Friday, September 22, 2023






Love immeasurable insulate life,

Dispel insult, blame, shield strife,

Capsulate life uncompromising,

Insatiable thirst nature inviting, (1)


Love unimaginable different life,

Physical pleasure robs act knife,

Atomic time scale rapturous kill,

Orgasmic pleasure, absurd, heal,(2)


Lack of passionate life satisfaction,

Revolt limb writhe painful action,

Friction devastating ruins spirits,

Separated close intimacy writes, (3)


Love attracts magnetic postures,

Colored a thousand letters tears,

Separation, death-like situations,

Delusive yet material attraction, (4)


Amend mistakes, blunder defeat,

Defeat dislikes, anger, love neat,

Life, a multitude of love songs, sad,

Realize listener failure love mad, (5)


Blinded mind thought provokes,

Infatuated heart rejected evokes,

Love after death built the Taj tall,

Miracle Happens love story scroll, (6)


Dying moments reviving lives let,

Entwine human emotions, quiet,

Love O human exist not physical,

Matter ushers beginning magical, (7)


The touch looks voice sensational,

Spider net dear heart tragic fatal,

Once that begins must end, final,

Love physical pleasure to critical, (viii)


Unsatisfied spirit search enough,

Move for power positions through,

Walk lifelong searches futile hell,

Love simply less exists limbs fail, (9)


The mind feeds opium intoxicant tell,

Absurd love persuades little dwell,

Dwell abstract, pure, serene, divine,

Discover baby breastfed to shine, (10)


The love, mother shows purity lit,

The cow licks her calf love in explicit,

The doctor tends to raw wounds critically,

A heartbeat wish recovery, tally, (11)


Lotus wait till sunrays blossom,

Love mysterious touch creation,

Arrive spring rise moon, jasmine,

Foliage creepers fragrance timing, (12)


The acute scent aromas pervade,

Mad at fragrance insects invade,

Creators love plays fantasy dwell,

Human to nature living beings tell, (13)


Infused to love adequate interest,

The fountain mountain river rest,

Forest, snow peak, oasis, granary,

Love human spectacular scenery, (14)


Eternal, undiluted, supreme, a love,

Inadequacy, short the life dissolve,

Erroneous trap of mind physical,

Love is far beyond world material. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Inadequacy

Themes: Essentially, purity of love life fails to grasp

Written: 22nd September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Thursday, September 21, 2023






The black holes visible horrible,

Reluctant dignitaries nod, feeble,

Fumble, admits, mother sacrifices,

Right from the womb to services,(1)


Wedlock, another woman in life,

Pseudo claim miracle end strife,

Better half and child surround,

Parent, especially mother sound, (2)


The utter neglect links the destitute,

Mothers lose sons with no substitute,

The desperation life aged scare,

Most sufferers are women hire, (3)


The position of women, worse, sadly,

Adolescents, age seven, live madly,

Blocked from school or colleges,

Illiteracy only option sacrileges, (4)


Veil, child marriage, pregnancy,

Black hole the prison indecency,

Denied the right to argue, complain,

From childhood youths disdain, (5)


Evil practices of dowry still prevail,

Inheritance daughters lose wail,

Parental property deprived stay,

Law stands for them life dismay, (6)


Years of court cases, sordid a trial,

Divorced, no reason dowry viral,

Talaq three times verbal, banned,

Still sufferer numerous harmed, (7)


No respect for female, dominant,

Several wives, less income want,

The community takes pride, practice,

Black hole numerous life notice, (viii)


Widow, divorcee with baby begs,

Parents hoodwink, kicking legs,

No justice, the picture is gruesome,

Intelligentsia scantly worrisome, (9)


The landscape is scary, predators,

Stalking mafia evil kidnappers,

Sinkhole flesh trades exist,

Thousands of teens fail to resist, (10)


Law stands mute, impotent, miss,

Pervert male society to unleash,

The dungeon stories, spine chill,

Slavery hammered females feel, (11)


No equality, democracy, liberties,

Female child, treated properties,

Stigmatized, womanhood scary,

Civilized societies, scantly to worry, (12)


Demand for equal rights stronger,

Evaded politicians, worst leader,

The September third week mark,

Watershed moment the bill hark, (13)


Passed women's reservation bill,

Equality for women time will seal,

Right to rule, govern, land equal,

Stigmatized a girl, the child wins royal. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stigmatized

Themes: Reservation for women the bill passed

Written: 21st, September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Wednesday, September 20, 2023






Clockwork changing scenarios,

Country the history, past owes,

Invasions, a thousand times inked,

Ancient land prosperous linked, (1)


