Sunday, February 28, 2021





Watch little shrubs in park exist,

Incremental weathers heat resist,

Winter dry months water-scarce,

A gardener never tender life harsh,

Rain comes, leaves grow, a flower,

Passerby ignore a beauty shower,

Shot life, a day fragrance spread,

Next morning to lie dusty I dread,

Permit mind to introspect a plant,

Corner of park, bush acts instant,

Short human life, small existence,

Corner of the world fail resistance,

Vagaries of weather violate the spirit,

Fail to resist survival die discreet,

Human nature equal bush flower,

Pure a fragrance help love shower,

Resemble an ordinary shrub exist,

The world is huge garden men in mist,

Unknown un-attended serve least,

Untimely perish human none treat,

Convinced mind sad felt distraught,

Analyze detail a permissive thought, (1)


Self-centered from teenage, selfish,

Self-comfort luxury wealth all wish,

Home exists as a world boundary wall,

Family well wife kid happy enthrall,

Rarely smile n talk decent to the visitor,

Never take interest ever other suffer,

Behavior match gardener home love,

The home resembles a garden all above,

Wife kid like rose plants tender care,

Their thought desire love ever share,

Sock n disbelief gardener mistrust,

Self repentance overwhelm worst,

Feel letdown self-existence almost,

Less than weed flower permeate free,

Never offer shade fruit cocoanut tree,

Tall human tall cocoanut it taught,

Look poor sick permissive thought,

Love care share permit a boundary,

Merge with people open a summary, (2)


The dry bush flower has fallen color intact,

Left realm happy serve divine fact,

Tearful now transform tiny flower,

Human, I claim lesson love shower,

These days I smile laugh courteous,

Helping others in need spontaneous,

Reverently pray Lord for this much,

Grace me life ends as flower search,

I mine myself elusive, ideas fraught,

People a family, permissive thought,

Peace blissful state infinite joy exist,

Permissive thought bonhomie tryst. (3)

Saturday, February 27, 2021





Know lifelong truth testify nature,

Human behave simple mind pure,

Heart passionate n love sympathy,

Kind human heart share empathy,

Peaceful content humble skin deep,

Born out of earth nature giant leap,

Nature earth reflect truths glorious,

Serenity unique beautiful hilarious,

Evergreen forest, icy slope, glacier,

Mountain, river, valley village near,

Nice realm, creator’s manifestation,

Invite colorful blossom intoxication,

Real-world owes perplex pretension, (1)


Mating seasons invites tribal dance,

Tribal female unite miss reluctance,

Night’s exotic song drums intention,

Young enamor perplexes pretension,

Youth rustic n urban Holi invitation,

Splash colors mingle thrill let union,

Let lose heart smile tingle touch won,

Marital age eager perplex pretension,

Animal bird plant entice procreation,

Tigress roan lioness roar mate union,

Deer dances wild induce rain season,

Nature decorate green pastures cool,

Peacock dance spread wings colorful,

Spring injects thrill bee tree blossom,

Spray colorful forest wild pollination,

Cuckoo sings allure mating find a nest,

Morning dew sparkle creation moist,

Mother Nature seduces wild creation,

Grainfields pregnant plantation ripe,

Golden hue perplex pretension swipe,

O’ mother Earth bountiful your feed,

Perplex pretension, harvesting creed,

Festival usher peasants dance thrive,

Colorful season affluent feasts revive,

Onam, Bihu, Baisakhi, lohri, pongal,

Makar, Nuakhai, Ugadi, festive total,

Humanity succeeds invite generation,

Perplex pretension real excite emotion,( 2)


Social field delude perplex pretension,

Rich jewel ornament dress all fashion,

Luxury comfort asset ego instill power,

Greed endless pollute mind trail anger,

Desire lust for sensual pleasure burns,

Evil intention sins accrue, spirit earns,

Illness age infirm sufferance pain most,

Detach desire attach essential life host

Ill fate bestow destiny divert all illusion,

Quicksand cleanses perplex pretension,

Human nature born simple n innocent,

Perplex pretension invalid living, decent. (3)

Friday, February 26, 2021





Perplex reflections on water placid,

Lack image on surface water rapid,

An exact image of nature calm project,

Sky cloud sun moon ground object,

Mountain peak green forest animal,

Tranquil lake water mirror enthrall,

Reflections delude impressions real,

Projects a virtual world resemble all,

Glass window wall cover mirrors all,

Rain pools in road field nice recall,

Mimic feature exact pictures amaze,

Never deceive or err infallible image (1)


Mirror manifest image on reflection,

Behind glass pricks realm unknown,

Motions of objects images reciprocate,

Look towards mirror image face best,

Image exact copy of objects of surface,

Feel anger greed jealousy least trace,

Feel happy love kind humble within,

Image fails to replicate abstract thin,

Complex human mind Almighty fail,

Fails to fathom depths of heart detail,

Mirror fails to create an image within skins,

Infallible image project surface clean,

Image of forest hill on water eye, catch,

Animal creature resides, never match, (2)


Image impermanent through reflection,

Object moves or light fade image gone,

Human mind intelligent capture image,

Develop on photo chromatic plate stays,

Digital medium replicate image perfect,

Both are permanent feature stores best,

Digital media stores images are motion,

Cinema reel record sound print shown,

Multimedia audio video is reel n digital,

Image replicates picture motion noise,

Light sound pictures, all images poise,

Video multimedia, a true image of a story,

Infallible image content copies history,

Millions of copies of images create stored,

Digital images on the internet networked,

Images with voice text motion encrypt,

Lightening speed circumvent glob byte,

Image empire new age boundary-less,

Infallible image exacts Mars, impress, (3)


Infallible image let infallible intention,

Million films videos all manipulation,

Images play exact to intention design,

Manipulate truth to lies horrors sign,

Evil’s den new world, infallible image,

Pollute confuse or motivate devil says,

Intelligence use infallible image exact,

Self-defense is an infallible image telecast,

Reflection born infallible image feature,

Human intelligence shrewdest creature,

Nature gift benevolent humanity thrive,

Cruel mind acts never mankind survive. (4)   

Thursday, February 25, 2021





O’ Almighty, I trust, while I inhale,

Ever exhale asleep inhales dwell,

Infinite grace I stay alive on love,

Infallible insight all doubts solve,

Trust solidifies gradual enamor,

Dawn, I wake up to feel you nearer,

Feel your soothing touch in a breeze,

Fresh with energy, beacons seize,

Crimson sunlight brighten heart,

Your warmth exhilarate life to start,

Outfield sun-kissed dew glistens,

Aware of whispers sweet to listen,

Hear bird chirps greet love myself,

Watch new day invite thrills delve,

February, tree green, leaves flower,

Fall has gone, all discard slumber,

Mango buds aroma pulsate mind,

Instigate pure rhythm, limbs find,

Melts within myself divine delight,

Inherit your gift infallible insight, (1)


Remember your mercy grains ripe,

Harvesting is over humans survive,

Summer arrived winter fade obeys,

Green hill get color, fruit ripen says,

Sun at the zenith, blisters life hot wind,

Cool shade under a tree, tired rewind,

The wind blows hot on the ocean lifts cloud,

Rain will wait for a season ever proud,

Thunder lightning squall noise fright,

Earth thirsty drink well, entices sight,

Infinite  power, elements serve to impress,

Element obey often, exceeds to distress,

Rain plays havoc rarely, life destroy,

Peasant prays rain plantation to enjoy,

River lake ponds swell water to nourish,

Plant, animal, fish, bird, insect flourish,

You reside in every life, nature bright,

Your creation reflects infallible insight, (2)


Eon Sun, earth, moon obeys circles well,

Universe your shape Lord, You dwell,

No shape size color smell, a void exists,

Eternal timeless deathless, born least,

Devoid of feelings, desire joy sorrow,

Free from yesterday today tomorrow,

Understand river origin of ocean drop,

Rain cloud pour, river seeks ocean lap,

Your reflection soul emits from living,

Reflect your presence obeys nonliving,

Human lovely Godchild a conscience,

Reflection of truth Lord Luminescence,

Mind most powerful tool, divine grace,

Intelligence intuition memory all trace,

The mind is blind senses through organs,

Feeling experience sight sound arms,

Human feel myriad projection invest,

Anger greed jealousy cruel act infest,

Opposites love humility kind, harbor,

Mind sick ill-feeling learn heals pure,

Lord, at dawn I awake, love only plays,

Infallible Insight Your gift, within says. (3)







Wednesday, February 24, 2021





The human mind knows everything,

Pretends always know nothing,

Ignorant outer face vacant look,

Curious endless answers hook,

Single answer generates query,

Copious questions reply worry, (1)


Perplex mind think its prowess,

Each thought ask and distress,

The thought is a could sail in the sky,

The sky is vast knowledge rest high,

Limitless sky, knowledge poses,

Infinite questions answer oozes,

Answer sticky fluid characters,

Generate further queries sheer,

The span of a lifetime gone so smooth,

Question mind self answer truth,

Study book of knowledge, think,

Think intensely focused n blink,

Tons of notebooks answers ink,

Copious questions wait for pen link, (2)


Child question grandparent all,

Granny sleeps answering a call,

Mother first teacher answer kid,

Question tests answer intrepid,

Live sessions till young, a child,

School college friend reply mild,

Questions test student examine,

Replies all successful lot routine,

Minor medium secondary college,

University poses questions craze,

Degree diploma award excellent,

Copious question reply n correct, (3)


Adulthood a question life search,

Family conjugal state child lurch,

Corner each poses question cruel,

Tired of answers night dawn swell,

Job born out of question reply well,

Boss colleagues staff public cruel,

Fire harsh question if death knell,

Answer wisely guises truth clever,

Lies win bitter battle pleases ever,

Truth is bitter unpopular replies,

Suffer a humiliation pain precise,

World citizen local person notice,

Media people’s house, law police,

Fire copious questions no malice,

Open news each event problems,

Copious questions each inflames, (4)


Born on the soil itself question poses,

Birth certificate parent proposes,

Nation race caste creed a stamp,

Gender languages birth revamp,

Amazes demise death certificate,

Unknown home each will return,

The unsolved question is the destination.

No trespass prohibited territory,

God His faith holy book or story,

Touchpoints searching religion,

Copious questions, open prison! (5)






Tuesday, February 23, 2021





Human character amazing exhibit,

Sterling demeanor mischief inhibit,

Courage ingrain spirit ever upright,

Thwart evil nature quickly discreet,

Least surrender to temptation lust,

Truth in-breath n benevolent most,

Love kindness care selfless n pure,

Humble hard worker gentle nature,

Simple life courteous decent speak,

Peaceful calm mind patience meek,

Picture of character accommodative,

Rectify errors adjustable apologetic,

Incredible world image reflection lit,

Opposite characters replicate, befit,

Least humble arrogance incorrigible,

Presence inflict immense n horrible (1)


Lack, harmony nurture hatred relish,

Lack, generosity burn eagerly jealousy,

Lack knowledge content on ignorance,

Lack light of life live in darkness once,

Lack, trust for truth emit falsehood,

Lack of goodness lives wicked or rude,

Lack, faith in peace raise war, fight,

Lack, fearlessness fears revenge defeat,

Lack certainty determination uncertain,

Lack, faith exhibits doubt black curtain,

Lack order clear rehabilitate confusion,

Lack, victory on effort defeat is common,

Lack nobility evil nature’s den paradise,

Arrogant incorrigible repent nil precise, (2)


Surprise O’ human ever possible brood,

Evergreen leaf sprouts on burnt wood,

Ever, huge tree regenerates charred trunk,

Ever earthen pot fractured unites, junk,

Ever, earthen pot holds water porous lick,

Ever broken wooden bridge repairs neat,

Ever mango tree foliage fragrant jasmine,

Ever cactus turn banyan n rejects spine,

Ever, pig produce cow’s milk n nourishes,

Ever tiger carnivorous on grass flourishes,

Ever arrogant blind mind egoist ignorant,

Ever arrogance incorrigible pity constant, (3)


Behold humanity King’s court unrobed,

Unrobed queen’s robe in front n sobbed,

Sobbed modesty truth laughed arrogance,

Deprive brother’s right Mahabharat once,

Arrogant racism supremacy active today,

Arrogant belief be supreme or doomsday,

Arrogant erasers expansionist reckless,

Mankind fractured savage mind wrecks,

All will perish as dictator imperialist ego,

Arrogance incorrigible end truthful ago, (4)