Monday, November 8, 2021






Born on earth baby cry for a while,

Surround family relation feel, smile,

Welcomes visitor celebrations neat,

Fulfill months dream voids deplete, (1)


Beautiful mansion cushions carpet,

Costly curtains wall painting, asset,

Wood furniture, precious n decorate,

Mesmerizes decorum missing relate, (2)


Several beautiful rooms nit furnish

Murals in frame attractive, flourish,

Servants many serve duly clean nit,

Grandparent parent four lives neat, (3)


Wealthy aristocrat royal lives greet,

Scarce population small-town, treat,

Established for generation, famous,

Acres of estate scenic firm obvious, (4)


Driver hundred cars n costly model,

Picture prosperity lives here exhibit,

Surprise somber atmosphere create,

Silence pervade permanently threat, (5)


Affluence, opulent life misses smile,

Cuisine dishes, fruits, drinks, futile,

Remorse visible sorrow underneath,

Never speaks desire strong beneath, (6)


None ever find, lives in tears openly,

Speak pain, open heart feel, secretly,

Work relentless lead life hide-agony,

Wrinkles sad lines hide accompany, (7)


Suppress speaking, sole wish prime,

Writes, on lives of rich affluent, shine,

Void in life huge building miss kids,

Breaks languishing silence it needs, (viii)


Children play chatter laughter neat,

Reverberates sound match smile fit,

Happiness n prosperity confluences,

Rare-combination, watch influences, (9)


Flood love care adulation infectious,

Children attend school return roars,

Plays in evening lawn smile, visible,

Simile butterfly play-dream feasible, (10)


Grandparents at balcony greet enjoy,

Parent watchful guides to home joy,

Evening kids study mother teacher,

Father returns from work hug later, (11)


Grandmother tells stories, sing nice,

After dinner on bed lullabies, notice,

Children under bedcovers sleep nit,

Balcony parents gossip enjoy meet, (12)


Bright moon shines, only sky wear,

Million-star replica happiness here,

Parent feel moonless sky cast sadly,

Lessens beautiful night melancholy, (13)


Realize only moon, dispel darkness,

Brings peace, add inner happiness,

Only sun in-sky breaks dawn greet,

Influences life nit energetic explicit, (14)


Sustain heartily future golden light,

Sunless clouded sky gloom implicit,

Wife silent confides pregnant touch,

Choke husband surprise love much, (15)


Fails gold opulence less satisfaction,

Wound hurtful inner silent emotion,

Divine gift Lord’s grace n child visit,

Voids in life vanish, inquisitive quit. (16)










Sunday, November 7, 2021






Emphasizes female heart loving

Claims fair complexion, shining,

Fountains of compassion, caring,

Smile steals; extend to earrings, (1)


Soft-spoken, healing effect sweet,

Angry heart scornful look defeat,

Touch empathetic spell magical,

Elegant look steals sing musical, (2)


Far tolerant, quiet silent endure,

Holds family in grip unite allure,

Root motherhood generation nit,

Key-member of race family greet, (3)


Clean life trustworthy, serve all,

Little ask demand any listen, call,

Believes family tradition, culture,

Observe scurrilously soul assure, (4)


Rare scold kids, elders, husband,

Testing times struggle firm stand,

Leadership vision future estimate,

Long female attribute best reflect, (5)


Sterling straightforward assertion,

Refute, men’s world untrue notion,

Reject, baseless general defective,

Opportunistic attitudes assertive (6)


Conflict with assertions continue

Compromise a pretense, n renew,

Evade assertion, exhibit-resistant,

Females in-company, tell hesitant, (7)


Never-ending, female superiority,

Man, shamelessly dares modesty,

Deprives coeducation study pure,

Reject leadership equality abjure, (viii)


Mother of prosperity equality net,

Population participation activate,

Quality-of-life excels, results best,

Men only rule demerit ruins rest, (9)


Hypocrisy assert superiority feel,

Girl child confined dogma reveal,

Sad-story often captivate men ill,

Blind power, hungers acute drill, (10)


