Sunday, November 19, 2023






Countless encounters contest,

Strange situation face, attest,

Death strikes, bolt from blue,

Escapes split second, let hue, (1)


Unseen hand forced out soon,

Saved by a hair's breadth, boon,

Instances innumerable, record,

Fail explanation, help accord, (2)


Contemplate camouflage fail,

Invisible hand protect derail,

Search infinity attempt sock,

Guide someone behind luck, (3)


Dark alley dangerous pit hit,

Pushed sideways halt, intuit,

Aghast, alert, awestruck, hole,

Staring in front depth crawl, (4)


Sweat spine-chilling events,

Who protected me, laments,

Fail to find savior presumes,

Lifelong experience resumes, (5)


Dead of the night jerk shifts,

Wakeup scorpion crawl rifts,

Saved from poisonous sting,

Look around, no one, sing, (6)


How come life in danger bet,

Protection innumerable wait,

Instant, subtle hand, present,

Saving from death, accident, (7)


Situation, plethora, pitiful life,

Suicidal intension nail knife,

Paralyses nerves blow apart,

Sickening state, love, thwart, (viii)


Infuse infinitesimal distinct,

Convince life saves instinct,

Whisper heard many times,

Deep with heartthrob fines, (9)


Scornful conscience scolds,

Who speaks, know it molds,

Check lust passions acute,

Dilute ambition His repute, (10)


Force my soul to lose quiet,

Erase tension, worry, debate,

Advise recluse amid nature,

Greenery, forest, hill, verdure, (11)


River swirling waters foams,

White water rapid He roams,

Capture me, influence goad,

Bewilder future ahead road, (12)


Mingle with fresh air cower,

Blue-water grass wildflower,

Loses my existence merging,

Presence, in and out, swing, (13)


Unearthly, peace, happiness,

Inept mind incept successes,

Tearful brimming smile pray,

Omnipresent Lord guide stay, (14)


Discovered His in wind water,

Find Him on hill, valley, river,

Appear in dream thought flow,

Omnipresence, His love, show. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Omnipresent

Themes: Lord resides everywhere, love

Written: 19th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




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