Showing posts with label PERMANENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PERMANENCE. Show all posts

Saturday, December 9, 2023






Recluse opted for a solitary life chosen,

Northern mountains self awaken,

Snow-clad permafrost, inspiring,

Golden, white peaks whispering, (1)


Subzero temperatures, inhospitable,

Terrain, lifeless, cold, life is inevitable,

Wondered for months alone, I write,

The lake water is clean, a unique sight, (2)


Freeze temperature, wind, chilling,

Pervading thoughts, awe-inspiring,

Traveled for months sight imprint,

un-spoilt the earth landscape hint, (3)


Sparsely populated pine forest lit,

White waters, many rapids, delight,

Mesmerized heart bewitched time,

The trail encompassed a lot of Riverine, (4)


Stood for hours alone, witnessed, sigh,

Paradise on earth Himalayan high,

The splendor is unbelievably beautiful,

Millennia display attractive bountiful, (5)


The legends, myths, local customs,

Stories thousands of touching items,

Temple ancient many remote routes,

Pilgrimage test of courage life mutes, (6)


The valleys, flowers, unique colorful,

Fragrant yet local collect wonderful,

Saved my experience of travel diary,

Memories imprinted exciting ivory, (7)


The vastness of open fields expansive,

I was standing alone looking, intensive,

Human life cycles imagined many,

I was born, died, had rebirth, funny, (viii)


Felt tears, salty, wet lips convinced,

You are not wrong soul life rinsed,

A land of profound silence, tranquility,

Rare in earth centuries live quality, (9)


Realize the essence of life objective,

Monasteries exist monk meditative,

The scriptures, mysterious, realized,

The subject is permanence, visualized, (10)


That exists on the mountain peaks,

That exists in great rivers if tricks,

That exists in permafrost snow melt,

That feeds billion lives century felt, (11)


That controls seasons monsoon hit,

Invisible power swollen river fright,

Rishikesh Hardwar branches out the trail,

Wrote lifetime experiences in detail, (12)


Human life is not just a coincidence,

I encountered several incidents,

The travel was a journey mystery,

Days I studied in Monastery, (13)


Back at Rishikesh, watched the river,

The Ganges evening prayer wear,

Leaf with oiled wick lit flower float,

The hymn chanting at shore, effort, (14)


Not today, not for centuries, millennia,

Permanence, the civilization, insignia,

Sat at the shore of the Ganges cried,

The river is the mother, human tried, (15)


Ageless civilization culture snowy lit,

Glacier-born rivers, fertile land sight,

Permanence Divine trust, practices,

Concluded northern sojourn entices. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Permanence

Themes: Ageless a civilization

Written: 9th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite