Wednesday, August 25, 2021





O’, the wisest race watch Perseids,

Shower meteors, lighten sky raids,

Apprehensions cloud mind doubts,

Ill-omen lurks, spirit horror scouts, (1)


Match night sky spectacle twilight,

Reddish-cloud spreads earth sight,

Dust bowls make grounds opaque,

Cataclysm round a corner, plaque, (2)


Green mountains inferno in shape,

Incessant-burns fail various-step,

Precious animal life, birds, creature,

Rare variety shrub weed disappear, (3)


Executive verdure hill slope barren,

Ash covers, smolders woods terrain,

Life, property, colony vanish gutted,

Peace happiness miss life truncated, (4)


Mankind-face  n  disasters all front,

Sea level rises, slow n steady blunt,

Spread oceanic landmass submerge,

Water level rise tidal waves converge, (6)


Coastal cities, ports, industry, forest,

Spread water levels migration arrest,

Incalculable human loss, extinction,

Futures of human-race now question, (7)


Savagery-of-human-exploit pointless,

Little concede, smokes n ash distress,

Cornfields, harvest over straw burns,

Pollution meter rises high well earns, (viii)


Water pollution distinct poison stark,

Astonishes oxygen water bottle mark,

Nature depleted grounds ruin to gift,

Millennium event, pandemic in drift, (9)


Precious lives perish untimely death

Critical moment earth convey wealth,

Picture perfect big canvas ultimatum,

Urgency at-door knocks loud caution, (10)


Do at once or die for good, the choice,

Unite nations of the world is one voice,

Every decade temperature rise degree,

Carbon level rise disastrous all agree, (11)


Heat traps rise spiraling fuel weather,

Draught thunder storms tide feather,

Unequal seasonal changes devastate,

Fail harvest dry river bed all indicate, (12)


Depletes underground water scarcity,

Survival link drinking water necessity,

Forecast nightmarish million will die,

Fierce war may appear root water fry, (13)


Little food, water, shelter, cloth, asset,

Mass migrations forecast famines test,

Today human enjoys, chose free choice,

Uses meager wastage prolific yet voice, (14)


Century, after civilization face oblivion,

Save earth nature bet nearer extinction.

World community unite punish culprit,

Survival demands, environment script. (15)








Monday, August 23, 2021





 Unforgettable experiences etch,

Memory stalks, hunting-sketch,

Disbelieve moment seems, year,

Shudder limbs, perceives horror, (1)


Dark forest opaque lose the trail,

Search paths, desperately n fail,

Howling sound feels tense fades,

Windless n silent, night invades, (2)


Percepts, presence of animal nit,

Feels carnivorous prowl discreet,

Clouds overcast n sky moonless,

Stands amid forests, motionless, (3)


Wisdom, clueless, expects night,

Ends hours after dawn sunlight,

Bring lights hope survives clear,

Glistens morning mist dew wear, (4)


Bright sunshine reflects wonder,

Finds narrow path proceed near,

Darkness steals all crippling fear,

Surreal sounds vanish, joys clear, (5)


Bird chirpings, bright sun attract,

Green forest hills, cool breeze-act,

Forget mind, night-of-horror well,

Trembling heart tearful, life quell, (6)


Down the slope see distant-village,

Path serpentine moves down, edge,

Anticipate meet people find, place,

Take shelter, rest complete, grace, (7)


Halt stream-of-thought sees, light,

Surmise someone coming delight,

Help surely guide to safety allure,

Watch eagerly focus mind assure, (viii)


Thank invisible God sends savior,

Listen to earnest prayer find here,

Seconds loom hours light stay far,

Seems standstill less proceed mar, (9)


Perspirations sweat profuse tingle,

Cry silently move fast stand single,

Vanish dim light suddenly relapse,

Ground moves slowly feel collapse, (10)


Close eyes wait final moments end,

Hopeless death predatory pretend,

Pull infinite strength of mind sense,

Loose sense slowly quietly incense, (11)


Wake beacon of light lighten heart,

Found spirit on bed surprises start,

Guess less head or tail of incidence,

Morning air cools spine feel pretense, (12)


Surmise horrible dreams end nicely,

Early dawn fade fear of death silly,

Disappear, dense forest n darkness,

Reality-of-life mysteriously harness, (13)


Stabilizes mind automatic controls,

Intoxicates life survival thrill strolls,

Years passed never forget horror all,

Hunting night forest nit death prowl, (14)


Surreal experience sensations death,

Permanently visits, brittle life wealth,

Dream encompasses surreal frights,

Awareness of short life writ delights. (15)







Sunday, August 22, 2021





Look struggles for humanity attract,

Dedicates entire life services impact,

Far away from home, family remind,

Sense of duty supreme, heart, is kind, (1)


Suffering human skeletal frame sick,

Children women old alike at life risk,

Severe malnutrition, lack of foods hit,

Find little medicines treatment meet, (2)


Flees huge population for life dictate,

Neighboring-nation all accommodate,

Humanitarian grounds colony grows,

Loss identity n refugee futures owes, (3)


Nations contribute, fund, health care,

Essential shelter food job near share,

World citizens visit monitors provide,

Joins with massive effort time divide, (4)


Nation at conflict cause human loss,

Uncertain future arise, survive a toss,

Extreme situation tense rest seldom

Violence death diminishing freedom, (5)


Force plight of women kid old people,

Mass migration happen, feel horrible,

Neither shelter, food, cloth less water,

Open ground harsh weather life fear, (6)


Nations airlift, near seas, allow voyage,

Prime-factor to save people envisage,

Accommodate refuges on alien soils,

Left people home asset, job, life boils, (7)


Years pass soon, remote return home,

Remote possibilities stare, gruesome,

Local people’s sympathies wear thin,

Suffering increase a lot hope decline, (viii)


Humanity offers adoption citizenship,

World citizen day remembrance whip,

Mankind single race sacrifices marvel,

Overseas people gain, right-life unravel, (9)


Surprise human conscience insanity,

Imprisonment, tortures confine priority,

Discrimination hunts every layer neat,

Ethnic cleansing forced labor discreet, (10)


Subjugate inhuman rules n helpless,

Art culture security declines distress,

People flee, risk life hazardous travel,

Land, air, water route adopt life swivel, (11)


Fate cruel snatch lives midway notice,

World-citizen sympathize needs peace,

Condemns brute forces n united voice,

Accept survivor provide shelter choice, (12)


Modern-times civilization assures help,

Mingle suffering souls as settler shape,

World citizens unite services-awesome,

Asylum remind hope homeland seldom, (13)


Destiny snatch identity home cruel fate,

World citizen compassions promulgate.

Savage climate harsh life equal rulers,

Asylum direct agony pain dark colors. (14)


Saturday, August 21, 2021




Raise dogmatic head, watch neat,

Predominant concern lacks, treat,

Silent demeanor long beards tell,

Seek solace move uncertain well, (1)


Dirt cloths, turban, armed smell,

Slow trait, silence noise fear nail,

Unknown stranger, where about,

Find, curiosity enrage and shout, (2)


Community little know name tall,

Never can dare, ask village prowl,

Guesses mandarin watch notices,

Silently observe everything nixes, (3)


Where he belongs to, destination,

No one, able to talk pose-question,

Walk tireless entire day rest alert,

Chose lonely places, sleep comfort, (4)


Open ground weather least affect,

Foods on-way chose, eats perfect,

Keeps water bottle, dirty baggage,

Barbarian of, nation or alien haze, (5)


Rumors spread well dedicates life,

Chose divine missions amid strife,

Quell conflicts n brute encounter,

Threat to life challenge slaughter, (6)


Lack, remorse quit shelters evade,

Desolation sole companion tirade,

Nomadic life young lives, thuggery,

Humanity feels sad sights slavery, (7)


Where is Almighty when conveys,

Simple belief strongest if, betrays,

Sacrifices precious life abandons,

Suffer injury hunger n condones, (viii)


Reject pleasure of human life nit,

Family n children allure discreet,

Reject family lives, female friends

Surprise stubborn attitude ends, (9)


Huge world splendid explore not,

Alluvial landscapes arid thought,

Vast education skill expertise left,

Armed fights in self-defense theft, (10)


Wither mortal limb untimely rest,

Rest in peace grave unknown best,

Great wonderer soul strong heart,

Total surrenders unseen Lord Act, (11)


Merges soul into voids disappear,

Entity disappear identity obscure,

Illusive realm intoxicates lusts all,

Gold beautiful angel pull enthrall, (12)


Barbarian defeat attractions total,

Adopts solitude friendless mortal,

Desert blooms sprouts from, grave,

Barbarian rises, blind faiths crave, (13)


Final Day of Judgment open abode,

Trust surrender virtues all accord,

Indoctrinations mankind question,

Priceless human life lost or fiction, (14)


Wasteful entire life searches divine,

Ever achieves enlightenment refine,

Barbarian never from birth a child,

Who instills doctrine what aim yield?  (15)








Thursday, August 19, 2021





 Tumultuous-event cover horizon,

Tremble earth human life mourn,

Independence Day occasion link,

Nation dismantle quickly to wink, (1)


Catastrophe, happens skies pour,

Horror visible threat to life cower,

Language of heart bayonet speak,

Invade ruthless countrymen trick, (2)


Surrender to survive or perish all,

No mercy obey orders ill fates call,

Crumbles nation leaders flee hide,

Death squad remove defense ride, (3)


Change face-of-nature fugitive nit,

Avatar of death prowl free discreet,

National flag removed fly different,

Reject people silent hides incident, (4)


Oppressive rules ancient ruthless,

Slap, doctrines activate n distress,

Flees citizen in fear drives in-flock,

Surge huge refugees country block, (5)


World communities washed, hand,

Withdraw peace forces lines stand,

Help crowd escapes out of, country,

Allows mercy refugee status entry, (6)


World agog, militancy raises head,

Terror spread world map hub lead,

Search power-hungry expansionist,

Ground-of-sympathy collude, racist, (7)


Sheds humanity n blind to pathos,

Boldly praise tags liberation ethos,

Leaves huge population the nation,

Sacrilege visible sacred day mourn, (viii)


Brutality invades innocents home,

Immensity-of-torture let gruesome,

Burns continent all forests on fire,

Incessant inferno raises smokes, ire, (9)


Smoke cover, Halloween impression,

Manmade disaster repents omission,

Abnormal heat-syndrome trap worst,

Wrath of fragile nature result, most, (10)


Incalculable loss of animal lives trail,

Devastate forest cover ecology detail,

Fails human efforts weathers villain,

Blow winds ruin homes and flee men, (11)


Sacrilege visible deforestation hurts,

Worlds realize savagery human rots,

Severest earthquake, islands shake,

Loss of lives, ground ruins all wreck, (12)


Tragedy scale of horrors shrinks life,

Follow ruined lives add amidst strife,

Moment of mass destruction happen,

Wrath of God sacrilege tears moisten, (13)


Earth nature savage human torment,

Save earth nature human life decent,

Violates earth nature human rights,

Sacrilege visible horror-sight frights. (14)