Saturday, December 24, 2022





Almost fatal, an accident collapsed,

Unconscious got senses hours after,

Injured skull sutured, lay bedridden,

Thinking my life on tenterhooks dim,

Wee hours look at the wall clock ticking,

Had doubt meet morn contemplating,

Oscillated life for weeks recovered today,

Liked my life begotten back memories,

Lost everything for a year, and so mostly,

Today pens my infinite trust touch holy,

Gave life once more writes poems a lot,

Sings mysterious intention Lord promote,

Love you always little encounter happened,

Feel as my breath motion continues,

Alert  or deep sleep, every breath is a gift,

Know Lord the goes out never come back,

Unless you wish gracefully for me,

Love never measured in my life as intense,

Look at the stony idol silent playing flute,

This flute, my Lord, my spine seven spots,

Top opens to your lips, primordial song,

Each center of mine energizes speech do differ,

Sing for wealth, prosperity, then physical love,

The fire burns to digest, assimilate energy,

Accelerated the place, love or hatred,

Peace or anger attenuates thoughts evenly,

Fewer thoughts in mind, seemingly tranquil sea,

Fail to fathom depth failed miserably,

Hidden jewels love compassion, kindness,

Hidden ego, envy, anger, evil invisible,

Captures mind life capitulates clueless,

Find upper strata place for solace calm state,

Urges soul devout to meet the supreme,

Knows life is a river pristine search ocean,

Meet once merges lose existence soon.

Rise above consciousness abode of the soul,

Look up continuously, unblinking as a goal,

Unaware of deeds of mind inclination hope,

Stays impassionate unattached search scope,

Knows at the top, your presence overwhelms,

Surge to merge the thin wall in the veil is doubt,

Your play is so good, a doubt plays lifelong,

The last breath life remembers you cruel song,

Failed in the end to follow a goal in life,

Waylaid mind wayward, seldom introspective,

Learned after revival new life focused,

Ends my story, dear child, please, listen to it,

Read your letter frightening depressed,

Lost all hope for future think to calumniate,

Punish your tender frame confined to a room,

Forget lunch, dinner, breakfast, gloom,

Chose a dark room fearful of light people,

Hidden within self-made prison suffer,

Know dear, ultimate consequence quits,

Wrong, totally wrong, denial of Jesus' wish,

Ocean-of-compassion arriving, dear wake up,

Look, the star shining inspires sufferers,

Heal His presence instantly finds life loved,

Infinite love Jesus' presence, dear, hug,

Feel his warmth in every fiber tissue,

Disappears quickly painful your issue,

Dark every night ends rises glorious sun,

Darkness is depression kills divine soften,

Spouts green leaves out of deadwood feel,

Once I felt the same way dying, living healed,

That happened for me truly equal Lord,

Trust my words, dear love Jesus, rests absurd!




Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Uplift (Fiction)

Theme: A life Lord decides not mind

Date: 24th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



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