Showing posts with label SANCTIFY BONDAGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SANCTIFY BONDAGE. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2021






For whom life cries, speak less,

Memories hunt painful distress,

Heartthrobs love intoxicate kill,

Distance increases times reveal, (1)


Human life mimics creeper grow,

Spread across branches n show,

Blossoms beatify tree flower nit,

Fragrant youth casts spell greet, (2)


Intimate relationship tree share,

Supports well storm winds dare,

Childhood parent support alike,

Creeper metamorphose n strike, (3)


Change to big tree independent,

Study at far place career decent,

Emotions fluid moisten nascent,

Endless thoughts n love cement, (4)


Unspoken word in heart bottles,

Hearts seek children n throttles,

Young lives spread wings in, sky,

Hypnotizes youth desires if high, (5)


Seldom find time think past less,

Future in, sight spirit toil redress,

Sight extends beyond horizon nit,

Wish creepers grow branch sight, (6)


Mysterious-world hides bondage,

Fame, job sweet-home love craze,

Desperately seek marriage child,

Boundless-happy sanctity, yield, (7)


Alas, self engrosses routine work,

Distant home-town memory dark,

Occasional letters reach remind,

Parent request to visit scant find, (viii)


Burden-of-life human, find torture,

Reminiscence hunt journey favor,

Age slip quickly unnoticed sense,

Strong-bond mother’s heart rains, (9)


Unblinking eyes stare at, window,

Flood invade fragile frame sorrow,

Health, test most often fearful nit,

Children’s company feels n write, (10)


Human life quit, deny short notice,

Children never find parent justice,

Problems swarm like bees stings,

Escape to parent’s laps get wings, (11)


Selfless souls dedicate, lives wait,

Union, wet teats n love intoxicate,

Brings solace to old hearts forgive,

Ends long-wait discontent achieve, (12)


Inexpressible feelings sweep total,

Moments of ecstasy forget mortal,

Long throbbing pain emotion, less,

Year of separation second impress, (13)


Root, of child home witness silent,

Feel remembering creeper invent,

Memories mixes union exclusive,

Sanctify bondage select reclusive, (14)


Far better than abode-of-Lord say,

Firm decisions serve parents gay,

Conscience advises for pilgrimage,

Touch own home, sanctify bondage. (15)