Monday, December 11, 2023





Lament heart spontaneous missed,

Prayer unheard, sadly hope extinguished,

How many oil-lit lamps burn for life,

Sickbed months in hospital in strife, (1)


Fights, weak body, countless defects,

Doctors test, instrument it detects,

Monitors every second minute hour,

Fighting to survive if invisible power, (2)


Lifelong, I probed why humans fear,

Someday, one has to leave not near,

Every day, we see nearer one depart,

Distant lands, city job, future impact, (3)


Leave never to return again happily,

Sickbed patient dies, ailments early,

No reason no direct effect surfaces,

Suddenly disease noticed life traces, (4)


We cry, get sad, pray a lot, get hurt,

Lord is not merciless deeds escort,

Looked at the seed, then the tree, fruits,

Relationship of seed to fruit mutes, (5)


Who knows what someone does evil,

Payback sickness suffers, acts devil,

How many times warned the gardener,

Poor man drinking warned, sterner, (6)


His wife and children are a few burdens,

Works in the park got sick suddenly,

I liked the man, simplicity, God-loving,

Helped him on treatments solving, (7)


Found drinking damaged his body,

Dark clouds I cloud notice custody,

Kept the family on leave for a month,

He got treatment medicine warmth, (viii)


My protection, warning, he realized,

His children and wife loved prized,

Uncle, uncle, every moment uttered,

I looked at and questioned, furthered, (9)


Realized his mistake, cried, kneeled,

Hold my leg, begged mercy wheeled,

Helping me, sir, no relationship to me,

Helping, own accord, sheltering me, (10)


The seed story I detailed and fruit,

The wine, untimely death, he mute,

It was the end of the story, a few years,

Knocked on my door his child, in tears, (11)


Sir, my son became an engineer,

The daughter graduated, now a manager,

I retired years ago, told have a home,

Life after retirement garden none, (12)


Revived from addictions seed heard,

Socked, I loved my family, I dared,

It was a battle for months, I won,

Left wine not seen sickness learn, (13)


Life was by profession a gardener I tend,

Revived through your divine hand did mend,

Suicidal addiction vanished with effort

Revived my life once again, my rapport. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Revived

Themes: Realized and survived

Written: 11th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, December 10, 2023




Ocean of tears of no use reminisce

Heart searches, missing escapades,

Watching the wall clock pendulum feel,

Oscillates to and fro time little heal,(1)


The sadness, human heart caring,

Forgetful time erases a lot, inspiring,

A bunch of scented sticks lit fumes,

Perfumes satire incidents, life tunes, (2)


Miserable, poverty-stricken to linger,

Brotherly life, without a job, he suffers,

Thousand times, I convinced, efforts,

Austerity pious to struggle rapports, (3)


Difficult path test infinite sequence,

Convinced he will win consequence,

Hunger will come, sickness visit, hell,

Fasting practice and divine life, quell, (4)


Angry outbursts rebuttal countered,

He is beyond being convinced, lured,

Sad was fate, and his father expired,

Inherited property million satisfied, (5)


Lost his mother a few months later,

He was the owner of a huge asset, secure,

I visited, looked at him encountered,

Life changed suddenly yet mattered, (6)


An unfortunate poor son to change,

He is happy his parents die strange,

A son wants to inherit property evil,

Enjoy the money ill-spend life devil, (7)


Saved by generation to sale assets,

Extravagant life wine night gadgets,

His scorn, his frown, I mourned flee,

He was blind with million gold glee, (viii)


Ignored me, drunken nights passed,

Brokenhearted, a downfall flashed,

He met accident several times sadly,

Fortunate saved, published widely, (9)


The daredevil heart could not trust,

He was in hospital, news clues lost,

He heard reports, systems failings,

Warn of impending death wailings, (10)


Do or die time warned restrictions,

Controlled rules, austerity frictions,

He was looking at me, smiling, he joked,

Bluntly told he least feared mocked, (11)


I cried, tried to convince him, young

Life is not a tragedy die early song,

Life meant to devote or surrender,

Life means love, compassion, usher, (12)


Life of human guarantee century,

Salvation is less understood, ivory,

The mere human heart seeks to go inside,

Prefers practices regulation reside, (13)


Rejects extravagant life opulence,

Corrodes human mind confluence,

He never listened to me was drinking,

I heard he passed out a lightening, (14)


Sadly, at a young age, he could have lived,

Another fifty years, alas, he believed,

Tragedy, human life, mind acted villain,

Consecrate his memories, he was insane. (15)


Life forbids God to forgive sins that happen,

Prayer incense stick fragrant harkens,

May the Lord forgive the soul blunders,

Consecrate the womb acts as a cleanser. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Consecrate

Themes: Sanctify the human existence 

Written: 10th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Saturday, December 9, 2023






Recluse opted for a solitary life chosen,

Northern mountains self awaken,

Snow-clad permafrost, inspiring,

Golden, white peaks whispering, (1)


Subzero temperatures, inhospitable,

Terrain, lifeless, cold, life is inevitable,

Wondered for months alone, I write,

The lake water is clean, a unique sight, (2)


Freeze temperature, wind, chilling,

Pervading thoughts, awe-inspiring,

Traveled for months sight imprint,

un-spoilt the earth landscape hint, (3)


Sparsely populated pine forest lit,

White waters, many rapids, delight,

Mesmerized heart bewitched time,

The trail encompassed a lot of Riverine, (4)


Stood for hours alone, witnessed, sigh,

Paradise on earth Himalayan high,

The splendor is unbelievably beautiful,

Millennia display attractive bountiful, (5)


The legends, myths, local customs,

Stories thousands of touching items,

Temple ancient many remote routes,

Pilgrimage test of courage life mutes, (6)


The valleys, flowers, unique colorful,

Fragrant yet local collect wonderful,

Saved my experience of travel diary,

Memories imprinted exciting ivory, (7)


The vastness of open fields expansive,

I was standing alone looking, intensive,

Human life cycles imagined many,

I was born, died, had rebirth, funny, (viii)


Felt tears, salty, wet lips convinced,

You are not wrong soul life rinsed,

A land of profound silence, tranquility,

Rare in earth centuries live quality, (9)


Realize the essence of life objective,

Monasteries exist monk meditative,

The scriptures, mysterious, realized,

The subject is permanence, visualized, (10)


That exists on the mountain peaks,

That exists in great rivers if tricks,

That exists in permafrost snow melt,

That feeds billion lives century felt, (11)


That controls seasons monsoon hit,

Invisible power swollen river fright,

Rishikesh Hardwar branches out the trail,

Wrote lifetime experiences in detail, (12)


Human life is not just a coincidence,

I encountered several incidents,

The travel was a journey mystery,

Days I studied in Monastery, (13)


Back at Rishikesh, watched the river,

The Ganges evening prayer wear,

Leaf with oiled wick lit flower float,

The hymn chanting at shore, effort, (14)


Not today, not for centuries, millennia,

Permanence, the civilization, insignia,

Sat at the shore of the Ganges cried,

The river is the mother, human tried, (15)


Ageless civilization culture snowy lit,

Glacier-born rivers, fertile land sight,

Permanence Divine trust, practices,

Concluded northern sojourn entices. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Permanence

Themes: Ageless a civilization

Written: 9th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Friday, December 8, 2023




Mesmerized the Veena of life tunes,

Melodious scintillating tame fumes,

Seen hazardous life flute vibrant lit,

Poverty corrodes life, hunger defeats, (1)


Shrunken eyes noticed cried escort,

Death cruel vulture Lord's grace lot,

Lifted lives from sickbed, cured, sock,

No symptoms of ailments heal woke, (2)


Orphaned child at birth mother left,

Adopted by another flourished fate,

Diamond spoon mouth, child born,

Divorced parents desert child earn, (3)


The chord changes symphony alert,

Divine play flute seven notes divert,

The sadness cripples a mind, and tearful,

The Veena plays chords remindful, (4)


Life is not for pleasure, physically fit,

Life is for realization, discover light,

Light invisible energy breath flute,

Seven notes admixture yet dispute, (5)


Foolish human chord tames plant,

Chord attracts birds, animals, want,

Listen to frequencies contemplate,

Magic where musical chords relate, (6)


The Ganga Ghat dusk dilapidated,

Alone on the stone steps, I evaded,

The spine-chilling fears of loneliness,

Dark was the river clouded stress, (7)


Wet were steps after rain at the shore,

Waves of river Ganges high surfer,

Spraying moister evening depress,

By boatman floated into darkness, (viii)


Watched the shoreline, sat record,

Vast shoreline of Banaras offered,

River bank rock steps are sparse, dark,

Lighted at one place oblation stark, (9)


Offering oil-lit lamps hymns sound,

Pervading musical notes lots around,

Bewitching beauty distance evoked,

For millennia, human prays, stoked, (10)


The chord connects to human love,

Cold waters of the river dissolve,

The boat proceeded to Ghat was bright,

The pyre was burning no one, a sight, (11)


Sizzle at innermost heart flaming,

Ambers red hot charcoal glowing,

No one attends a life extinguished,

Cold wind cools burn pyre missed, (12)


The air at the boat distinct a note,

The chord of life rejected world denotes,

Abandoned children, life once begged,

Musical note flute boatman egged, (13)


Showed Banaras ghat lonely night,

There was delight, included fright,

Human hymn to life extinguished,

Chord of human life distinguished. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of The Poem: Chord

Themes: Chord of human life imprinted

Written: 8th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite