Tuesday, September 28, 2021






Feel citizen executes sacred service,

National duty responsible practice,

Serves as deserve job, honest spirit,

Income means sustenance in-spirit, (1)


Patriotism heart saves exhibit less,

Deserving compensations impress,

Spine-of-nation peasant toils hard,

Feel bountiful harvest land reward, (2)


Nation shares resources multifold,

Water, fertilizer, seed, skill behold,

Incentive energy market, benefit all,

Price control distribution nit recall, (3)


Debt relief finance handsome gifts,

Surplus grain output nation shifts,

Health education n family pension,

Insurance covers online n caution, (4)


Landless farmers, land ownership,

Reformations, transform lives trip,

The pride revenue tax relief exists,

Nation and people accept, persist, (5)


Decades post-independence labor,

Poor peasant label, nit past figure,

Bullock cart thatched roof picture,

Fast vanishing mud cottage sheer, (6)


Educated middle class enjoy sure,

Bigger-franchise democracy favor,

Peasant society united show lever,

Peasant idle nation feels insecure, (7)


Befitting right enjoy n uses might,

Negligence by authority cries fight,

Farmer strong, robust stands well,

Time shows change prospers hail, (viii)


Positive-sign nation depends, feel,

Harvest critical factor prices heal,

Generation wise profession prefer,

Farmer local leader village secure, (9)


Demand communication facilities,

Village acquire school all realities,

Health center skill program exists,

No more face migration nit resists, (10)


Ends story here farmer respectful,

Political ambitions n ransom tool,

Democracy need, peace hierarchy,

Discussion solve n hurts anarchy, (11)


Misguide ambition protest pretext,

Paralyzes nation baseless context,

Peoples right house of laws decide,

Sacred duty elect leader n preside, (12)


Implement demand act just, right,

Index fingers chose choices defeat,

Brut majority execute violence nit,

Protest halts nation rolling, defeat, (13)


Anger ego enmity threat, continue,

Anarchy crumple strength renew,

Nothing less than betrays treason,

Nation begs solution pays ransom, (14)


Nation lifestream, vibrant support,

Forfeit ransom demand to rapport,

Grievance democracy, nicely meet,

Patient, reject politics election treat. (15)

Monday, September 27, 2021





Experiences enable spirit, mature,

Cognition empowers links, nature,

Intense scrutiny peril necessitate,

Courage survival instinct, dictate, (1)


Conception weird ferocious tense,

Demonic lust discover fight sense,

Fragile limb general notion wrong,

Lion’s strength sprout kills strong, (2)


Supreme creations creator’s labor,

Feminine Creator symbolize sheer,

Root cause procreate universe nit,

Ignorant-human forget mother fit, (3)


Divine presence subtle girl define,

Human-race exist cognitive refine,

Month nine spirit rest, womb love,

Feed, life grows gratitude dissolve, (4)


Avatar sister wife daughter, guide,

Incapable single ego male preside,

Masculine, strong feeling male ego,

Cognitive error captures man logo, (5)


Bare nature resembles mother nit,

Enchant mind blinded lust defeat,

Grievous crime men commit, dies,

Unpardonable-offense male defies, (6)


Arrogant ego misguides truth defy,

Erroneous, feel divine wish signify,

Torments womanhood root, of land,

Cry helpless, own child quits stand, (7)


Watch mute deaf dumb react little,

Birth of son remember love, brittle,

Disbelief, human wisdom confine,

Imprison young women lose shine, (viii)


Deprive education skill knowledge,

Second-citizen fit slavery sacrilege,

Nation witness queen carries baby,

Horse mounted sword fights savvy, (9)


Fight against cannon colonial rule,

Most powerful armies retreat mule,

History shows woman leader lead,

Leadership nit billion people heed, (10)


Defeats aggressor nerves steel act,

Socks world arena surprises react,

Main factor independence struggle,

Inconspicuous women feel humble, (11)


Rapacious cognitive thought devil,

Sideline female strength face peril,

Buffalo strength n demonic image,

Lust for power pleasure, evil craze, (12)


Steal-glance of bare Mother Nature,

Motherland means same plunder,

Dictator, condemn motherhood ill,

Force her nit chained freedom kill, (14)


Autumn celebration mother object,

Kill oppressor brutally rules reject,

Annihilate own children dark soul,

Cognitive thought celebrates a goal. (15)


Significant, ancient mother sacred,

Equality freedom liberty loot afraid,

Death of male-dominances certain,

Resurrects motherland n ascertain.    (16)








Sunday, September 26, 2021





 Mysterious life challenge encounter,

Defeats obstacle successes endeavor,

Childhood troublesome find difficult,

Study well solve mathematics, effort, (1)


Memorize English history, geography,

Language challenges practice trophy,

Experiments with science theory all,

Inherent pleasure curiosity all recall, (2)


Burn lantern nightlong study lesson,

High school examination nit caution,

First division result remind pleasure,

Higher education success, hope sure, (3)


Perseverance patience exercise most,

Research accomplish degree, utmost,

Youth exemplary period rise desires,

Honor accomplishments lot inspires, (4)


Numberless-dreams hope, aspiration,

Rises life from dire poverty, devotion,

Borrow money on loan accrues most,

Anxious moments predate peace lost, (5)


Apply for jobs reply never receive toll,

Waits for day week months times roll,

Opportune moment arrive interviews,

Hours of scrutiny, answers lit reviews, (6)


Job for poor-student means survival,

Never estimate quality volumes total,

Work with files write, write and write,

Obey officers note, comply nit n fright, (7)


Nameless office clerk meager income,

Small-family with kid, wife, awesome,

Manages mediocre life smaller house,

Story of grocery vegetable cloth rouse, (viii)


Rouse, make no mistake, prices rise,

Small home crumples loans terrorize,

Kid, read succeed exam study higher,

Result-extraordinary competitive lure, (9)


Day of reckoning arrives award greet,

Great-post, associate honor lives treat,

Servant bungalow car driver life best,

Affluence creep nicely, ego lives crest, (10)


Retired life small pension live, modest,

Listen to praise people narrate, waste,

Applauds high profile child’s elegance,

Parent in silence somber countenance, (11)


Ask me not I hesitate, complexities lie,

Parent, once visited kid surprises, sigh,

Questions parent about kid teary look,

Fail to guess sorrow repeat hurt hook, (12)


Father replies, kid introduced friends,

Evade address parent say rustic ends,

Hurt humiliated parents return socks,

Silent-heart never exposes fear mocks, (13)


Deep wounds poor-parent little expose,

Astonishes returned melancholy owes,

Hypnotizes realm cast dreams advance,

Ink tragic story in somber countenance… (14)










Saturday, September 25, 2021






Inexhaustible energy shapes dream,

Rome never built in a day effort win,

Endless contemplations accrue well,

Idea solidify timeless qualities dwell, (1)


Huge country people contribute like,

Plurality-of-life manifest values hike,

Decades pass witness disunity most,

Sectarian attitude foment hates cost, (2)


Selfish motives hideous exploit, trust,

Innocent people get trapped, distrust,

Casteism ancient pungent acts hurt,

Vice prejudices pollute practices rot, (3)


Controversy divine path disarray nit,

Thousand paths destination one wit,

Forget innocent people yet righteous,

Betray simple belief net-mischievous, (4)


Corruption corrode social lives, total,

Fragmentation inevitable leads, fatal,

Great enlightened soul, soil discover,

Heart golden vision, cast long future, (5)


Travel length n breadth, the country,

Learn well from poor freedom sentry,

Perfect picture panoramic lives incur,

Pearl of wisdom transcend n recover, (6)


Cure animosities long illness decent,

Flow smooth leadership acts lenient,

Crumble concrete walls unite people,

One address to nation inflame ripple, (7)


Quit sacred soil reject foreign salt all,

Adopt million hearts instantly install,

Centuries-old subjugation mist fades,

Light of freedom torch burns invades, (viii)


Vast-country witness death-imprison,

Turmoil torturous, treachery caution,

Imperialism ends Dark Tunnel bright,

Symphony, of independence nit sight, (9)


Unfurl national flag dream revelation,

United ancient culture, end kingdom,

Permanent dissolution reign override,

Freedoms, single people races joyride, (10)


Heartening news, midnight broadcast,

National flag rise free flutters on-mast,

Jubilations nascent scintillate spread,

Taste newborn free lives trust pervade, (11)


Shock billion heart cruel news follows,

Brutal act, kill father-of-nation sorrows,

Billion-tears merge to acrimony-ocean,

Brainwashed youth commit fire frown,  (12)


Premature criticism, poison youth net,

Heinous crime against the people bet,

Shot father of nation, stillbirth action,

Great, national loss irks manifestation, (13)


Independence Day bring thought well,

Premature criticisms stalk youth hell,

Intemperate decisions still visible fire,

Burns nation kill people innocent ire, (14)


Silent billion-heart tearful unite, land,

No premature criticisms, understand.

Dedicate life surrender serve freedom,

Premature resilience deceives awesome. (15)