Monday, November 20, 2023





Stupendous success land rejoice,

Great people, peaceful, love, choice,

Education, a primary factor, shows,

Study expertise skill craze grows, (1)


Spread worldwide, settle, prosper,

Knowledge, leadership, link future,

Diaspora, phenomenal, contribute,

Little dispute builder lives, repute, (2)


The land ancient millennia stood,

Art, culture, craft, custom, life good,

Cohabitation, accommodate faith,

Tolerance, integration, trust, wealth, (3)


Hundreds of languages, religions,

People, symbolize peace, pigeons,

Friendship services call disaster,

Selfless service contributes faster, (4)


Colony to freedom, independence,

Democracy, lighthouse, credence,

Export-import spectacular stout,

Flourishing industry crop devout,(5)


New millennium century golden,

Literacy, lifetime scale, embolden,

Early deaths, pregnancy fatality,

Child or mother secure, quality, (6)


Nourishment production grain,

Quality of life remarkable train,

Military might enormous, faith,

Secure boundary, trade length, (7)


Bountiful harvests grain export,

Muscle strong financially, port,

Land, air, sea route, traffic dense,

Travelers mind-boggling sense, (viii)


Railroad, air traffic, riverboats,

Growth spiral, zenith or boasts,

Paradise on Earth, land diverse,

Himalayas, rivers, vast of course, (9)


Indian Ocean at bottom coasts,

Long, marine boundaries hosts,

Desert forest snowfield glacier,

Fertile soil festival life happier, (10)


Sing the incredible land people,

Realm paradise on earth tangle,

Love the people, country sacred,

Bonhomie visible trouble tirade, (11)


River of support flood, secular,

Unity of people, bonds regular,

Festival of color Holi sprinkled,

Jovial cast creed unity mingled, (12)


Dussehra Diwali to Car festival,

Converges social fabric magical,

Rows of oil lamps lighted, sight,

Firecrackers, lighted sky, night, (13)


Million pull chariot pilgrimage,

No caste, creed, color, class, age,

Devotion, unity, mass effort yell,

Wooden idols death birth well, (14)


A hundred thousand get food fit,

Offered to the deities sin delete,

Realm, thousand practices, vice,

Virtue, thousand-year practice. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Realm

Themes: Ancient land called India

Written: 20th November, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  





Sunday, November 19, 2023





Unaware absentminded heard,

Unambiguous outlooks retard,

Conviction, belief, confuse here,

Corroded vision soul bewilder, (1)


Born to die someday certainly,

Hostile earth, land, unfriendly,

Watched caste creed wall, long,

Divisive mind hate satire song, (2)


Ignite fights cruel life monster,

Arson, anarchy, acrimony store,

How fire starts, who inflamed,

How shattered, home claimed, (3)


Charred social lives, consistent,

Rumor gossips undercurrent,

Divided community class evil,

Nation fractured spine reveal, (4)


They say boldly, equal liberal,

Rock solid constitution verbal,

A figment of truth absent, sadly,

Colony of communities madly, (5)


Stone-throwing burning shop,

Daring fight, police, lost hope,

Grew adult, when realized well,

Sacred land ancient ages hail, (6)


Invaders came, loot and plunder,

Time silenced it steal thunder,

Mughal tyrannical, sorrowful,

Monuments, tomb, Taj awful, (7)


Satanic ghost and graveyard, 

Left colonialist dream reward,

Freedom equality progress lit,

Democracy demarked explicit, (viii)


Seven decades of wicked belief,

Thunderstruck divide strife,

Dream crumble illiteracy nail,

Theology caste region prevail, (9)


Sad crestfallen, heart search,

Why is my country ugly, crutch,

Part and part, proclaim false,

Exist paradise belies repulse, (10)


No, not at all history glorified,

Stayed valor, valiant dignified,

The country believes in tolerance,

Non-violent, lists significance, (11)


Help suffering people, provide,

Conflicts, war, terror, override,

Lighthouse, peace, tranquility,

Education skill women's ability, (12)


Most youth of the world here stay,

Building the country wins a day,

Overpower scenarios consoled,

Golden land ancient craze old, (13)


Look at my twilight years tear,

Himalaya Indian Ocean swear,

Effulgent surreal scenic golden,

Ocean time-lap century molten, (14)


The ship a billion lives sail, an aspiration,

Mesmerize landscape, a revelation, 

Emanates peace, happiness, hope,

Unearthly heavenly era envelop. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Revelation

Themes: Country golden era ever seen

Written: 19th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Countless encounters contest,

Strange situation face, attest,

Death strikes, bolt from blue,

Escapes split second, let hue, (1)


Unseen hand forced out soon,

Saved by a hair's breadth, boon,

Instances innumerable, record,

Fail explanation, help accord, (2)


Contemplate camouflage fail,

Invisible hand protect derail,

Search infinity attempt sock,

Guide someone behind luck, (3)


Dark alley dangerous pit hit,

Pushed sideways halt, intuit,

Aghast, alert, awestruck, hole,

Staring in front depth crawl, (4)


Sweat spine-chilling events,

Who protected me, laments,

Fail to find savior presumes,

Lifelong experience resumes, (5)


Dead of the night jerk shifts,

Wakeup scorpion crawl rifts,

Saved from poisonous sting,

Look around, no one, sing, (6)


How come life in danger bet,

Protection innumerable wait,

Instant, subtle hand, present,

Saving from death, accident, (7)


Situation, plethora, pitiful life,

Suicidal intension nail knife,

Paralyses nerves blow apart,

Sickening state, love, thwart, (viii)


Infuse infinitesimal distinct,

Convince life saves instinct,

Whisper heard many times,

Deep with heartthrob fines, (9)


Scornful conscience scolds,

Who speaks, know it molds,

Check lust passions acute,

Dilute ambition His repute, (10)


Force my soul to lose quiet,

Erase tension, worry, debate,

Advise recluse amid nature,

Greenery, forest, hill, verdure, (11)


River swirling waters foams,

White water rapid He roams,

Capture me, influence goad,

Bewilder future ahead road, (12)


Mingle with fresh air cower,

Blue-water grass wildflower,

Loses my existence merging,

Presence, in and out, swing, (13)


Unearthly, peace, happiness,

Inept mind incept successes,

Tearful brimming smile pray,

Omnipresent Lord guide stay, (14)


Discovered His in wind water,

Find Him on hill, valley, river,

Appear in dream thought flow,

Omnipresence, His love, show. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Omnipresent

Themes: Lord resides everywhere, love

Written: 19th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Saturday, November 18, 2023





Extinguish lamp darkness spread,

Light, peace, happiness, sad instead,

Impermanent life forgets eventually,

Perpetual, limbs thrill, lust pitifully, (1)


Romance soul spirit inflamed hails,

Life enjoyable physical attract nails,

Looked at the red rose passions, arouse,

Pricked a thorn blood painful ooze, (2)


Where there is lust, passion, flatter,

Terms link as love, ditched shatter,

A soft, subtle thread that tied hearts,

Infatuation blames guided life acts, (3)


A rose that blossoms glowing lovely,

Evening and sunset quite solemnly,

Attraction pulls apart, the heart is painful,

Detaches sadly fallen rose eventful, (4)


I cried, loved, bright, beautiful spirit,

Loved me, adored me, kissed, implicit,

Forgot altogether, silk thread torn,

Send roses my tears receive scorn, (5)


Sum and subtract relationship lit,

Rapturous wild mind heart delete,

Look away, evade, unconcerned, ill,

She discovers a new dawn, her will, (6)


Consoled shattered life, not me hit,

Not you, not many cruel life enlist,

Penned my shattered life lovelorn,

Parent siblings link blood life torn, (7)


Emancipation parents wish to bless,

Better half, children, links depress,

Seduce soft corner, hubby, father,

Distant childhood widens further, (viii)


The steel thread, blood, snatched,

Me, my kids, wife, family watched,

Astonish relationship selfish deny,

Divine duty, serving parents, defy, (9)


Contempt overwhelms, confesses, sad,

Where human relation stays mad,

Looked the entire lifetime intense,

Failed to find perpetual bond lens, (10)


Awestruck and stupefied, numb, sights,

A young woman feeds a baby, delights,

Poverty-stricken, torn cloth, hungry,

Feeding her baby smiles less angry, (11)


Oh, mother, motherly attachment,

Her womb, then milk, wrote event,

The bond of mother and baby, nail,

Creator's cruel play, and drama and fail, (12)


I stood there like a statue on the street,

Unaware, the mother, her baby, insight,

Lord condemned them, life, a beggar,

Divine bond, image, earth, nature, (13)


Discovers the bond, unique, subtle,

Seeds grow with water, light, simple,

A million birds influenced me, heed,

Migrate continent cross sea breed, (14)


The bond microscopic microcosm,

The DNA revives images, blossom,

Life or death cycle impossible play,

Bond motherly, prevent doomsday. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bond

Themes: Bond permanent mother nature

Written: 18th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite