Showing posts with label PAPER BOAT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAPER BOAT. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2021





Captures sight paper boat sail,

Imagination allot thoughts fail,

Negotiate stream rapidly move,

Little, sink passes swirls prove, (1)


Carries fantasy shapes, sailors,

Defeat current surface trailers,

Move far marshy water harbor,

Wait, indefinite stagnant water, (2)


Discover, wet paper -boat sink,

Carries happiness, farther link,

Innocent childhood fun replay,

Human life imitate, all display, (3)


Body, resemble paper-boat like,

Floats on ocean-of-life n strike,

Face current beneath n swirls,

Afloat, paper boat nit whirls, (4)


Turbulence encounters neatly,

Recovers get, stable distinctly,

Carry creator’s happiness well,

Voyage human life glory detail, (5)


Never sink faces troubles, pain,

Discovers, path survives again,

Journey long enough ends test,

Meet ocean ultimate, sink, best, (6)


Alert eyes child smile laughter,

Lord’s creations human secure,

Intensely observes divine sight,

World notice mass prayer right, (7)


Observes Lord like-child, a boat,

Watch n amuses human effort,

Discover human ingenuity nit,

Find, essentially solution greet, (viii)


Face obstructions quite evade,

Knowledge perseverance wade,

Defeat hatred, jealousy n anger,

Peace, keep body-light stronger, (9)


Desires water least wets frame,

Life paper boat sails play, game,

Game of life resemble kid’s play,

Pleasure sorrow mingle display, (10)


Child’s hearts Lord wish allure

Transience establish nit mirror,

Minute’s pleasures, child forget,

Creates another paper boat wait, (11)


Lord’s abode earth-paradise like,

Mirage manifest life again strike,

Anew paper boats sail, manifest,

Differs seasons rains come best, (12)


Time demarcate ages child find,

Plays again paper boats rewind,

Lord plays, differs intention wait,

Revolution age witness intimate, (13)


Refines mind discard ignorance,

Lesson nature earth endurance,

Paper symbols of knowledge sail,

Folds of knowledge boat unravel, (14)


Stagnant water harbor boat best,

Life finds harbor in silence quest,

Still-water reflect, paper boat well,

Perceive soul creator’s image tell, (15)


Solitude silence find, mind travel,

Link paper boat soul creator ravel.

Life mysterious ponders creation,

Simple paper boat, explain motion. (16)