Showing posts with label FEAR RETRIBUTION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FEAR RETRIBUTION. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021





Humanity, reach the crossroad,

Point of no return, exist absurd,

Climate disaster nearer feel, end,

Least avoid issue never pretend, (1)


Question of extinction hour call,

Nations may unite action install,

International rules strict adhere,

No other option wisdom to share, (2)


Coal-burning must stop decides,

Alternate energy-critical resides,

Solar energy n storage, essential,

Electricity for motor applies total, (3)


Hydrocarbon age ends hydrogen,

New age applications life awaken,

Nuclear energy, radioactive waste,

Questions, human eliminate best, (4)


Heat trap at limit air polluted all,

Water contaminated option recall,

Sinks underground water, reality,

Conserve natural water necessity, (5)


Soil erosion critical stage deserts,

Fertile soil lost harvest fail alerts,

Famine water scarcity looms test,

Million people will perish a threat, (6)


Rising temperature, forest on fire,

Vanishing species n includes rare,

Unpredictable weather varies wild,

Devastate, costal belt cyclone field, (7)


Often depression rain cause flood,

Destroys harvest crops, price lord,

Sea level rises rapidly threaten all,

Island coastal plain submerge roll, (viii)


Horror spreads, frequently threat,

Disaster, of nature climate, create,

World forum discuss urgent steps,

Critical step check methane helps, (9)


Wind power, hydropower extends,

Generate mass-critical story, ends,

Far dangerous than corona, come,

Two decades after earth gruesome, (10)


Hostile planet air-water pollutions,

Far greater effort needs evolutions,

Quick recovery of earth nature nit,

Science technology defeat discreet, (11)


Innovations for alternative energy,

Discover, quickly n avoids lethargy,

Important-acts reject bio-weapons,

Halt developments of ammunition, (12)


Theocratic root anarchy autocracy,

Elimination of Dark Age prophesy,

Fear retribution, death invite time,

Mankind face question root define, (13)


Distinct, possibility of famine heat,

Shortages of drinking water defeat,

Million to perish never escape well,

Nations will face war, threat sequel, (14)


Holocaust hostile earth add nation,

Fight for survival fittest mighty run,

Forget people love compassion total,

Snatch other’s resource safe mortal, (15)


Fear retribution final war, terminate,

Fact or fiction decides n contemplate,

Discipline, sacrifice, effort, unity, best,

Mother earth pleads tearful n wait. (16)