Showing posts with label TIDAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TIDAL. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2023






Clockwork changing scenarios,

Country the history, past owes,

Invasions, a thousand times inked,

Ancient land prosperous linked, (1)


The saga of loot mass slaughter,

Aggressions conversion chapter,

Colonial rule plundered a trillion,

Left skeletal people live billion, (2)


Illiteracy, lack of food, clothes, a home,

Freedom dawn accord partition,

Lost million lives lost homeland,

Independent satire magic wand, (3)


Lost sovereign territories forced,

Raj, horrors of the past sourced,  

Parliament symbols democracy,

Seven decades incident ecstasy, (4)


Millenniums, slavery nightmare,

Freedom, liberty, erase quagmire,

Literacy, symbolize wisdom light,

Skill, innovation discovery sight, (5)


Youth, changed landscape, right,

Fought major wars, won defeat,

Defeat aggressors, development,

Surpassed economy yell, anoint, (6)


The change phenomenal accord,

Proved who disbelieved, absurd,

Today Lord of the Wisdom visits,

Annual unites people well exits, (7)


Landmark old parliament stand,

Her last day, yesterday, a demand,

Stand magnificent new building,

Today, start functioning guiding, (viii)


First law, enforced by law, maker,

Woman, emancipation, superior,

Reservation for women applaud,

Guarantee the law, propose, prod, (9)


Watershed decision history ring,

Child marriage to bride burning,

Triple Talaq to denigrate inferior,

Breaking chains woman a future, (10)


The new parliament first law fire,

Certainly write history, full to share,

Democracy true spirit wisdom lit,

Female spine of the nation bright, (11)


Educated, skilled, far lead society,

Bricks, nation-building reliability

Future assure female leadership,

Parliament a platform courtship, (12)


Leader of the nation woman hire,

Female warriors of past sapphire,

Queen fought against marauder,

Her sword bloodstains, predator, (13)


New Parliament, new vigor arise,

Future different stories surprise,

Tidal force, full moon rising allure,

Female stamina, stigma to disappear, (14)


Tsunami electoral battle to decide,

Tidal feminine aspirations preside,  

Autumnal season, divine mother,

Festive occasions tidal worshiper. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tidal

Themes: Bill for women, reservation

Written: 20th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite