Friday, November 17, 2023





Askance unlimited ambit defies,

Human mind exploration sighs,

Tied of searching evaluate effort,

Material pleasure, infect, live fort, (1)


Dream castles, imaginary stories,

Million pages yet intense worries,

Despicable situation, hostile lives,

Impossible to reach dares strives, (2)


Look at the castle on top of a hill,

A thousand laborers lift stones, kill,

Nameless obliterated lives a past,

They spared their life golden last, (3)


Traveled these chambers empty,

Lived rulers once here, say plenty,

Hundreds of concubines, cronies,

Luxurious lives comforts ironies, (4)


They lived, looted, plundered killed,

Hunting palaces empty, tear-filled,

Merciless, kings, queen minister,

Fratricidal fights, brother sister, (5)


Imprison father buried mothers,

Silent canons underground hers,

Mass attempts, burning themselves,

Thousand princesses in fire ashes, (6)


Quietude rules dark tunnel fear,

Thirst lust where the end, disappear,

Stood for a few minutes, silence fuel,

Whispered burning women cruel, (7)


Invaders human subjects similar,

One kills chained other peculiar,

Return from a castle, brutal past,

Sordid insanity hungry lives last, (viii)


The Taj grave of king and queen,

Rare and strikingly beautiful seen,

The birth of the fourteenth child,

Death of queen, The Taj revealed, (9)


Sleeps Emperor butchered elder,

Built Taj his love memory secure,

Introspect New Age animal stays,

History repeats sight differs, ways, (10)


Attitude changes, modern views,

Building towers skyscrapers use,

Polluted toxic populous shifting,

Megapolis to ghost city, hunting, (11)


Bitter war terror faceless appears,

Cruel, then past invader monsters,

They kill or kill to boast proudly,

Aghast shout, for salvation loudly, (12)


Urban, civilized, proclaim madly,

Futuristic technology atom, sadly,

Gone are castles missile strange,

Doomsday, human race arrange, (13)


Changes peace bonhomie amity,

Hostility, enmity, vicious, calamity,

In the park, extraordinary beauty,

Green fields flowers peace pretty, (14)


Stay it is late night thinks detail,

Ponder human race exists prevails,

Lives simply, mingle with nature,

Peace, happiness, love, know better. (15)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ponder

Themes: Foolish life fights, kills and boasts

Written: 17th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Swirling waters whirlwind state,

Wild mind churns interconnect,

Impassioned introspect minute,

Irresistible appetite life dispute, (1)


Askance unambiguous demand,

Blind human, left or right hand,

Give one hand, take the other hand,

Actions mind plays magic wand, (2)


Pros and cons, fallacy calculate,

Profit and loss, foolish evaluation,

Sum and substance orate hour,

Acumen plus minus fails cower, (3)


Lifelong humans estimate a zero,

Million to billion, then zero hero,

Hundred storied skyscraper tall,

Popular, prosperous, lost all fall, (4)


Mild peacemaker decent deal fit,

Negotiate to win bitter fight defeat,

Famous, wise, status renowned,

Better billion business crowned, (5)


Feared among corporate hailed,

Betting miscalculated lo nailed,

Loser, end of a story, shattered,

Pushed to obscurity smattered, (6)


Forgets people, societies laugh,

Human dignity rises fall graph,

List many incidences intensely,

Awestruck, write livable tensely, (7)


Look at family wider clan fame,

For years, famous react defame,

Exposed their exploitation light,

Contribution stolen gold insight, (viii)


Disbelieve people came to know,

Horrible deeds news-casts show,

Plethora of houses, cars, assets,

Ceased by law gain popper tests, (9)


Drunk, to rags, roam in streets,

Families fled sooner, fewer treats,

Astonished life changes in front,

I have seen you contest lie blunt, (10)


Silent chose to move away soon,

Turbulence life encounters boon,

Shatter devastated family reject,

Survival loner rebuilds, a secret, (11)


Simple life single mingle serene,

Amidst nature, a soul question,

Build an empire, lose kingdom men,

Considerably summary insane, (12)


Live simple, eat simple, exercise,

Amid nature admit love precisely,

Knowing love and compassion entwine,

Peaceful and happy in between, (13)


Quietude, calm mind, still water,

A stone into the pool wave wear,

Thought disturbs outward movement,

Ring after ring waves find groove, (14)


Calm water reflects like a mirror,

Distinct vision future to picture,

Turbulence, waves ruins human,

Tranquility, the opposite, survives man. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Turbulence 

Themes: Wave of thoughts ends destructive

Written: 17th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite









Thursday, November 16, 2023





Possibilities numerous, mysterious,

Uncertain future swivel life curious,

Ascertain the human heart, prosperous,

Steal possession, time mischievous, (1)


Gain overnight millions, lose again,

Fate plays notorious fortune insane,

Celebrations visible family welcome,

Birth of a baby, graceful handsome, (2)


Sweeps ground under feet hilarious,

Decades of efforts couple conscious,

Warms her spirit, mother disbelieves,

Letter, demise of her father, deceive, (3)


Coincidence proverbial death, birth,

Happiness sizzle a baby, fate wrath,

Only son, father is happy, brilliant,

Complete education leaves reluctant, (4)


Concede his future allows the child,

Travel abroad rises high fate shield,

Unknown disease untreatable ends,

Death was informed to father, sends, (5)


The happiness of having a son evaporated,

Satisfaction deleted soon exonerated,

Confused believe me attend the wedding,

Invited as a guest, cherishes, needing, (6)


Bless the couple with a gift sweetens,

Couple of years, encounter, lightens,

Happy married couple childless hit,

Astonish marriage break-up defeat, (7)


Separated wife at her parent's home,

Single life husband shattered some,

Sat with him, he cried, narrated sadly,

Cursing his fate, overjoyed madly, (viii)


Imbalanced, incoherent, state lead,

His parents state distress indeed,

Remember years back, a marriage,

Jovial atmosphere to miscarriage, (9)


The sad faces, tears, remorseless,

They tried hard to forget to impress,

Alert life wants to live, not to die,

Acute pain, misery, hurt lives defy, (10)


Want to live for tomorrow to hope,

Accept the possibility, tomorrow elope,

Reunion met, instances, a couple,

Separate for decade unite simple, (11)


Conceive a child grew up brightly,

Seen such parents grew old lightly,

Their separation, agony forgotten,

Had grandchildren past is rotten, (12)


Sat quietly views incidence many,

Providence controls find uncanny,

No explanation justification deal,

Dying hour, incurable, hails heal, (13)


Not one so many circumstances,

Life pivotal dying revive instances,

Looks doctors, nurse, tearful, pray,

Providence, not abnormal, dismay. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Providence

Themes: Fate, fortune, luck, destiny, not a play

Written: 16th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Wednesday, November 15, 2023





Reject salvation, entrap rebirth,

Renews life sprout living worth,

Recollect precious second trail,

Resurrect soul ecstasy, prevail, (1)


Reconnect fatherhood supreme,

Resource, an upbringing prime,

Restored faith, child grew soon,

Rotates human life, earth, moon, (2)


Relate to marriage kid wedlock,

Regal wings spread flying, sock,

Remote continents nested sad,

Realized twilight years reward, (3)


Reconnect events, milestones,

Remember, happy life in bones,

Reward marriage ring, propose,

Reckon better half for purpose, (4)


Reserve secret sweet nothings,

Reply speechless smitten sings,

Restore family life, graceful love,

Revive Lord exists, bless above, (5)


Rest the sequel travelogue sense,

Request a rebirth, less pretense,

Rule of life certain death, inward,

Rely upon faith prayers reward, (6)


Rate possibility, live once more,

Rove the entire globe, I enamor,

Roam on mountain valley isles,

Reasonable, friendly, find allies, (7)


Renown anonymous friend list,

Recount life story written feast,

Remorse concatenate life many,

Refuse liberation seed uncanny, (viii)


Released from chain lives more,

Rational mind clipped to allure,

Rightly write stories reconnect,

Relate many birth concatenate, (9)


Ran a hundred births of Buddha,

Renew my dreams birth worth,

Rolled into one sequence tied,

Concatenate life story dignified, (10)


Confess lacunas ecstasy rolled,

Conclude human life rest mold,

Continues discovery surprises,

Concatenate fear horror prizes, (11)


Compact, mysterious life revives,

Cruel fate accident yet survives,

Connects fatal fever illness hit,

Chronology recovered, a long list, (12)


Convinced this life, a lot of death,

Confirmed, revived life, wealth,

Connect incidents experience,

Compassion of God birth sense, (13)


Concatenate belief birth repeat,

Corroborate Lord exists, is implicit,

Convey His infinite grace visible,

Console me, I survived is simple, (14)


Concatenate sequel sequence lit,

Cure my disbelief His love delete,

Correctly believe, disbelieve sway,

Contumacy to contempt, replay. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Concatenate

Themes: Live after several accidents sequel

Written: 15th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite