Thursday, December 29, 2022





Crying in laughter on the shore of time,

That flows timeless, misunderstood,

Found time stays temporal seems eons,

Plundered pleasures that limbs sought,

Love feminine beauty bare glowing.

Bright, shining, ornate gold jewelry,

Immaculately dressed, gorgeous cloth,

Steals glances an embroidery if absurd,

Talked with her, her presence infectious,

The look, shifting eyes, tilting face, rings,

The eyes lashed hooked tentacles heart,

Lost my mind pilgrim surround dunes,

I passed moments passionately dreaming,

Let not unbelievable angel bid adieus,

Stays near me, I watch slipping saree,

Redecorate once again if desired falling,

Rebellious, her strand of black hair,

Covers her right eye, part of her face,

Lost in thought, a full moon in clouds,

Observing minutely, a thirsty heart,

Push back the strands again flashed light,

The eyes matching eyes hypnotize,

Wrinkles in cheeks smile hinting,

Lost as if a mirage conflicts state,

She loves or probing unknown,

Interactions if friendly guessing,

Her picture a picturesque immobilized,

Stood transfixed, listened to her,

Little penetrated into mind lost,

Still searched her demeanor captivated,

Her hand, bangles, gold chain, purse,

Tiny feet, her shoes, finger rings, unique,

Eloquence, urban aristocracy, slang,

Drummed, not musical forgot me,

Why am I here, who she is, any of a talk?

Any business with her where is a place,

What is the day, time, forgotten path,

Stumbled at her sight, dashed slightly,

She turned back, looking at me, asking,

No answer, mute speechless, just looked,

Slipped polite words forgive me,

She heard node slightly smiled all right,

I collected her purse from the ground,

Saw a mobile in her hand costly,

A few seconds seemed a century absurd,

I had to catch my train right time,

Announce  that broke the situation,

Quickly I had to move to catch the train,

Why defied my routine lied,

Continued gossip with her discussed,

Failed, miserable, she left hastily soon,

I missed the train, felt blank ashamed,

Why, why I stood unmoved engrossed,

Never knew her, her name, place in the dark,

Opaque her identity, a co-passenger,

She caught her train, I failed bitter,

Back home, sat alone, preferred silence,

An unknown lady this heart defied openly,

The question I posed to me, mysterious,

Still haunting the reason, Oh' men,

A man rises high and high in life,

Baffles beauty of female, entangled, sigh,

Defy time, purpose, routine, job,

Knows electric shock split second, throb,

The sight vanishes instantly, bells rectify,

Absurd, pleasing seconds heart defy.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Defy

Theme: Surprises male heat defies

Date: 29th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





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