Wednesday, December 21, 2022





Flows life, human experiences,

A woman in society family,

The sweetener of life and beautiful,

Beauty never means her skin only,

Expression of her life, poetic softness,

The immensity of love, compassion,

Infinite care, endless service extends,

Oasis in the dreary desert of life appears,

blistering hot sand dunes life on a test,

Finds a traveler solace at an oasis,

Satiate thirsty heart fountain in front,

Reality image of a woman, encounter,

Parched lips get wet, and she offers water,

Smile at times for a few turns mirage,

Throngs heart for companionship a lot,

Misses by a whisker the soft hands for life,

Thorn becomes her memory living hurt,

I have seen such an elegant lady, speechless,

Obscure remote village rich was landlady,

Palatial mansion  century old crowded,

She had twelve sons given birth in life,

Unfortunately, an age six children perished,

Unknown fever untreated suffered,

One-by-one left the world, mother unhappy,

Lost her husband at an early age,

Life loomed as if that desert sand ended,

Rest six sons grew in time strong,

And stout, bold, adventurous traveler,

Found mother's infinite care and love,

Lived to meet family life wealthy happy,

Children plenty in the family, growing,

Time flows serenely forgotten sadly past,

The woman I saw, an icon for a large family,

Sons, grandsons, and granddaughters grew,

Their mothers included fifty family members,

Head of the family the landlady worshipped,

Charisma and compassion help farmers,

Fast gained as a folklore goddess,

Adored undisputedly admired her soft heart,

Shower gift to weeping eyes brings smiles,

Sons were happy, so the daughter in laws,

Children, the grandkids explicitly in love,

Octogenarian touching a hundred years,

Raised the sandstorm life in the desert,

Monstrous, the cloud of sand continued,

A decade passed, her six sons passed away,

Still alive, the mistress of destiny,

Surprised the village people disbelieve,

Agile, functional, understood time,

Silent, sober, pious by now confined,

People enter the room, touch her feet,

Quietly escape out of the room,

Surprised her twelve sons, her husband gone,

Life flowing through her, surprising all,

Started queue of six widows one by one,

All departed  in a few years it happened,

Eldest grandson, master of the house,

The century-old lady, still living fine,

Today invited to the eleventh day of the rite,

The demise of  the eldest grandson, a ceremony,

Villagers are offered food, delicious plates,

Few are meeting the lady to bow,

She came in a wheelchair to out,

Asked before the crowd if tasteful food,

Next was her request for sweets,

She was relishing her plate lavishly,

Astonished spellbound onlookers were,

An unwanted life stays forget the death,

Enjoys sweetmeat after grandson's death,

Life in her adherences bewildered all,

Death around her taking all duly,

Unwanted soul death never liked to touch... 



 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Unwanted (Fiction)

Themes: life outlasts longevity if a curse

Date: 21st December 2022, Cuttack

Picture: Courtesy Google

@ Copywrite



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