Thursday, September 21, 2023






The black holes visible horrible,

Reluctant dignitaries nod, feeble,

Fumble, admits, mother sacrifices,

Right from the womb to services,(1)


Wedlock, another woman in life,

Pseudo claim miracle end strife,

Better half and child surround,

Parent, especially mother sound, (2)


The utter neglect links the destitute,

Mothers lose sons with no substitute,

The desperation life aged scare,

Most sufferers are women hire, (3)


The position of women, worse, sadly,

Adolescents, age seven, live madly,

Blocked from school or colleges,

Illiteracy only option sacrileges, (4)


Veil, child marriage, pregnancy,

Black hole the prison indecency,

Denied the right to argue, complain,

From childhood youths disdain, (5)


Evil practices of dowry still prevail,

Inheritance daughters lose wail,

Parental property deprived stay,

Law stands for them life dismay, (6)


Years of court cases, sordid a trial,

Divorced, no reason dowry viral,

Talaq three times verbal, banned,

Still sufferer numerous harmed, (7)


No respect for female, dominant,

Several wives, less income want,

The community takes pride, practice,

Black hole numerous life notice, (viii)


Widow, divorcee with baby begs,

Parents hoodwink, kicking legs,

No justice, the picture is gruesome,

Intelligentsia scantly worrisome, (9)


The landscape is scary, predators,

Stalking mafia evil kidnappers,

Sinkhole flesh trades exist,

Thousands of teens fail to resist, (10)


Law stands mute, impotent, miss,

Pervert male society to unleash,

The dungeon stories, spine chill,

Slavery hammered females feel, (11)


No equality, democracy, liberties,

Female child, treated properties,

Stigmatized, womanhood scary,

Civilized societies, scantly to worry, (12)


Demand for equal rights stronger,

Evaded politicians, worst leader,

The September third week mark,

Watershed moment the bill hark, (13)


Passed women's reservation bill,

Equality for women time will seal,

Right to rule, govern, land equal,

Stigmatized a girl, the child wins royal. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stigmatized

Themes: Reservation for women the bill passed

Written: 21st, September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



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