Saturday, September 25, 2021







Life flusters, fluctuates determination,

Convince soul, adopt discipline notion,

Crossroads of parallel paths multiply,

Proceed ahead in time checkmates lie, (1)


Mysterious mist add future indistinct,

Doubts mist cover n cautious instinct,

Harsh reality foster predicament force,

Halt progress, mind betray fear source, (2)


Invisible dangers death prowls n warn,

Horror capture heart n mind nit harm,

Testing-moment n happens infrequent,

Do or die, strong-decision act incident, (3)


Inherent courage-forge fiercest posture,

Poses brutal destroyer hide lackluster,

Encounter opposition, near-ones plead,

Weapons maneuver instinctive proceed, (4)


Danger surprises ever prepared n walk,

Sprawl on-ground moves slow less sulk,

Dry stony soils wet ground grassy field,

Face bullets mine pits n bravery shield, (5)


Day or night morning-evening duty-full,

Surveillance watchful eyes guards, cool,

Scorching sun merciless, pierce all skin,

Marshy-land river current frostbites win, (6)


Endless desert, mountain cliff n glacier,

Avalanches threat guard security sheer,

Season changes summer, rain n winter,

Frontier-guard male-female grit warrior, (7)


Thunderstorm, lightning, rarely threat,

Inherent discretion select path recreate,

Survival instinctive trained acumen nit,

Strength inhabits inner heart life script, (viii)


Protects huge border n forest ferocious,

Coastlines waterlogged sandy cautious,

Land-air-water duty infantry-pilot-navy,

Guards, ocean-skies-earth duties heavy, (9)


Families pray constantly, belief pacifies,

Secured nation little aware, brave defies

Work people; learn kids female at home,

Sleep comfortable credence assure own, (10)


Billion people enjoy plenty fun fill lives,

Trusts infinite a guard youth thrives,

Silence, solitude, seclusion, confluence,

Sacred duty save motherland influence, (11)


Death-vulture snatch life, sacrifice pure,

Duty riddles with danger serve insecure,

Surrender live at alter of sacrifice grace,

Less, headline news trumpet n impress, (12)


Selfless service patriotic motherland lit,

Bridal dress vanity freedom secure neat,

Pour own blood merge with mother best,

National-flag flutters freely lower at rest, (13)


Eternal flame burn bright salute nation,

Cries parent wife joins kids train option,

Youth little repent feel-remorse vows all,

Life short sure to quit dedicate enthrall, (14)


Frontier-guard moves ahead no emotion,

Loves land possess inherent discretion.

Independence Day celebrates the nation,

No leave duty in time fetches big-ovation. (15)
















For whom life cries, speak less,

Memories hunt painful distress,

Heartthrobs love intoxicate kill,

Distance increases times reveal, (1)


Human life mimics creeper grow,

Spread across branches n show,

Blossoms beatify tree flower nit,

Fragrant youth casts spell greet, (2)


Intimate relationship tree share,

Supports well storm winds dare,

Childhood parent support alike,

Creeper metamorphose n strike, (3)


Change to big tree independent,

Study at far place career decent,

Emotions fluid moisten nascent,

Endless thoughts n love cement, (4)


Unspoken word in heart bottles,

Hearts seek children n throttles,

Young lives spread wings in, sky,

Hypnotizes youth desires if high, (5)


Seldom find time think past less,

Future in, sight spirit toil redress,

Sight extends beyond horizon nit,

Wish creepers grow branch sight, (6)


Mysterious-world hides bondage,

Fame, job sweet-home love craze,

Desperately seek marriage child,

Boundless-happy sanctity, yield, (7)


Alas, self engrosses routine work,

Distant home-town memory dark,

Occasional letters reach remind,

Parent request to visit scant find, (viii)


Burden-of-life human, find torture,

Reminiscence hunt journey favor,

Age slip quickly unnoticed sense,

Strong-bond mother’s heart rains, (9)


Unblinking eyes stare at, window,

Flood invade fragile frame sorrow,

Health, test most often fearful nit,

Children’s company feels n write, (10)


Human life quit, deny short notice,

Children never find parent justice,

Problems swarm like bees stings,

Escape to parent’s laps get wings, (11)


Selfless souls dedicate, lives wait,

Union, wet teats n love intoxicate,

Brings solace to old hearts forgive,

Ends long-wait discontent achieve, (12)


Inexpressible feelings sweep total,

Moments of ecstasy forget mortal,

Long throbbing pain emotion, less,

Year of separation second impress, (13)


Root, of child home witness silent,

Feel remembering creeper invent,

Memories mixes union exclusive,

Sanctify bondage select reclusive, (14)


Far better than abode-of-Lord say,

Firm decisions serve parents gay,

Conscience advises for pilgrimage,

Touch own home, sanctify bondage. (15)






Thursday, September 23, 2021





Humanity, reach the crossroad,

Point of no return, exist absurd,

Climate disaster nearer feel, end,

Least avoid issue never pretend, (1)


Question of extinction hour call,

Nations may unite action install,

International rules strict adhere,

No other option wisdom to share, (2)


Coal-burning must stop decides,

Alternate energy-critical resides,

Solar energy n storage, essential,

Electricity for motor applies total, (3)


Hydrocarbon age ends hydrogen,

New age applications life awaken,

Nuclear energy, radioactive waste,

Questions, human eliminate best, (4)


Heat trap at limit air polluted all,

Water contaminated option recall,

Sinks underground water, reality,

Conserve natural water necessity, (5)


Soil erosion critical stage deserts,

Fertile soil lost harvest fail alerts,

Famine water scarcity looms test,

Million people will perish a threat, (6)


Rising temperature, forest on fire,

Vanishing species n includes rare,

Unpredictable weather varies wild,

Devastate, costal belt cyclone field, (7)


Often depression rain cause flood,

Destroys harvest crops, price lord,

Sea level rises rapidly threaten all,

Island coastal plain submerge roll, (viii)


Horror spreads, frequently threat,

Disaster, of nature climate, create,

World forum discuss urgent steps,

Critical step check methane helps, (9)


Wind power, hydropower extends,

Generate mass-critical story, ends,

Far dangerous than corona, come,

Two decades after earth gruesome, (10)


Hostile planet air-water pollutions,

Far greater effort needs evolutions,

Quick recovery of earth nature nit,

Science technology defeat discreet, (11)


Innovations for alternative energy,

Discover, quickly n avoids lethargy,

Important-acts reject bio-weapons,

Halt developments of ammunition, (12)


Theocratic root anarchy autocracy,

Elimination of Dark Age prophesy,

Fear retribution, death invite time,

Mankind face question root define, (13)


Distinct, possibility of famine heat,

Shortages of drinking water defeat,

Million to perish never escape well,

Nations will face war, threat sequel, (14)


Holocaust hostile earth add nation,

Fight for survival fittest mighty run,

Forget people love compassion total,

Snatch other’s resource safe mortal, (15)


Fear retribution final war, terminate,

Fact or fiction decides n contemplate,

Discipline, sacrifice, effort, unity, best,

Mother earth pleads tearful n wait. (16)






Tuesday, September 21, 2021





Feel instinct hundred thousand,

Human nature lets magic wand,

Secures booty, plunder the cave,

Treasure trove hides heart, save, (1)


Collects spirit jewels, pearl, fond,

Death of bottom, store diamond,

Lust rides mind horse-mounted,

Marauder blindfold horse looted, (2)


Fails, to catch kidnapper impact,

Steals heart, cave-of-gold, smart,

Embodiment, horse thief, united,

Mind, spirit less-find frustrated, (3)


Rule human spirit, limbs control,

Reigns temptation dream patrol,

Neat rainbows prolific cast spell,

Shroud mist of pleasure n quell, (4)


Quell suspicion doubts seduces,

Soul watch mute worry reduces,

Surrender to mind n kidnapper,

Feels pleasure luxury wanderer, (5)


Least feel, miss heart lies, trust,

Corrupt intentions freedom lost,

Proceed to dungeon captive well,

Begin tragedy of kidnapped wail, (6)


Within fort prisoner mortal cries,

Soul, immobile with chains tries,

Lament inside body clueless find,

Feels death nearer, error remind, (7)


Errors trusted mind, heart, miss,

Lost precious gold peace all bliss,

Stolen love care mirth sympathy,

Serve-dutiful help feel empathy, (viii)


Empty cave heart garbage dump,

Hated anger jealousy ego, trump,

Creature-less treasure breed nit,

Spit poison burns heart explicit, (9)


Life shouts find chains tight wit,

Escape roots dark hope, deplete,

Eyes closed spirit think n think,

Light at other ends tunnel wink, (10)


Alert teary eyes no more ghosts,

Horror at heart fear in life, costs,

Dissipate mist shroud fades nit,

Courage gain strength lit intuit, (11)


Discipline finds bridles, cradles,

Capture kidnapper find saddles,

Bridles-strong control nit girdle,

Kidnaper’s lies-sweetener riddle, (12)


No more effective light percolate,

Tunnel of seduction lighted vet,

Reject lucrative search freedom,

Kidnaper captured perish learn, (13)


Search proceeds tunnel light on,

Rediscovers diamond pearl, won,

Intricate human life plays enact,

Best win like victor kidnaper act, (14)


Reverses time sadness pervades,

Lesson watch kidnapper invades.

Lessons experience scars written,

Escapes root well known smitten. (15)