The saga of loot mass slaughter,

Aggressions conversion chapter,

Colonial rule plundered a trillion,

Left skeletal people live billion, (2)


Illiteracy, lack of food, clothes, a home,

Freedom dawn accord partition,

Lost million lives lost homeland,

Independent satire magic wand, (3)


Lost sovereign territories forced,

Raj, horrors of the past sourced,  

Parliament symbols democracy,

Seven decades incident ecstasy, (4)


Millenniums, slavery nightmare,

Freedom, liberty, erase quagmire,

Literacy, symbolize wisdom light,

Skill, innovation discovery sight, (5)


Youth, changed landscape, right,

Fought major wars, won defeat,

Defeat aggressors, development,

Surpassed economy yell, anoint, (6)


The change phenomenal accord,

Proved who disbelieved, absurd,

Today Lord of the Wisdom visits,

Annual unites people well exits, (7)


Landmark old parliament stand,

Her last day, yesterday, a demand,

Stand magnificent new building,

Today, start functioning guiding, (viii)


First law, enforced by law, maker,

Woman, emancipation, superior,

Reservation for women applaud,

Guarantee the law, propose, prod, (9)


Watershed decision history ring,

Child marriage to bride burning,

Triple Talaq to denigrate inferior,

Breaking chains woman a future, (10)


The new parliament first law fire,

Certainly write history, full to share,

Democracy true spirit wisdom lit,

Female spine of the nation bright, (11)


Educated, skilled, far lead society,

Bricks, nation-building reliability

Future assure female leadership,

Parliament a platform courtship, (12)


Leader of the nation woman hire,

Female warriors of past sapphire,

Queen fought against marauder,

Her sword bloodstains, predator, (13)


New Parliament, new vigor arise,

Future different stories surprise,

Tidal force, full moon rising allure,

Female stamina, stigma to disappear, (14)


Tsunami electoral battle to decide,

Tidal feminine aspirations preside,  

Autumnal season, divine mother,

Festive occasions tidal worshiper. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tidal

Themes: Bill for women, reservation

Written: 20th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Tuesday, September 19, 2023






Implodes aspiration fragmented,

Summer vacation plans planted,

Decanted juicy proposal console,

Shifted to springtime dates sole, (1)


Children shattered listen to alert,

Singing for a happy vacation resort,

Confess budget limited silent life,

Innocence plays at best from strife, (2)


Planning sessions endless magic,

Proposal counter planning tragic,

Amused kids fight out calculated,

Places, college vacation concluded,(3)


Siblings dream, scenic the resorts,

Dreamland, night provides, escorts,

Whispering, hope, desire, interlace,

Personal wish items, purse grace, (4)


Took leave from office to pack goods,

Advance ticket booked win moods,

Colleges closed vacation holidays,

Packing well baggage waits for frays, (5)


The flight was short and thrilling enough,

Glue to the window, look down, laugh,

Reached airport kids running hell,

Stationery shop buffet counter yell, (6)


Their mom with baggage, alert wait,

Children bought enjoy dish quiet,

Now travel to railway station soon,

Chair car coach, air-cooled a boon, (7)


Slept kids so soon tired surprised,

We couple dozed mildly surmised,

Disturb children, Ghats bending,

Steep slope mountain track ring, (viii)


Tunnels a few thick forests below,

Looked at happy kids, speed slow,

Observed their pleasure, curiosity,

Forgot exam after vacation laxity, (9)


Journey up the hills to the valley,

Ended curiosities increased tally,

A lot of apprehensions, bright faces,

Parents enjoyed prompted grace, (10)


The train halted whistle alarm fine,

Sparsely crowded station shine,

We moved by taxi to the hotel late,

Had dinner retired to bed debate, (11)


Kids declined to sleep to gossip,

Tearful reminded past worship,

Papa was poor, clerical job, life,

Inspired us to study face strife, (12)


We struggled, wish to succeed,

How my children lucky exceed,

Morning, at dawn, alerted kids,

They got up refreshed, eyelids, (13)


Quiet wait for intense surprise,

In foam, the rubber raft, sunrise,

Speechless, viewed whitewater,

Children romantic proud swear, (14)


Belted tightly guide assisted fit,

Enjoyed children, played fright,

Rapids, river is swift white foam,

Water sprays kids wet now loam, (15)


Rocks countless swirling water,

Vacation visiting to whitewater,

Back home, kids hugged tightly,

Thanks, wish exam warn lightly. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Whitewater

Themes: Kids enjoyed whitewater surfing

Written: 19th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite