Friday, June 14, 2024





Scrupulously followed the principles,

Human ambition, lust entangle,

A restless, breathless spirit waits,

Principle selfish, honesty, negates, (1)


Look at O human tree bear fruit,

Born with feature leads to route,

Observe the child, smile, laugh strike,

Innocence, purity, peace stay like, (2)


The mind gets polluted tenet advice,

Prepared to snatch goods practice,

Suspicion, distrust, doubt, suffering,

The human mind follows the tenet refer, (3)


Far from honesty, innocence hit,

Tenet waylaid human life defeat,

Tree of mango desire jackfruits,

Evil mind again nature recruits, (4)


The result of modern-era observation hell,

Twisting the tenets natural yell,

Mischievous, sick mind ill-advised,

Practicing methods break sized, (5)


Wastage population growth sad,

A tenet for progress haywire mad,

Education incorporates rules well,

Practice studying day night hail, (6)


 Tenet brushed aside illegal sad,

Failed education interview mad,

Every mechanism a country runs,

Embedded tenets missing burn, (7)


The open world, humans, youth, land,

Prescribe tenet act magic wand,

Love, serve, help, selfless, justice,

Peaceful life, simplicity, practice, (viii)


Short human life happy, strong,

Strong and stubborn, tenets wrong,

I noticed such magnificent lives,

Tenets precious virtuous thrives, (9)


Belief throughout life tenet lines,

A generation misses underlines,

Ordinary human minimum asset,

Stay educated documents basket, (10)


Know century-old tenets practice,

The mango tree gives mangos justice,

Tenet defines cultural scriptures,

Disobeyed, grandparent whispers. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tenet

Themes: Principles

Written: 14th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, June 13, 2024





Millennia old occupation miracle,

Toil human inspirational sample,

Vagary of weather climate mingle,

Draught famine flood hurt ample, (1)


Withstand adverse situations pass,

Cultivate harvest crop show class,

A billion people need food to survive,

Peasants provide bountiful thrive, (2)


Landscape widely different shows,

Farmers choose products yet grow,

Fruit gardens, vegetables or spices,

Rice wheat millet corn yet basics, (3)


Fishery, animal breeding, accord,

Village women, cow-to-milk flood,

Products, cheese butter, curd, oil,

Synergy rustic lives erase turmoil, (4)


Combined effort, people depend on,

Stove burns dish get ready ends,

Not hollowness meaningless fact,

Sufficient food production impact, (5)


Village life higher income benefit,

Youth get job labor synergy neat,

Remember jobless youth in cities,

The horror of homeless life necessities, (6)


The class, have, have-not divided,

Sectarian war, violent sad decides,

Opposite serenity, rural life is quiet,

Absent the divide love peace duet, (7)


The orchards, cowshed, fish firm,

The granaries, animal shed warm,

Farmer fishermen, farmer women,

School going play village children, (viii)


The silence empty roads, houses,

Hens at to rooftop noise rouses,

Synergy is visible everywhere, muse,

Paradise to hardship pain refuse, (9)


Notice from for love or friendship,

Innocence trust care they worship,

Synergy removes mistrust and rivalry,

Village women's domestic exemplary, (10)


A variety of arts and crafts notable,

Modern society is in trouble,

Lack synergy confrontation bitter,

Greenery granary synergy allure. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Synergy

Themes: Cohesive stronger

Written: 13th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Wednesday, June 12, 2024





Erroneous motive blunder fail,

Contentious issues evade hail,

Actor human exhibits colorful,

Underneath life belie beautiful, (1)


Later proclaims. denounced fit,

Equal and opposite view sight,

Confused human mind visible,

Deception condition plausible, (2)


Endless complexity, ambiguity,

Ambiguous spirit, in disparity,

Reason desire, link aspiration,

Separately honesty distinction, (3)


Mixture nature shows contrast,

Fearful within ferocious intact,

Dreary desert cactus conserve,

Precious water thorn protector, (4)


Raised hood of snake fang hiss,

Fearful within for life and miss,

Animals bear color stripes a lot,

Fearfully change color to revert, (5)


The purpose of saving lives and escape,

Plant birds and fish perform shape,

Humans acquire the art of the trickster,

Motive mischievous cheat actor, (6)


Exhibit soft voice soothing melt,

The ulterior motive to loot and theft,

Change color demeanor action,

Deep within harbors a reaction, (7)


Cheat relative blood friendship,

Pray the Lord for theft worship,

Speechless analyze end mourn,

Lose everything instantly gone, (viii)


Sequel to the life of a trickster sad,

Axed by time, sickness, life mad,

Humans suffered eliminate, say,

Invisible wire cage prisons way, (9)


Dark chamber from society sad,

Lost freedom, happiness, reward,

Surmised everything, consoled,

The Lord is merciful duly mold, (10)


Before breathing last realizes it,

the trickster practices lifelong cheating,

Cheated only precious life pray,

Forgive me, O Lord, death prey. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Trickster

Themes: Action destroys life

Written: 12th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, June 11, 2024





Reverberate jubilation mind wild,

Alas, the event changes painful yield,

The cycle of happiness, broken heart,

Escorts life, new horizon impact, (1)


Visible ruins, the crumbling mansion,

Human life imitates cyclic fashion,

Marked sank in sorrow no future,

The miracle is hope, encourage, assure, (2)


Brick by brick builds human stay,

Defy elimination cement again lay,

Love and bond thicker than blood,

Rebuilt after destruction act prod, (3)


Speechless brothers fight angrily,

Over the property ancestral silly,

Foolish humans forget time is cruel,

Hands changed for property swell, (4)


A wise person moves, builds a home,

Renovate ruined life help income,

Stays distant memory melancholy,

Illusive the world changing only, (5)


Patience, perusal, perseverance lit,

Life defeated, dishearten, build fit,

Not the mere house but the country,

Devastated by war draught entry, (6)


Population forced to leave land,

Food, cloth, shelter, no magic wand,

The country has seen miracles happen,

Renovation only possible campaign, (7)


Unity brotherhood cooperation,

Nationhood aspires to renovation,

Be the small house or country fit,

Human life resembles fate defeat, (viii)


Crestfallen, sudden demise attack,

Crumbles courage balance track,

Loses vision, forward weak, fearful,

Lost happiness, peace, life sorrowful, (9)


Brick by brick, a human builds life,

Cement is the renovation, erase strife,

Infinite belief, hard-working effort,

Usher good day luxurious comfort, (10)


Twilight years lost his son broken,

His residence shape matches a token,

Forgetfulness graced him stable,

Wish renovation life home ample. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Renovation

Themes: Never lose hope

Written: 11th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Monday, June 10, 2024





Unable to realize shadow lengthens,

Physical existence doubts frighten,

Pride, courage an effervescence stem,

Suspicion of falling off broken a frame, (1)


Nonexistent shadow stills physique,

In moving scenes, viewers doubt, clique,

Death, destruction, disaster, accident,

Fame achievement glory permanent, (2)


Human lives, deeds stay defeat time,

Sojourn of soul underlines supreme,

Human belief pyramid civilizations,

Contrary to evanescent realizations, (3)


Humans demonstrate impermanency,

Living being non-living inconsistency,

Evanescent rivers dry bed vanished,

Evanescent terrain oceanic attained, (4)


Evanescent flora and fauna missing,

Evanescent species, evolutes, racing,

The star-studded night gets different,

Moving with time timeless the event, (5)


Earth, moon, sun, planets, wait time,

Everything will change void prime,

Thoughtful looked at glow worms,

They visit at night, lighting swarms, (6)


Short their stay glows luminescent,

Human life, yet short, reminiscent,

Defy evanescent sand dune erasing,

Beautiful monuments stay amazing, (7)


Lost civilization books wisdom sad,

Evanescent act time wipes forward,

Accepted the fact reality awakened,

Love, care, helping others, moistened, (viii)


Let me be a glow worm for a night,

Let me the wildflower bright delight,

Let the shadow lengthens vanish,

Evanescent physical body perish, (9)


Bound by the Lord's command cycle,

Evanescent life effervescent smile,

Surmised today make break cyclic,

His wish evanescent birth mystic, (10)


The universe rotates evanescent to atom,

The purpose of creation and soul is to fathom,

Evanescent state graceful cleansing,

Effervescent life bubbles revitalizing. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Evanescent

Themes: Creation cyclic

Written: 10th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Sunday, June 9, 2024





Surreptitious dreams humans aspire to,

Hopeless struggle fails to link desire,

Limitless aspiration human search,

Stupendous success reaction much, (1)


World surprisingly exists underworld,

One underneath the other life scald,

Resist rising genius wise existence,

Exhortation blackmail to nuisance, (2)


Catapult deviate rising performance,

Capture the underworld in advance,

The day is bright light, attractive action,

Night the darkness frighten pattern, (3)


World and underworld day or night,

Catapult human life fails win excite,

The change happens with sudden alarm,

Ecstatic, famous, instead cruel harm, (4)


Equal opportunity practice depends,

Unequal fortune fate guise pretends,

Life jerks suddenly catapult critical,

Attitude virtue or vice acts essential, (5)


As a result, humans peruse like a train,

The break of hundreds of wheels is insane,

Catapult to seize moving train save,

Human life faces struggles yet crave, (6)


Aspect viewed as minutely miraculous,

Country progress stays prosperous,

The rise of wealth education instantly,

Suffers underworld hunger faintly, (7)


Gradual change dampens diverted,

Catapulted events damage averted,

Saving the running train at speed,

Catapult wheels under break need, (viii)


How similar the land, read the lesson,

Catapult block violence depression,

Pacified violent incidences realize,

Progress of society, industry-wise, (9)


Gains momentum train at speed,

Passengers arrive in time indeed,

In many instances, experienced jerks,

Train increases speed-related work, (10)


Life hassles upheaval uproarious,

Catapult reacts human victorious,

The reflex, instinct, action match,

Catapult captured success latch.      (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Catapult

Themes: Events halt or race

Written: 9th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite