Monday, June 17, 2024





Dead of the night, stay awake,

Burdens crushing spine brake,

There will be tomorrow dawn,

Hardship the challenge frown, (1)


Faced problems, achieve breakthrough,

Success, human achieves view,

Uphill road the heavy baggage,

Toiling in the excess end is a message, (2)


Observed the forts, palace, a lot,

Pyramid messages toiling must,

Monstrous construction, reveal,

Carrying stone heavy atop a hill, (3)


Prick mind enough, humans like,

Toils tuff result marvel strike,

Focused point surprise critical,

Toiling requires lives essential, (4)


Run and hard breathing stay,

Sleeps humans unaware ways,

Toiling is slow breathing exist,

From point to monstrosity list, (5)


Nature, lion preys deer, search,

Deer scantly surrender touch,

Toiling marked lion has to run,

Bird spread wings rabbit in fun, (6)


Work is linked with living beings,

Human study, research inspiring,

 Burns the oil lamp night long,

The human mind probes toil song, (7)


Discovery society changes hail,

Behind the toiling, humans prevail,

Need writing, reading, thinking,

Continuous toiling life enabling, (viii)

Smile, thoughts on toil, lives require,

Slept forgot the aspect or inspire,

Inert, the body forgot the world,

Aspect of toiling hard reward, (9)


Dawn breaks, morning news,

There is flood, fire, accident, muse,

Rushing human help support,

Toiling life risks daring escort, (10)


Saving lives, prime factor, to toil,

Life becomes quiet, no turmoil,

Every walk of life reminds us to toil,

A toad never approaches a snake in a coil. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Toiling

Themes: To work hard

Written: 17th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, June 16, 2024




Humans depend, survive, remind,

Situation critical helping behind,

Grateful heart linked close exist,

Magic, soul to soul share persist, (1)


Unfortunate a bond, blood, broken,

Greed, jealousy, ego, anger, token,

Opposite genetic bond stronger,

Generations ago, visible no longer, (2)


A family with a dozen siblings grew,

Hundred related love bond knew,

Modern age family splits couples,

Bond, man, and wife, kids trouble, (3)


Age plays mischief ambition way,

Gain and loss balance bond says,

Bonds between community, tight,

Upheaval calamity bond in sight, (4)


The flood fire cyclone draughts,

Humans face bond erase frosts,

Doubt disfavor aloofness misses,

Pour helps selfless good wishes, (5)


The bond between people unity,

War or catastrophe bind equality,

Bond of the soil thicken revenge,

Before the enemy bond rampage, (6)


Bond displays atom indivisible,

Country, citizen, cohesive, visible,

Surprised human soul and body,

The bond supreme subtle study, (7)


Links heart every organ to mind,

The mind knows the bond soul kind,

Live in the illusive earth, human,

The air, water, sky, soil, bond can, (viii)


All are weaved neatly creations,

Bond soul with the Lord notion,

Surrendered, sheltered, conceived,

Bond the Lord practice perceive, (9)


Physical matter bond law writes,

Rules guide property bond cites,

Bonds between pets, human love,

Soul establishes similar resolve, (10)


Bond liking trust virtue exhibits,

Lord loves children bond exists,

Last but not least is the mother,

Bond for her child, womb secure. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bond

Themes: Strong link

Written: 16th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, June 15, 2024




Impressive personality demeanor,

Faced happen, look at the mirror,

Eyes, dress, impressive, tall figure,

Mirror fails to read mind stay sure, (1)


Fail to display deed hand execute,

Unable leg trample self-prosecute,

Deed fair or foul invisible surprise,

Sympathy understanding precise, (2)


Humans less speak, distress, fear,

Troublesome life hardships wear,

Sufficiently noticed painful eyes,

Arrogance, ego, life cruel despise, (3)


Reluctant to help understand sad,

Humans are at a disadvantage, less mad,

A rock never provides water least,

Trees bear fruit succulent at least, (4)


Few leaves poisonous itching test,

Yet leaves have a healing effect,

Animal world snake scorpion bite,

Domestic animal cat dogs delight, (5)


A vulture eats flesh, hens lays eggs,

Fruit some toxic grape brew pegs,

Mysterious, mischievous marvels,

Human life is pure spring on the gravel, (6)


Clean, soothing quench thirst stay,

Rapport but human know display,

A simple look, silent observation says,

Understand difficulty disparity way, (7)


Have the healing touch comforts,

Innumerable help touch rapports,

Such people silently say,

Consolation advice happily dwell, (viii)

Mirror fails to reflect personality,

Rapport with subordinate liability,

Show action visible bond is thick,

Departure of a person tearful quick, (9)


Sadly, surrounding grateful fellows,

Auburn and retired life in mellows,

Leave office, but memories live,

Rapport staff, colleagues, believe, (10)


Inspired to help others facilitate more,

The virtue of human rapport hurt cure,

Hassle-free will be work, effortless speed,

Wise humans learn rapport, indeed. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rapport

Themes: Cooperate

Written: 16th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite       


Friday, June 14, 2024





Scrupulously followed the principles,

Human ambition, lust entangle,

A restless, breathless spirit waits,

Principle selfish, honesty, negates, (1)


Look at O human tree bear fruit,

Born with feature leads to route,

Observe the child, smile, laugh strike,

Innocence, purity, peace stay like, (2)


The mind gets polluted tenet advice,

Prepared to snatch goods practice,

Suspicion, distrust, doubt, suffering,

The human mind follows the tenet refer, (3)


Far from honesty, innocence hit,

Tenet waylaid human life defeat,

Tree of mango desire jackfruits,

Evil mind again nature recruits, (4)


The result of modern-era observation hell,

Twisting the tenets natural yell,

Mischievous, sick mind ill-advised,

Practicing methods break sized, (5)


Wastage population growth sad,

A tenet for progress haywire mad,

Education incorporates rules well,

Practice studying day night hail, (6)


 Tenet brushed aside illegal sad,

Failed education interview mad,

Every mechanism a country runs,

Embedded tenets missing burn, (7)


The open world, humans, youth, land,

Prescribe tenet act magic wand,

Love, serve, help, selfless, justice,

Peaceful life, simplicity, practice, (viii)


Short human life happy, strong,

Strong and stubborn, tenets wrong,

I noticed such magnificent lives,

Tenets precious virtuous thrives, (9)


Belief throughout life tenet lines,

A generation misses underlines,

Ordinary human minimum asset,

Stay educated documents basket, (10)


Know century-old tenets practice,

The mango tree gives mangos justice,

Tenet defines cultural scriptures,

Disobeyed, grandparent whispers. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tenet

Themes: Principles

Written: 14th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, June 13, 2024





Millennia old occupation miracle,

Toil human inspirational sample,

Vagary of weather climate mingle,

Draught famine flood hurt ample, (1)


Withstand adverse situations pass,

Cultivate harvest crop show class,

A billion people need food to survive,

Peasants provide bountiful thrive, (2)


Landscape widely different shows,

Farmers choose products yet grow,

Fruit gardens, vegetables or spices,

Rice wheat millet corn yet basics, (3)


Fishery, animal breeding, accord,

Village women, cow-to-milk flood,

Products, cheese butter, curd, oil,

Synergy rustic lives erase turmoil, (4)


Combined effort, people depend on,

Stove burns dish get ready ends,

Not hollowness meaningless fact,

Sufficient food production impact, (5)


Village life higher income benefit,

Youth get job labor synergy neat,

Remember jobless youth in cities,

The horror of homeless life necessities, (6)


The class, have, have-not divided,

Sectarian war, violent sad decides,

Opposite serenity, rural life is quiet,

Absent the divide love peace duet, (7)


The orchards, cowshed, fish firm,

The granaries, animal shed warm,

Farmer fishermen, farmer women,

School going play village children, (viii)


The silence empty roads, houses,

Hens at to rooftop noise rouses,

Synergy is visible everywhere, muse,

Paradise to hardship pain refuse, (9)


Notice from for love or friendship,

Innocence trust care they worship,

Synergy removes mistrust and rivalry,

Village women's domestic exemplary, (10)


A variety of arts and crafts notable,

Modern society is in trouble,

Lack synergy confrontation bitter,

Greenery granary synergy allure. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Synergy

Themes: Cohesive stronger

Written: 13th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Wednesday, June 12, 2024





Erroneous motive blunder fail,

Contentious issues evade hail,

Actor human exhibits colorful,

Underneath life belie beautiful, (1)


Later proclaims. denounced fit,

Equal and opposite view sight,

Confused human mind visible,

Deception condition plausible, (2)


Endless complexity, ambiguity,

Ambiguous spirit, in disparity,

Reason desire, link aspiration,

Separately honesty distinction, (3)


Mixture nature shows contrast,

Fearful within ferocious intact,

Dreary desert cactus conserve,

Precious water thorn protector, (4)


Raised hood of snake fang hiss,

Fearful within for life and miss,

Animals bear color stripes a lot,

Fearfully change color to revert, (5)


The purpose of saving lives and escape,

Plant birds and fish perform shape,

Humans acquire the art of the trickster,

Motive mischievous cheat actor, (6)


Exhibit soft voice soothing melt,

The ulterior motive to loot and theft,

Change color demeanor action,

Deep within harbors a reaction, (7)


Cheat relative blood friendship,

Pray the Lord for theft worship,

Speechless analyze end mourn,

Lose everything instantly gone, (viii)


Sequel to the life of a trickster sad,

Axed by time, sickness, life mad,

Humans suffered eliminate, say,

Invisible wire cage prisons way, (9)


Dark chamber from society sad,

Lost freedom, happiness, reward,

Surmised everything, consoled,

The Lord is merciful duly mold, (10)


Before breathing last realizes it,

the trickster practices lifelong cheating,

Cheated only precious life pray,

Forgive me, O Lord, death prey. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Trickster

Themes: Action destroys life

Written: 12th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite