Showing posts with label INFALLIBLE IMAGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INFALLIBLE IMAGE. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2021





Perplex reflections on water placid,

Lack image on surface water rapid,

An exact image of nature calm project,

Sky cloud sun moon ground object,

Mountain peak green forest animal,

Tranquil lake water mirror enthrall,

Reflections delude impressions real,

Projects a virtual world resemble all,

Glass window wall cover mirrors all,

Rain pools in road field nice recall,

Mimic feature exact pictures amaze,

Never deceive or err infallible image (1)


Mirror manifest image on reflection,

Behind glass pricks realm unknown,

Motions of objects images reciprocate,

Look towards mirror image face best,

Image exact copy of objects of surface,

Feel anger greed jealousy least trace,

Feel happy love kind humble within,

Image fails to replicate abstract thin,

Complex human mind Almighty fail,

Fails to fathom depths of heart detail,

Mirror fails to create an image within skins,

Infallible image project surface clean,

Image of forest hill on water eye, catch,

Animal creature resides, never match, (2)


Image impermanent through reflection,

Object moves or light fade image gone,

Human mind intelligent capture image,

Develop on photo chromatic plate stays,

Digital medium replicate image perfect,

Both are permanent feature stores best,

Digital media stores images are motion,

Cinema reel record sound print shown,

Multimedia audio video is reel n digital,

Image replicates picture motion noise,

Light sound pictures, all images poise,

Video multimedia, a true image of a story,

Infallible image content copies history,

Millions of copies of images create stored,

Digital images on the internet networked,

Images with voice text motion encrypt,

Lightening speed circumvent glob byte,

Image empire new age boundary-less,

Infallible image exacts Mars, impress, (3)


Infallible image let infallible intention,

Million films videos all manipulation,

Images play exact to intention design,

Manipulate truth to lies horrors sign,

Evil’s den new world, infallible image,

Pollute confuse or motivate devil says,

Intelligence use infallible image exact,

Self-defense is an infallible image telecast,

Reflection born infallible image feature,

Human intelligence shrewdest creature,

Nature gift benevolent humanity thrive,

Cruel mind acts never mankind survive. (4)