Illiteracy among female child rot,

Mother, the first teacher n escort,

Moral character nation lose, trail,

Women’s plight push people, fail, (11)


Violent world terror strikes, root,

Mother inconsequential or mute,

World witness nations decline ill,

Endless misery picture draw evil, (12)


Ignorant boasts wiser bitter fight,

Name social transformation right,

Brink of disaster human race feel,

Escape route emancipations seal, (13)


Liberate own sister, mother, child,

Assertion never fiction facts yield,

Golden future wait damsel glaze,

Motherland wears luster ablaze, (14)


Watch females harvest rural nit,

Female folks dance festive greet,

Mirth spread love overflow jovial,

Female, key for mankind survival, (15)


Honor equality build together fit,

Never nation more, happier treat,

Enter golden era aura, luminous,

Respect assertion, girl glorious. (16)




Saturday, November 6, 2021




 Human life experiences prosperity,

Endeavor relentless wish posterity,

Lifelong meet harsh world fight nit,

Sorrow pain least hurt suppress it, (1)


Survive spirit immense misery feel,

Reject extinguish life feels tranquil,

Calm, composure, strength, inspire,

Headlong fight problem, less-retire, (2)


Story life cement, accomplishment,

Award life in the end victory scent,

Festival of light lighted jubilations,

Collude with smiling crowd listens, (3)


Dance, music, firework sweet-taste,

Tasty cakes sweets cuisine interest,

The mirth satisfaction mingle neat,

Diwali night, unique occasion quit, (4)


Memories deeply etched soul savor,

Life face difficulty sad forget never,

Each year visit Diwali bring solace,

Forget suffering, sad-pain, morass, (5)


Disappears with rows of lamplight,

Least discover tears lonely definite,

Discover life wish living thrive feat,

Immense hope trust self-belief feet, (6)


Step for dawn tomorrow first enjoy,

Anticipate failure dissuade, destroy,

Story of my life, sweet and sour fix,

Diwali live disappeared loves remix, (7)


Struggle entire life, less-wait failure,

Ambitious age stays sweetest, shelter,

Witness offspring grows happy sail,

Settled wife children chivalry swell, (viii)


Polite, tolerant, less mutinous fight,

Win, downright victorious by might,

Diwali sign of prosperity safety tell,

Watch siblings greet each other yell, (9)


Parental satisfactions festive night,

Wish lives revolved complete, excite,

Fountain of joy, happiness sparkle,

Sound crackers, light-tree wrinkle, (10)


Wrinkle's eye sense temporal well,

Unknown fear encroach less quell,

Diwali night get silent n moonless,

Smoke, mist spread skies starless, (11)


Cover desolation, late-night empty,

Discover, dreams of old age vanity,

Offspring, noisy melts into thin air,

Love fantasies old-heart lonely hire, (12)


Moonless night, life faces solitude,

Life dreams revolve back quietude,

Happen, cinematic reels visualize,

Moonless night back Diwali rise, (13)


Mirror if, fail to reflect image sheer,

Wildflower of Diwali dreams swear,

No more on earth share family yell,

Shed tears on sad memory, n quell, (14)


Family life cherishes fruitless, nail,

Pen, unlucky moonless night dwell.

Dream, never fruitful lives lament,

Diwali hires moonless night scent. (15)







Friday, November 5, 2021





Captures sight paper boat sail,

Imagination allot thoughts fail,

Negotiate stream rapidly move,

Little, sink passes swirls prove, (1)


Carries fantasy shapes, sailors,

Defeat current surface trailers,

Move far marshy water harbor,

Wait, indefinite stagnant water, (2)


Discover, wet paper -boat sink,

Carries happiness, farther link,

Innocent childhood fun replay,

Human life imitate, all display, (3)


Body, resemble paper-boat like,

Floats on ocean-of-life n strike,

Face current beneath n swirls,

Afloat, paper boat nit whirls, (4)


Turbulence encounters neatly,

Recovers get, stable distinctly,

Carry creator’s happiness well,

Voyage human life glory detail, (5)


Never sink faces troubles, pain,

Discovers, path survives again,

Journey long enough ends test,

Meet ocean ultimate, sink, best, (6)


Alert eyes child smile laughter,

Lord’s creations human secure,

Intensely observes divine sight,

World notice mass prayer right, (7)


Observes Lord like-child, a boat,

Watch n amuses human effort,

Discover human ingenuity nit,

Find, essentially solution greet, (viii)


Face obstructions quite evade,

Knowledge perseverance wade,

Defeat hatred, jealousy n anger,

Peace, keep body-light stronger, (9)


Desires water least wets frame,

Life paper boat sails play, game,

Game of life resemble kid’s play,

Pleasure sorrow mingle display, (10)


Child’s hearts Lord wish allure

Transience establish nit mirror,

Minute’s pleasures, child forget,

Creates another paper boat wait, (11)


Lord’s abode earth-paradise like,

Mirage manifest life again strike,

Anew paper boats sail, manifest,

Differs seasons rains come best, (12)


Time demarcate ages child find,

Plays again paper boats rewind,

Lord plays, differs intention wait,

Revolution age witness intimate, (13)


Refines mind discard ignorance,

Lesson nature earth endurance,

Paper symbols of knowledge sail,

Folds of knowledge boat unravel, (14)


Stagnant water harbor boat best,

Life finds harbor in silence quest,

Still-water reflect, paper boat well,

Perceive soul creator’s image tell, (15)


Solitude silence find, mind travel,

Link paper boat soul creator ravel.

Life mysterious ponders creation,

Simple paper boat, explain motion. (16)







Thursday, November 4, 2021




Rise O soul from darkness dense,

Quit slumber awaken spirits sense,

Let, billion-life realize land ancient,

Tradition, lamp light bright decent, (1)


Fades ignorance, vice, evil practice,

Enlighten heart attains purity nice,

Sing invisible creator His glory rise,

Here festival of night praise precise, (2)


Song spreads love pure serves land,

Fate deprive people need help hand,

Poor, destitute, jobless, sick, sound,

Celebrate, Diwali cheerful profound, (3)


Creator lives never mean temple nit,

Heart, poor sick orphan kid explicit,

Abode of Lord, handicap, aged feel,

Diwali season wish serve pains heal, (4)


Hunger painful than death alleviate,

Goddess prosperity let less alienate,

Night worship prosperity, let equal,

Lands belong to rich, poor, parallel, (5)


Life precious let sufferer feel solace,

Occasion Diwali night clear morass,

Soil, length, and breadth rejuvenate,

Offer bountiful grain hunger satiate, (6)


People caste, creed, color, unite feel,

Lamp-lighted darkness defeats heal,

Ends bitterness rivalry quarrel total,

Shorter human life yet ego mortal, (7)


Fraternity understanding night seal,

Land burst cracker, sign victory feel,

Victory over division faction distrust,

Celebrations least understood, burst, (viii)


Solemn promises nation unites right,

Spread community goodwill delight,

Suspicion hatred doubt never exist,

Communal bonhomie, love care hit, (9)


Progress, touch hinterland prosper,

Festival night light village, whisper,

Future of Nation children educate,

Education,  health, youth adequate (10)


Equals cherish liberty from poverty,

True craze liberty, freedom, property,

Celebrate Diwali, sing O’ soul song,

Otherwise sing meaningless wrong, (11)


Let chorus-citizen take oath unite,

Defeat slavery from poverty, ignite,

Rise O soul, from darkness dense,

Quit slumber awaken spirit sense, (12)


Eradicate illness, illiteracy totality,

Let dismantle curse untouchability,

Establish freedom for womanhood,

Equal right for girl child land good, (13)


Goddess of prosperity be daughter,

Festive Diwali night n her laughter,

Cracker celebrate sky bright spark,

Daughter eye sparkle joyous stark, (14)


Today, a daughter next motherland,

Ageless epitome decorates garland.

Lamp-lit eyes sparkle, glints smile,

Diwali time disappear fear hostile. (15)