,

Provide fruit juices sweet, sour,

Gentle breeze fragrance flower, (9)


Leaves provide mattress nicely,

Growing taller stays for a century,

When lives, useful, dies benefit,

Make soil fertile creature greet, (10)


Enable soil sprouts plant a lot,

Compare O human you, life rot,

Water, air, sunlight, fruit, leaves,

For a hundred years, life believes, (11)


Shed your hatred, anger, greed,

Born amidst nature, not creed,

No color, caste, faith, oneness,

Your breath animal breathless, (12)


Hunted nefarious skill cruelty,

Hunt tiger deer is not a reality,

Fish that live in water die on soil,

Lord created living beings toil, (13)


Human intelligence can decide,

Instead of protecting kill preside,

Oneness among plant birds found,

Oneness stays, animals remind, (14)


Humans lost oneness declining,

A watch out your heart defining,

One world, one race, one future,

You are a child of God, or else a rumor. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: A Watch Out

Themes: Subtle precedent oneness

Written: 31st October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 




Monday, October 30, 2023





Secret was his lifestyle that I knew,

Closest friend of my life, I view,

School pass out with flying color,

Our lives change my life differ,(1)


Continued with vigor in the study,

My ambition career job moody,

Separated both in due course,

Missed him decades, of course, (2)


Established have family stays,

Children wife serves her ways,

Parents with me senior in age,

Our care, love, and support craze, (3)


The happy, decent family, lives, link,

What I dreamed achieved pink,

Enjoyed parents blessing a lot,

Being a father sensations escort, (4)


Met once a friend's parent cried,

Weeping aunty, her son defied,

Left home without notice hurt,

Stopped study living extrovert, (5)


Scarcely visit home, no contact,

Nomadic life tours villages fact,

Roam among downtrodden fit,

Care street children love to greet, (6)


Live with them teaches kids well,

Help kids to pass school, hail,

Lacks dress money belongings,

Lives self-chosen wrongdoings, (7)


From respectable family status,

Wealthy parents only son focus,

Rejected comfortable life luxury,

Refused for married life illusory, (viii)


Preferred single-life serves sick,

Provide well, medicine, food, seek,

Obliged villagers recognize well,

His service voluntary love dwell, (9)


Surprised my friend with jail news,

His parents narrated all, refused,

Refuse their help, stay in jail at odds,

Villagers visit him and treat him as if God, (10)


Provide cloth food plead release,

Demands law officers, increase,

Aghast at his crimes, he fought,

Wounded business-men caught, (11)


He beat them brutally, criticized them,

Some were seriously hospitalized,

Visit the place to understand facts,

Business-men lend money acts, (12)


Looting illiterate poor people hit,

Collecting money forcefully, beat,

Confiscate their belonging land,

My friend challenged evil, hand, (13)


Onlookers were villager support,

Police caught him imprisoned rot,

Learned his delinquency delicate,

Ideal life felt proud to help dedicate, (14)


Supported by a friend, fought well,

Released from jail, free village hail,

Enigma for them, stigma for laws,

Delinquency cries, aunty, life owes. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Delinquency

Themes: Leaving family, status, is it delinquency?

Written: 30th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, October 29, 2023






That begins somewhere terminate,

Human life, birth to death, indicates,

The body and shadow parallel stay,

Rails twin existence time well play, (1)


The wheels are time, roll life moves,

Travel credulous, perpetual proves,

Station train halts, milestone lives,

Journey, from home to pyre, thrives, (2)


Coaches stages of life, teen to elder,

Passengers are thoughts, many shelters,

Look at the twin rail lines converge,

Mesmerizing aspect soul yet merge, (3)


Distinctly visible to a point realized,

Human lives move, realized, prized,

Thoughts intrinsic lava to dew writ,

Billion waves human mind to write, (4)


Phenomenal human life, intelligent,

Discriminates lave or dew incident,

Flows anger, fumes radiating eyes,

Quiet, calm, mind scenic, dews wise, (5)


Glisten sweat beads, salt, and blood,

Tears confluence with graced Lord,

Endeavor, supreme, train rolls, shine,

Parallel human frame shadows line, (6)


Action each and combines resulted,

Parallel rail ways connect indicated,

Success, victorious life, hilarious gift,

Failure subtle lesson experience lift, (7)


Sadness, sorrows, thoughts at trough,

Enables life to taste happiness, though,

Imagine a train moves over the bridge,

River, fathomless depth, cross, wise, (viii)


Events life face depth shallow deep,

Bridge enact rail support fear creep,

Mind play horror pseudo suspicion,

Aspiration balance wheels, motion, (9)


Train run on mountain slope bend,

Curvaceous a route, humble mend,

Polite, decent, soothing, rail musical,

Rhythmic, heart touching, magical, (11)


Negotiates train curves, rises to the top,

Human life resembles a hopeful stop,

Tear not for sorrows morning dews,

Glisten as pearls sunshine infuse, (12)


Sunshine, life exhibits courage, light,

Link home to the pyre, fire burns bright,

Endless life energy paramount stay,

Counter trouble disaster lit dismay, (13)


Sparkle eyes, train headlight focus,

Distinguishes right wrong onerous,

Guide human eyes, ears, or sensory,

Warning horn sounds link memory, (14)


Compare contrast concludes train,

Railed angrily, injustice notice brain,

Landscape panoramic scenic travel,

Emotion soaked longings unravel, (15)


Look at past nostalgic corrodes life,

The train runs track one-way strife,

Life is a candle burn, rebuilds not,

One way train moves back fraught. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rail

Themes: Physical existence life on shadow

Written: 29th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite