Showing posts with label MESMERIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MESMERIC. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2023






Awash heart with sorrows, tears,

Heart wished unfulfilled swears,

Askance imprinted in mind lit,

Dawn breaks, yet want, greet, (1)


Intimate news sunlight golden,

Heart turned rock wait molten,

Impossible, says doubt, suspect,

Aura glow sight choice respect, (2)


The human heart aspires, hope irks,

Imbalances stability, grab risks,

He is laughing merrily and cherishes,

Dawn the first November wishes, (3)


He cries hoarsely, shrilling, sighs,

Low October, September, highs,

Spontaneous raised eagerness,

Dates she is pregnant distress, (4)


November, he will be father, hail,

Seven years of marriage, quell,

Listless, knocking doctors, bell,

Fruitless all attempts cry hell, (5)


Give me a baby, cry, she pleads,

Tearful her life awash yet leads,

Medical procedures all chances,

Positive negative hope balances, (6)


A date was given November right,

The first week, time, doctors fight,

Remorse pale her face on a bed,

Sister checks her counts dread, (7)


Play her tender body parameter,

Readings being discussed sheer,

November morning skies, orange,

Dews soak nature, time strange. (viii)


Graceful, spirit speechless, sight,

Unforgettable moments insight,

Impregnated with faith, believes,

Lord listens to prayer describes, (9)


Continue with prayer, the birth, smile,

His wife and her health stay worthwhile,

He reached the hospital in the morning,

Everything is good, less warning, (10)


Doctors decided on early delivery,

Medical necessity natural sorry,

He hasn't eaten food, anticipates,

Patiently sits on a bench and satiate, (11)


Console his weeping heart look,

Dumbfounded, ignorant of the hook,

It is seven O seven, evening stop,

Sister smiled at him his life hop, (12)


Say sister, hell, tell me the news,

You are the father of your son, muse,

You are allowed to visit the cabin bed,

He discovered his wife, emotions lead, (13)


Drowsy whispered to him to sleep,

He touched his son and then did weep,

Seven years, dream prayer link,

His wife before her sleep, wink, (14)


He conveyed electric sensation,

November evening night notion,

Knowing being a father ecstatic,

Moment sister told is mesmeric. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mesmeric

Themes: Awesome the moment he became a father

Written: 1st November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite