Showing posts with label BOND. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BOND. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024




Humans depend, survive, remind,

Situation critical helping behind,

Grateful heart linked close exist,

Magic, soul to soul share persist, (1)


Unfortunate a bond, blood, broken,

Greed, jealousy, ego, anger, token,

Opposite genetic bond stronger,

Generations ago, visible no longer, (2)


A family with a dozen siblings grew,

Hundred related love bond knew,

Modern age family splits couples,

Bond, man, and wife, kids trouble, (3)


Age plays mischief ambition way,

Gain and loss balance bond says,

Bonds between community, tight,

Upheaval calamity bond in sight, (4)


The flood fire cyclone draughts,

Humans face bond erase frosts,

Doubt disfavor aloofness misses,

Pour helps selfless good wishes, (5)


The bond between people unity,

War or catastrophe bind equality,

Bond of the soil thicken revenge,

Before the enemy bond rampage, (6)


Bond displays atom indivisible,

Country, citizen, cohesive, visible,

Surprised human soul and body,

The bond supreme subtle study, (7)


Links heart every organ to mind,

The mind knows the bond soul kind,

Live in the illusive earth, human,

The air, water, sky, soil, bond can, (viii)


All are weaved neatly creations,

Bond soul with the Lord notion,

Surrendered, sheltered, conceived,

Bond the Lord practice perceive, (9)


Physical matter bond law writes,

Rules guide property bond cites,

Bonds between pets, human love,

Soul establishes similar resolve, (10)


Bond liking trust virtue exhibits,

Lord loves children bond exists,

Last but not least is the mother,

Bond for her child, womb secure. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bond

Themes: Strong link

Written: 16th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, November 18, 2023





Extinguish lamp darkness spread,

Light, peace, happiness, sad instead,

Impermanent life forgets eventually,

Perpetual, limbs thrill, lust pitifully, (1)


Romance soul spirit inflamed hails,

Life enjoyable physical attract nails,

Looked at the red rose passions, arouse,

Pricked a thorn blood painful ooze, (2)


Where there is lust, passion, flatter,

Terms link as love, ditched shatter,

A soft, subtle thread that tied hearts,

Infatuation blames guided life acts, (3)


A rose that blossoms glowing lovely,

Evening and sunset quite solemnly,

Attraction pulls apart, the heart is painful,

Detaches sadly fallen rose eventful, (4)


I cried, loved, bright, beautiful spirit,

Loved me, adored me, kissed, implicit,

Forgot altogether, silk thread torn,

Send roses my tears receive scorn, (5)


Sum and subtract relationship lit,

Rapturous wild mind heart delete,

Look away, evade, unconcerned, ill,

She discovers a new dawn, her will, (6)


Consoled shattered life, not me hit,

Not you, not many cruel life enlist,

Penned my shattered life lovelorn,

Parent siblings link blood life torn, (7)


Emancipation parents wish to bless,

Better half, children, links depress,

Seduce soft corner, hubby, father,

Distant childhood widens further, (viii)


The steel thread, blood, snatched,

Me, my kids, wife, family watched,

Astonish relationship selfish deny,

Divine duty, serving parents, defy, (9)


Contempt overwhelms, confesses, sad,

Where human relation stays mad,

Looked the entire lifetime intense,

Failed to find perpetual bond lens, (10)


Awestruck and stupefied, numb, sights,

A young woman feeds a baby, delights,

Poverty-stricken, torn cloth, hungry,

Feeding her baby smiles less angry, (11)


Oh, mother, motherly attachment,

Her womb, then milk, wrote event,

The bond of mother and baby, nail,

Creator's cruel play, and drama and fail, (12)


I stood there like a statue on the street,

Unaware, the mother, her baby, insight,

Lord condemned them, life, a beggar,

Divine bond, image, earth, nature, (13)


Discovers the bond, unique, subtle,

Seeds grow with water, light, simple,

A million birds influenced me, heed,

Migrate continent cross sea breed, (14)


The bond microscopic microcosm,

The DNA revives images, blossom,

Life or death cycle impossible play,

Bond motherly, prevent doomsday. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bond

Themes: Bond permanent mother nature

Written: 18th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite